toldailytopic: What issues are you most dogmatic about?

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Two questions drive all of my theological dogma:

Who is God?
Who is Jesus Christ?


Amen to sound theology. I would concur, especially the Deity and resurrection of Christ. I am dogmatic on moral issues that are biblical, as well.

I am dogmatic (less so) on peripheral issues such as classical Pentecostalism, Open Theism, Mac vs Microsoft, etc.


Well-known member
Some people are so warm and cozy with sin... Let's see, God said something like this:
Oh if you were hot or cold then I could use you ... but because you are luke-warm I will spew you out of my mouth.

Regarding scripture:
My mind is set on the truth that Jesus Christ was and is God and LORD, who manifested himself as the savior - as promised in Isaiah 43:11.

john w

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1. The purity of the gospel of Christ.
2. The purity of the word of God.
3. The ability of people to be very reasonable, rational when discussing things of the "physical world," but their tendency to take a "space walk," "log in and go insane," when discuussing matters of the spiritual realm.
4. Chicks, because they dig me, and I dig them.
5. Why people take this physical world so seriously.

All to the glory of God....


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Sermon on the Mount
anti-Federal Reserve
Free, unregulated markets
pro-voluntaryism and individualism, anti-coercion and collectivism
Hakuna Matata (i.e., not getting all worked up about stupid stuff)


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If by "dogmatic about" you mean "unwilling to compromise regarding", then I have just one.

1) The fact that no issues are worth being dogmatic about toward other people in the long run.

I was going to say basically the same thing. Not being dogmatic is what I'm dogmatic about. At least when it comes to theology.

When it comes to other matters, abortion might be a dogmatic position for me.

I saw Newman mentioned anti-Fed. That is another good one.


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Must I bother you with the same question he did not answer?

It's not that you must, but you will.

I assume the question is if that is God's position? And to that I answer, :idunno: I believe so. I hope so.


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It's not that you must, but you will.

I assume the question is if that is God's position? And to that I answer, :idunno: I believe so. I hope so.

K... are you serious? You don't think God is dogmatic about the Gospel? You don't think God is dogmatic about truth?


New member
Personal liberty.
I'm a freedom nut.

It is my strongly held belief than the gubbermint should stay the Hell away from people's personal affairs. It's also my belief that governments are per se incapable of staying the Hell away.

Therefore, governments should be abolished.


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame

toldailytopic: What issues are you most dogmatic about?

John 14:6, Romans 10:8-13, Romans 14:10
John 14:1-3, John 14:27
Psalm 1:1-6, Psalm 100:1-5

Marriage and the sanctity of marriage, to love Mrs Psalmist as Christ loves the Church.

Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

To be faithful to what the Lord has given us to do in ministering to those in the retirement/healthcare/nursing home center.

To love our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren, even with their good warts and bad warts, they are ours and we love them dearly.
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New member
I am dogmatic that sin is sin.Therefore we can not exclude abortion and homosexuality, from being called sin, otherwise we would have to exclude adultery and murder from being sin, for one's own personal and private reasons.

I am dogmatic that if evolution is true, all men and all invented gods are off the hook. Evolution is responsible for all death from the very beginning of life, since it alone is "responsible" for life.

Any perceived injustices, wrongs, evil, etc. are not really that at all.
It is only mankind's self awareness, which evolution produced...........mankind's attempt, to make some sense of life, and cover for evolution's carelessness.


I identify as a Christian
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2 points I won't budge on.

1. The authority of God's Word
2. The Lordship of Jesus

All else falls in line. The following are results of these. I am very dogmatic on these points.

1. Six day Creationist
2. Salvation is through Christ alone.
3. The death, burial and resurrection of Christ.
4. Anti abortion.
5. Traditional marriage between a man and a woman only. All other forms of sex are wrong.
6. Pro death penalty
7. Theonomist

The Horn

I don't like dogmatism at all, and I try not to be dogmatic as much as possible. I'm nore of a catmatic.

What gets my goat is creeping theocracy, perhaps the greatest menace to America today. Those wolves in sheep's clothing the religious right. I'm not anti-christian; just anti-theocracy. I have no problem with people being Christian. I'm just appalled by the narrow-mindedness,intolerance and self-righteousness of so many Christians in America today.
The anti-choice movement. Those hypocrites who want to force women to give birth to children whether or not they have the means to provide for them or a pregnancy would kill them or ruin their health. And the gross stupidity of those who are both opposed to abortion and want to make contraceptives illegal.
I can respect some one's right to be opposed to abortion even though I am pro-choice. But as far as I am concerned, any one who opposed abortion rights and wants to make contraceptives illegal is an imbecile.
And I loathe the hypocrisy of people who want to make abortion illegal but want the government to deny all help to the poor, which would only cause the abortion rate to skyrocket.
Anti-choicers whine endlessly about the unborn,but don't give a you-know-what about them after they are out of the womb. That's fact.
I loathe homophobia even though I'm not gay myself. Being "opposed" to homosexuality makes no more sense than being opposed to left-handedness,and I'm a south paw myself.
You can no more "stop" homosexuality than you can stop heterosexuality.They're two sides of the coin.
I hate self-righteous busybodies who think they have the right to pry into other people's bedrooms and private lives.
Homophobia is no better than anti-semitism.
I can't stand right-wing jerks calling for us to "take America back" - to what, the middle ages ?
But I don't like left-wing extremists either ,you know, those
America-hating, politically correct , multicultural dofuses who
are so paranoid about racism,sexism, etc.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I don't like dogmatism at all, and I try not to be dogmatic as much as possible. I'm nore of a catmatic.

What gets my goat is creeping theocracy, perhaps the greatest menace to America today. Those wolves in sheep's clothing the religious right. I'm not anti-christian; just anti-theocracy. I have no problem with people being Christian. I'm just appalled by the narrow-mindedness,intolerance and self-righteousness of so many Christians in America today.
The anti-choice movement. Those hypocrites who want to force women to give birth to children whether or not they have the means to provide for them or a pregnancy would kill them or ruin their health. And the gross stupidity of those who are both opposed to abortion and want to make contraceptives illegal.
I can respect some one's right to be opposed to abortion even though I am pro-choice. But as far as I am concerned, any one who opposed abortion rights and wants to make contraceptives illegal is an imbecile.
And I loathe the hypocrisy of people who want to make abortion illegal but want the government to deny all help to the poor, which would only cause the abortion rate to skyrocket.
Anti-choicers whine endlessly about the unborn,but don't give a you-know-what about them after they are out of the womb. That's fact.
I loathe homophobia even though I'm not gay myself. Being "opposed" to homosexuality makes no more sense than being opposed to left-handedness,and I'm a south paw myself.
You can no more "stop" homosexuality than you can stop heterosexuality.They're two sides of the coin.
I hate self-righteous busybodies who think they have the right to pry into other people's bedrooms and private lives.
Homophobia is no better than anti-semitism.
I can't stand right-wing jerks calling for us to "take America back" - to what, the middle ages ?
But I don't like left-wing extremists either ,you know, those
America-hating, politically correct , multicultural dofuses who
are so paranoid about racism,sexism, etc.

"I'm just appalled by the narrow-mindedness,intolerance and self-righteousness of so many Christians in America today. "-The Horn

Translation: I, The Horn, am against intolerance, even though I just made an "intolerant" statement, by asserting I am intolerant of:

-creeping theocracy
- narrow-mindedness
-those who want to force women to give birth to children whether or not they have the means to provide for them or a pregnancy would kill them or ruin their health
-the gross stupidity of those who are both opposed to abortion and want to make contraceptives illegal
-Anti-choicers whine endlessly about the unborn,but don't give a you-know-what about them after they are out of the womb
-any one who opposed abortion rights and wants to make contraceptives illegal, since they are imbeciles
-self-righteous busybodies who think they have the right to pry into other people's bedrooms and private lives
-right-wing jerks calling for us to "take America back" to the middle ages
-left-wing extremists, those America-hating, politically correct, multicultural dofuses who are so paranoid about racism,sexism, etc

Thanks for demonstrating an example of an "argument" that "commits suicide"/self destructs=I am intolerant of those who are intolerant.

Anything else you are intolerant of? Thanks for checking in, and for your cooperation. Carry on. And so it goes....


New member
Hall of Fame

K... are you serious? You don't think God is dogmatic about the Gospel? You don't think God is dogmatic about truth?

Well, I think God, to be God, probably has to be dogmatic about truth. However, I believe the difficulty arises in our ability to recognize and know the truth in our current situation. And in that I hope God will give grace.


New member
Hall of Fame
Well, I think God, to be God, probably has to be dogmatic about truth. However, I believe the difficulty arises in our ability to recognize and know the truth in our current situation. And in that I hope God will give grace.
Impossible. If that was the case, then you might as well join Unity church that allows for you to believe anything you want and be saved. You need to cut back on watching Oprah. :down: You have been seduced by liberalism.


New member
Hall of Fame
Impossible. If that was the case, then you might as well join Unity church that allows for you to believe anything you want and be saved. You need to cut back on watching Oprah. :down: You have been seduced by liberalism.

I don't watch Oprah. :nono:
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