toldailytopic: What opinion do you hold that would surprise others?

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What Nick doesn't realize is that anyone from the outside looking in would never for a second want a drop of what he has. If that's what being a Christian means, why would anyone be interested?


If Christians should be like Nick, I would drop Christianity in a second.


TOL Subscriber
I believe that if you truly are seeking the creator God and wish to be with Him eternally He will accept you with open arms, no matter what other bizarre theology you might hold.

In other words... I don't think people will be sent to hell on technicalities.
So if I don't believe that Jesus Christ died for my sins and that He was buried and rose again on the third day I can still be saved?


Well-known member
So if I don't believe that Jesus Christ died for my sins and that He was buried and rose again on the third day I can still be saved?
I believe that you're responsible for what you hear. If you've been offered His salvation, and turned it down, you may just be lost. Only God knows men's hearts, and whether they belong in His Kingdom or not. A man can know, himself, by knowing The Lord; but the lost don't know they're lost, and no one knows whether someone else is saved or lost, except by the words they speak and by faith.


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I believe that God created a visible presence (a literal image) for his personal use in order to appear within His creation and even among mankind (Exodus 24:9-12). The name of that image is LORD (Exodus 6:3; Exodus 34:5-6).

This image appeared in the OT as a super-natural presence named the LORD God ... but appeared again for His use in the NT days as our savior (Colossians 1:14-15; Isaiah 43:11).

It seems that most of the time, when I express these scriptures and my blief, they bring shock to many people - believers or not.


Well-known member
I believe that God created a visible presence (a literal image) for his personal use in order to appear within His creation and even among mankind (Exodus 24:9-12). The name of that image is LORD (Exodus 6:3; Exodus 34:5-6).

This image appeared in the OT as a super-natural presence named the LORD God ... but appeared again for His use in the NT days as our savior (Colossians 1:14-15; Isaiah 43:11).

It seems that most of the time, when I express these scriptures and my blief, they bring shock to many people - believers or not.
I believe that you're 100% correct. :thumb:


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The TOPIC OF THE DAY for May 12th, 2010 10:43 AM

toldailytopic: What opinion do you hold that would surprise others?

Take the topic above and run with it! Slice it, dice it, give us your general thoughts about it. Everyday there will be a new TOL Topic of the Day.
If you want to make suggestions for the Topic of the Day send a Tweet to @toldailytopic or @theologyonline or send it to us via Facebook.

First, I admit that I nor anyone else on TOL knows enough about our God. I have a hard time retaining the knowledge that I have because of age and pain pills. I wish I had the ability to retain the info I have so I can give it to others. I do not expect all to agree with me, especially die hard traditionalsts. I also wish I could spell and type better.
Who knows, maybe some will see the love I have for my God and his son that they might be better Christians. For many years I thought the Jesus was my god. I know he is my Lord only because his Father made him so. So I believe with all my heart to follow Jesus and worship his Father. In doing so I ask for the power to love all, thoes who agree with me and thoes who don't. So far I have been given that power. Let us share together the knowledge we have been given in a spirit of openess.
Love and Peace to ALL


Well-known member
I agree with your interpretation, although most people wouldn't be shocked by it, IMHO. I've often thought of Jesus as a puppet on God's Hand (being called The Right Hand of God) and the puppet representing the 'flesh suit' that God put on, for our sakes. He, Alone, is 100% God, 100% Man, 100% Spirit.


Well-known member
I agree with your interpretation, although most people wouldn't be shocked by it, IMHO. I've often thought of Jesus as a puppet on God's Hand (being called The Right Hand of God) and the puppet representing the 'flesh suit' that God put on, for our sakes. He, Alone, is 100% God, 100% Man, 100% Spirit.

Hi Aimiel,
I'm glad to see that you agree with the scriptures; however, I've had to often defend them as the truth on TOL and several other theology forums. Thank you for voicing your agreement publicly.

I like your comment about the HAND OF GOD. Here is how I see things working together.
When considering the foreshadowing of this descriptive language... I would consider that it shows:

The Christ was the divine ARM, who reached down into the creation, that was meant to deliver the divine HAND. The HAND is the Spirit of salvation, which was given to us and now in us in order to hold us unto the kingdom of our LORD.

Now the Christ - our Lord Jesus, sits at the RIGHT HAND of the Father -The LORD. Two lordly images are sitting on thrones side by side representing our ONE God as both our LORD and Savior. (Isaiah 43:11) All things were created BY HIM and FOR HIM. This is why the Most High God said this in Ps 82: "Arise, O God, judge the earth, and inherit the nations.
IOW, God was speaking to himself ... and about himself as our Risen Lord / Savior.

I'm glad that you were not shocked.
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