I like him. Another right wing Christian, so no real departure, but a good egg and a fine choice.
I think fool would be the bolder choice and another good one. He has a sense of humor and no real enemies here that I'm aware of. And I don't think you have to be a Christian to understand and enforce the rules, that he'd be less inclined than most to jump the gun. Most of the suggestions have been good ones, though most would be polarizing on some level.
I'd be great

D) but too divisive among a certain segment of the membership. And, worse, I wouldn't do it.

I think the best job here is being a member. I like that freedom.
Anna would be great, I think a bit like cattyfan, but there's no way she'd say yes and I think she stays busy enough at any rate.
SD would spend too much of her time trying to track down IPs.
Psalmist would clog the machinery with graphics laced infractions.
SoJ would actually be terrific...shoot. :mmph: Unless he tried to lace his duties with humor. Then there could be trouble.
Bybee would leave the place covered in the blood of trolls, but then who would we talk about? :think:
zoo...I'd support him, but he'd probably ban me. :noid: He thinks he's been cleverly setting that up but I'm onto him (thanks SD).
I was going to say Buzzword, but he left me off his list so nuts to him and he'd better hope I never am a moderator.
Stripe...given his judgment on the fair/right business I don't think I could trust him to be either, so that's another nope.
Rusha is an atheist and if fool can't get around that no one from that camp can, though I think she'd be a good one.
Vaq and Granite...yikes. In the end there could be only one and I think we need both.
IK would be a great pick. She already got most of it. I think she's picked up the rest AND it would make Sod pass out, given his conduct since.
That's gold. :chuckle:
Who am I leaving out? Oh, yeah, TomO, Light, AB and Tam.
Well then...

lain: :rotfl:
There go those votes. :rip: