toldailytopic: What steps should government take to help prevent terror attacks such


New member
*wonder how many posters would be comfortable addressing what group is responsible for terrorist acts -
(you cannot completely disable a philosophy- but you can contain it, and not allow it to have a home in the U.S.)
* on the theme of swift justice, the same crowd that opposes the death penalty would also oppose the execution of terrorists.
(automatic death penalty for any act of terrorism, why
they commit the act, not that much of a concern as to
how they will be held accountable, and not in a civilian
courtroom. The Constitution is not a suicide pact.)
*Institute a moratorium on immigration, until stricter background checks are instituted.:banned:
*Institute Eisenhower's Deportation program
*As far as newly arrived immigrants - no social welfare programs for a period of 5 yrs. If you do not have a sponsor and a job waiting for you, you will not be allowed entrance. :cry: to harsh too bad.
*Repeal the Anchor baby clause, misuse of the 14th Amendment.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
You're serious about that?

One world wide warning is issued first. One. The next terrorist attack by muslims against any American anywhere in the world and Mecca is wiped off the face of the earth. Next terrorist attack, Riyadh ceases to exist. The Sudan, and so on and so forth. In reality, they stop after Riyadh.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
There is only one answer and in America it could only be implemented state by state in a fell swoop...disarm the people and instate martial law

I know you are a space cadet, so the topic is preventing terrorism, not increasing state sponsored terrorism.

This Charming Manc

Well-known member
amoral, illegal and unjust. it would make america the pariah of the world in 24 hours.

But you know that even you aren't that idiotic Nick,

One world wide warning is issued first. One. The next terrorist attack by muslims against any American anywhere in the world and Mecca is wiped off the face of the earth. Next terrorist attack, Riyadh ceases to exist. The Sudan, and so on and so forth. In reality, they stop after Riyadh.


New member
One world wide warning is issued first. One. The next terrorist attack by muslims against any American anywhere in the world and Mecca is wiped off the face of the earth. Next terrorist attack, Riyadh ceases to exist. The Sudan, and so on and so forth. In reality, they stop after Riyadh.

This is the most idiotic thing I have ever seen you post, Nick, and the hurdle is a high one ...

It's a great plan: to stop terrorism turn America into an UberTerrorist nation of the biggest mass murderers the world has ever seen.

Brilliant idea. :(


Well-known member
The TOPIC OF THE DAY for May 2nd, 2013 05:00 AM

toldailytopic: What steps should government take to help prevent terror attacks such as the Boston Marathon bombing?

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One thing would be to expel illegal aliens.

Keep Muslims out of the United States.

We have no reason to have to allow non Christians to immigrate here.

Yes, we have freedom of religion here, but the Muslims countries that the Muslims come from is the perfect place for Muslims to practice their religion. Why come here?

Realize that the Muslim religion wants to take over the world by hook or crook, that violence is acceptable in Islam, therefore Muslims by religion are intolerant. They therefore do not believe in freedom of religion.

They do not hold American/Constitutional ideals and therefore are unacceptable.

Make sure the 2nd Amendment is the law of the land.

Gun control is a misnomer, it is freedom control and the willful oppression of law abiding citizens.



New member
Keep Muslims out of the United States.

We have no reason to have to allow non Christians to immigrate here.

Yes, we have freedom of religion here, but the Muslims countries that the Muslims come from is the perfect place for Muslims to practice their religion. Why come here?

They do not hold American/Constitutional ideals and therefore are unacceptable.

Interesting to see that you are willing to abandon the constitution in order to bias the government against people you think don't like constitutional values.

Do you see the irony there?


Should you be expelled since you don't value the freedom of religion the constitution requires?


New member
Hall of Fame
One world wide warning is issued first. One. The next terrorist attack by muslims against any American anywhere in the world and Mecca is wiped off the face of the earth. Next terrorist attack, Riyadh ceases to exist. The Sudan, and so on and so forth. In reality, they stop after Riyadh.

So your solution is to start World War III. This is idiotic, depraved, and harebrained even by your standards, and you've come up with some real whoppers.


Well-known member

The UK has a lot of experience of coping with terrorism in sane and measured ways which didn't do the terrorists' job for them. If you want to close down cities and terrify everyone every time some nutter wants to get some attention, then carry on. You seem to be the experts.

But staying calm and carrying on has a lot going for it to show terrorists that they are not driving the agenda.

I live in Israel.

It is not easy dealing with terrorism, while maintaining a democratic society and protecting the rights of minorities- but it is doable.

There are things taken for granted here that I suspect wouldn't go over very well in the US. Like going through a metal detector when you walk into a shopping mall.

Staying calm and going about your business is critical.


New member
Hall of Fame
Most people don't realize how strict gun control was in the old west and how rare violence in those towns actually was. But hey, who's gonna argue with the Duke and Gary Cooper?

You dont know very much about the old west and the gold rushes and the crime there did you.


New member
Hall of Fame
Yea lets kill them! Delmar where are you Bud? infraction needed for non-angels death threats! well you know your place don't you little company boy Delmar?

Mecca is a big black rock. Who did i threaten to kill? Does deporting people kill them now?