toldailytopic: Why did God create animals?


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Why did God create animals?

Why did God create animals?

to see what liberals would do with them

Real Sorceror

New member
The study of the animal kingdom and life in general is one of the most interesting and rewarding pursuits a human can engage in. You can make a career out of it, spend your whole life studying it, and still be surprised by its wonders every day.

The only "reason" I can see for animals to exist is simply knowledge and beauty for the sake of knowledge and beauty. They are not toys for me to play with, but creatures to be respected and learned from. Most of them cannot be tamed or eaten. They exist to propagate themselves, not to please or sustain us.


Well-known member
A good point. :D Lets say as man keeps expanding it's cities and certain species go extinct. Should mankind make effort to not allow this to happen? A great deal of time, effort, and money was put forth to save the California Condor for extinction. In 1987 the remaining 27 wild California Condors were captured and placed in the Los Angeles and San Diego zoos. A captive breeding program was instituted and in 1991 the new young condors were released into the wild. As of today there are 394 California Condors with 181 in the wild. This conservation program was the most expensive conservation program ever. Was this the right thing to do?
It's one thing for an animal to go extinct naturally, it's another for humanity to cause something to go extinct for our own convenience. We're destroying part of God's living canvas. Is it right to annihilate something God gave us?

As to the money, it shouldn't have had to have been spent in the first place. People shouldn't have caused the condors to get into such bad shape. It's rare that preserving human life demands that we cause a species to go extinct, most extinction is caused by greed.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
God allowed the dinosaurs to go extinct ...
After the fall and death entered the world, then God allowed people to eat animals and even chose their sacrifice as a foreshadow to his future sacrifice of his own son...

I think pre-the fall ... it's quite possible that God had a totally different environment for men and animals and ideas about life ... but once death entered the world and all living things died anyway ... then the short mortal life may not have been as big a deal as the promised eternal life that is yet to come.

Me... I'm counting on animals being in heaven ... and I even pray over road kill. I know that little dead creature was a mother's baby ... or a mom or dad of little ones. I'd say stop eating meat, but our economy is already in enough trouble.

And it does taste good.
Be VERY careful when anthropomorphizing (assigning human qualities to something) animals. Animals are not human. They do not poses human emotions and do not respond to human emotions the why humans do. Thinking they are as human as we are gets people killed.

For instance, if you treat a horse as cute, fuzzy, loving snugly little friend adds are good you will end up with a horse so dangerous to humans that it will have to be but down. On the other hand, if you treat that horse like a horse and discipline it as needed (including smacking it as hard as you can at appropreate times) you can have a horse that is friendly towards people and will take you wherever you ask it to go.

some other dude

New member
Things humans do are not necessarily "natural". Do you think firearms and lead bullets are "natural"?

Firearms and lead bullets are two ways in which humans have used things in their environment to better their chances for survival.

Is this not necessarily natural?


How about this?



Well-known member
Be VERY careful when anthropomorphizing (assigning human qualities to something) animals. Animals are not human. They do not poses human emotions and do not respond to human emotions the why humans do. Thinking they are as human as we are gets people killed.
Lets not pretend that animals are mindless feelingless robots either. Some have more emotional life than others and should be treated accordingly.

You shouldn't spoil your pets anymore than you should spoil your children. I've no problem eating animals provided they are raised and killed humanely. I don't always have that choice but I prefer it. Often the milk eggs and meat produced is healthier anyway.


Well-known member
Firearms and lead bullets are two ways in which humans have used things in their environment to better their chances for survival.
Extremely few people *currently* need lead bullets or firearms for *survival*. We know that lead is toxic and can make bullets not made of lead, it's simply more expensive to use non-lead bullets.

We are far more intelligent than animals and we don't need to wipe out species. None of the photos you showed involve wiping out large numbers of other life forms (not to mention killing each other) like firearms.

You're honestly trying to argue everything humans do us natural and therefore good? Did you forget about sin? Or do you think it's impossible for humans to sin in dealing with animals and nature?

some other dude

New member
You're honestly trying to argue everything humans do us natural and therefore good?

No, I'm trying to argue that humans are natural and that we are a natural part of the environment. Whether our actions are "good" or not is immaterial.

Are fire ants "good" when they strip an area?


Is drought "good"? Flooding?