toldailytopic: Who is the greatest comic book super hero of all-time?


New member
I don't dispute it! I viciously, vehemently deny it with a baseball bat festooned with rusty nails! Dipped in flaming tar! :sozo2:

:shocked: :cry: :granite: :comeout:

It isn't that they aren't super, it's that they aren't heroes.

The comic certainly does scrutinise the concept of heroism quite closely and rejects it to a large extent. But at the same time, you then have to ask whether any superheroes could really be considered heroes, for the reasons explored by Watchmen.


Well-known member
Zippy the pin head. No contest.


One Eyed Jack

New member
I was into Conan big time, but I never really considered him a super-hero. Then again, he was a match for Captain America in an issue of What If?.

Nick M

Born that men no longer die
Hall of Fame
Superman fans should read that conspiracy guy's novel, The Book of Lies. Brad Meltzer I think is his name.