toldailytopic: Who was Jesus?


Well-known member
Jesus has been identified as the promised savior of the world sent by God unto mankind. Whether people accept this or not does not interfere with the answer to your question, for even they understand that believers accept him as such.

For those who do accept God's word as truth, then here is what it says:
Isaiah 43:11
I,(God), even I am, the LORD (the God of Israel) and beside ME (the LORD God of Israel) there is no savior.

God tells us plainly in Isaiah 43:11 that HE came into the world manifested with visible flesh as the only true savior of mankind. This substantiates John 1:1,2,3... And WORD was with God and WAS GOD ... and the WORD, who was God, came into the world, but the world knew him not.


New member
We don't really know. We have some stories about a specific person, but the stories are really intended more to teach us about a theological ideal rather than to define a person for us. And yet people over the centuries have felt that they did get at least get a glimpse of this person called Jesus, through some of the details in his story. And I agree there are some details in the Bible stories that give me the sense of a real personality having existed behind all the iconic religious characterizations.

It's sure an interesting question. If I had a time machine I would certainly like to find and meet the man that seems to have instigated a whole new way of conceptualizing "God" and mankind's relation to the Divine Mystery.

You don't need a time machine, just a mustard seed.
Just a thoughtful question, Brother......."stories"? I don't know, that word has a tendency to imply something unreal and unbelievers pick up on that. Worse, believers pick up on it and suddenly they're questioning God's ability to create as He said He did, etc. Scripture is not a compilation of theological ideal but rather God's very word. If we're in for a penny, should we not be in for a pound?....what's the point otherwise?


New member
Something like this. I would imagine there was a man who existed at the time who was inspiration for later Christians. But was he the Jesus people love and worship today? No. That guy is a myth.

I would be happy to share with you the things that Yeshua has done for me; the times He has carried me when I couldn't walk by myself; the places He has delivered me from; the emptiness He has filled; the dreams He has given me and the hope I cling to. Myths don't accomplish that.


New member
A timely question.

Matthew 16
15 Then he asked them, "Who do you say I am?" 16 Simon Peter answered, "You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God." 17 Jesus replied, "You are blessed, Simon son of John, because my Father in heaven has revealed this to you. You did not learn this from any human being.


Jesus is the (only begotten) Son of God, the exact representation of God in human form. He is a King, a Prophet, a (High) Priest. He is the Christ meaning Messiah. He is the Anointed One of God. He is God's Servant. He is the Lamb of God and the (Chief) Shepherd. Our Savior and our Lord.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
A timely question.

Matthew 16
15 Then he asked them, "Who do you say I am?" 16 Simon Peter answered, "You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God." 17 Jesus replied, "You are blessed, Simon son of John, because my Father in heaven has revealed this to you. You did not learn this from any human being.

Various groups, cults, Christians differ as to what Son of God means. The biblical understanding is Deity, equality with the Father as the triune God (not a subordinate being, etc.).


Well-known member
Various groups, cults, Christians differ as to what Son of God means. The biblical understanding is Deity, equality with the Father as the triune God (not a subordinate being, etc.).

Surrender can read truth, you should also. Jesus never said he was God. Jesus tells you that there is only one true God, his father.
Believe him.


Surrender can read truth, you should also. Jesus never said he was God. Jesus tells you that there is only one true God, his father.
Believe him.
Jesus' Father, God, is our heavenly Father as well. But none of us is the only begotten Son of God as Jesus is. If we have been saved by the blood of Christ and the Holy Spirit dwells in us, we know according to scripture that we are sons of God by adoption.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Surrender can read truth, you should also. Jesus never said he was God. Jesus tells you that there is only one true God, his father.
Believe him.

Jesus did claim to be God. He let people call Him God. Like the Pharisees, you reject this claim (but at least they understood Jewish Jesus and wanted to stone Him for claiming to be God...Jesus did not correct them).

Jn. 1:1; Jn. 8:58; Jn. 5:18; Jn. 10:30-33; Jn. 20:28, etc.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
A few housekeeping items:

As a reminder, instant e-mail notification is inop. Ongoing dialogues are less likely with the new format. I view 'new posts' and respond to the current goings-on.

Why on earth would you want to fill an e-mail account with notices about posts when you can just read the posts?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I think "inop" means inoperative.

Right, I get that.
I used to have the e-mail notifications turned on and I had an e-mail account with thousands of e-mails, tens of thousands of e-mails, one for every time someone posted a reply to a thread I was subscribed to.
I didn't get why anyone would want to do that to a poor little e-mail account unless you were subscribed to one thread at some slow, obscure site where you were going to wait a week to get a response and got tired of going to the site to look.


New member
Jesus was/is God incarnate, and so are we all. He was a teacher of this truth. Mystics know this directly; they don't need to reference a self-validating text.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Isaiah would agree, considering the paragraph is his words :)

Jesus quoted them too, if that helps you any with your lost problem...

He certainly thought it belongs, sorry you disagree with him and sought after your own judgement instead.

jerm :cool:
This is exactly what you are doing. You interpret out of context and when someone tries to offer help, you get angry and have to give them a negative.

That is silly for you to react so vehemently; maybe you just cannot stand the idea that someone has a deeper understanding of scripture? Many do, as for many, it is their calling.

Many of your ideas are not Christian theology.


"The doctrine of God/Christology, we agree on..."
Your Jesus is not the Jesus of scripture (Jn 1:1, Heb 4:15).

"All of the Gnostics in the early church propounded the first heresy that He emptied Himself of His deity..." Full text: Phil 2:7 J. Vernon McGee

Understand the spirit of antichrist (1 Jn 4:2-6).


The Jesus test, the gospel test, and the fruit test

"The debate about hamartiology/impeccability of Christ, we disagree about. The former is salvific, the latter is not."
Christ died for our sins and rose again (1 Cor 15:3). Jesus' sinlessness is essential Christian doctrine (Heb 4:15).

"…[T]here must be added to those conditions the inner and always unforced "yes" or "no" by which the person responds to the situation..." Full text

Sin entered into the world by Adam (Ge 3:6,7; Ro 5:12). All men are conceived and born in sin (Ge 5:3; Job 15:14; 25:4; Ps 51:5). All men are shaped in sin (Ps 51:5). Scripture concludes all under sin (Ga 3:22). No man is without sin (1 Ki 8:46; Ec 7:20). Christ alone was without sin (2 Co 5:21; Heb 4:15; 7:26; 1 Jn 3:5).


Could Jesus have sinned (peccability or impeccability)? If Jesus could not have sinned, what was the point of the temptation?



New member
This is exactly what you are doing. You interpret out of context and when someone tries to offer help, you get angry and have to give them a negative.

That is silly for you to react so vehemently; maybe you just cannot stand the idea that someone has a deeper understanding of scripture? Many do, as for many, it is their calling.

Many of your ideas are not Christian theology.

the context is Jesus directly quoting the same Isaiah passage I did you twit, a real "deeper understanding" there....

you can keep your condemnation and ignorance of scripture to yourself (what you are calling help), for what you have said of me you have said of Jesus, had you been correct you wouldn't have gotten the neg rep, so quit your wining.

You have a problem with my ideas address them with scripture and show the error like I did yours, if there is any Love in you for me, making vague statements helps no-one, originally you said come into the light, yet you have none to shine here?

keep shinin

jerm :cool:
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Jesus was/is God incarnate, and so are we all. He was a teacher of this truth. Mystics know this directly; they don't need to reference a self-validating text.
Do you see the difference between Jesus being the only begotten Son of God and believers in Jesus as the Christ being adopted sons of God?