toldailytopic: What is the proper role of government?

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Hall of Fame
I think the definition of infrastructure, or lack thereof, is bringing down this thread.

What is your definition?

To give a more serious answer to the DT...

I agree with most people on these: national defense, judicial system, and infrastructure.

From there it gets more complicated. antiknight mentioned protecting us from capitalist greed and corporations getting too rich and powerful. To some extent I agree. But to some extent I think gov't contributes to the problem that they are supposedly to solve. So perhaps if they just left it all alone some things would work themselves out. Yorzhik suggested not even creating corporations and I think I'd support that.

Sort of related to that but not quite...I think the gov't can protect us from ourselves. What I'm referring to is what I've heard called the Tragedy of the Commons. People act in the best interest of themselves and when everybody does that, the result ends up hurting everyone. Someone needs to have the foresight and responsibility to keep that in check. To me it seems like the gov't can most easily fulfill that role.

I'm not completely happy with the current welfare/entitlement system but I feel like something is needed for certain instances.


Well-known member
What is your definition?

U.S. national infrastructure sectors include:

Agriculture and Food
Banking and Finance
Commercial Facilities
Critical Manufacturing
Defense Industrial Base
Emergency Services
Government Facilities
Healthcare and Public Health
Information Technology
Nuclear Reactors, Materials and Waste
Postal and Shipping
Transportation Systems

Going back to a previous poster's claim that currency is infrastructure, I would like to point out that banking and finance facilities are the infrastructure that supports the monetary system, but currency is not part of the banking and finance infrastructure.


New member
Good post. The government should work to equalize the living conditions of every man woman and child.

There needs to be an "overseer" to redistribute the pockets of wealth that develop when things go unrestricted.

By overseer, you mean the government? Didn't work too well for Russia, and in North Korea, the so-called redistribution of wealth went into one guy's pocket while the general public starves. I agree with God's idea of men - we're all corrupt and since we are all corrupt, when someone has absolute power, it corrupts absolutely. I have not seen any government run program that actually gets funds to the people who most need it.

When the government comes to redistribute your "wealth", will you feel the same?


New member
The proper role of the government is to perform the will of the people. That's what the constitution says, anyway.

That's the great equalizer. When corruption leads to a few "haves" controlling the majority of the wealth and opportunity, the "have nots" have the opportunity to change the rules by changing the government in a peaceful fashion, through voting, thus avoiding the Russian scenario of 1917, hopefully.


New member
I do not think it is the government's role to care for the poor. That is the job of the church. Case in point; when hurricanes Katrina and Rita devastated the coast, FEMA did a very poor job of getting supplies and help to the people. Churches and religious based disaster organizations (Salvation Army, etc.) however, were right in the middle of the situation and were able to provide food, shelter, rebuilding supplies, etc.
A leader of one such organization who spoke in my church during this period reported that FEMA even contacted their organization for help in getting into areas quickly and more efficiently. Government is too big, too bureaucratic, too corrupt to truly help where help is needed. Another case in point; I knew a lady that was going to a community college to get an associate's degree so she could go back to work and be a better mother/support system for her child. She was on food stamps. When she received a small scholarship to pay for her books, the government took away her food stamps. She had to drop out of school because she was left with the dilemma of either feeding her child, or going to school. What kind of choice is that? Unfortunately, our country has decided that the Government should replace God. We don't want the Government to supply defense, infrastructure, and a justice system, we want the Government to be like God. Try replacing God in the Lord's prayer- kind of scary isn't it...

Our government, who art in Washington, in you we put our trust.
Your health care come, your oversight run, our banking, credit, stock market, and justice system. Give us every day, our daily bread/housing credits/stimulus money/health programs, etc., and forgive the big banks their irresponsible lending practices, and the corrupt wall market insider traders, since these practices were endorsed (and participated in) by the congressional hags in Washington. And lead us no more into capitalism, but deliver us from strong morality and the Judeo-Christian beliefs of our forefathers. For a humanistic government is the power, and the deliverance and the way for America, for the glory of the strongest (i.e. "fittest"), Amen.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
what is the alternative?

Follow the Bible.

Agriculture and Food
Banking and Finance
Commercial Facilities
Critical Manufacturing
Defense Industrial Base
Emergency Services
Government Facilities
Healthcare and Public Health
Information Technology
Nuclear Reactors, Materials and Waste (you want the a government employee doing this? Have you not seen the post office?
Postal and Shipping
Transportation Systems
Water Water is only an issue to idiots that choose to live in a desert.

Perhaps you didn't put enough words into your post. Much of the list should be regulated. Not run by government employees. Big difference. I struck from the list what isn't a part of the mandate of direct function. In case you ddint' notice. Since this thread was about what should government do.

I agree with God's idea of men - we're all corrupt and since we are all corrupt, when someone has absolute power, it corrupts absolutely.

God never said that, you are just repeating a libertarian mantra of wanting heroine use and pimping to be legal. And don't even know it.

Lets expand Knights original thought. We know the role, how is it to function. Under one monarch. He should delegate authority to a governor over territory based on population. That governor answers to the monarch. Authority flows down hill, not the other way. And I have news for you, that is exactly what God will do. Not all people are corrupt to the same level. God says this. Shame on you for repeating evil people as though God agrees.


New member
God never said that, you are just repeating a libertarian mantra of wanting heroine use and pimping to be legal. And don't even know it.

Shame on you for repeating evil people as though God agrees.[/QUOTE/]

I have no idea what you mean. Certainly God tells us that man is corrupt - Gal. 5:19-21

As for repeating a libertarian mantra, the quote about absolute power corrupting absolutely is attributed to Lord Emerich Dalberg Acton in a letter to Bishop Mandell Creighton criticizing the papacy for promoting the idea of papal infallibility and the idea that the king was also exempt from judgment i.e., his decisions are all without error...

"Lord Acton's dictum"

In 1870 came the great crisis in Roman Catholicism over Pope Pius IX's promulgation of the dogma of papal infallibility. Lord Acton, who was in complete sympathy on this subject with Döllinger, went to Rome in order to throw all his influence against it, but the step he so much dreaded was not to be averted. The Old Catholic separation followed, but Acton did not personally join the seceders, and the authorities prudently refrained from forcing the hands of so competent and influential an English layman. It was in this context that, in a letter he wrote to scholar and ecclesiastic Mandell Creighton, dated April 1887, Acton made his most famous pronouncement:

"I cannot accept your canon that we are to judge Pope and King unlike other men with a favourable presumption that they did no wrong. If there is any presumption, it is the other way, against the holders of power, increasing as the power increases. Historic responsibility has to make up for the want of legal responsibility. Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men, even when they exercise influence and not authority: still more when you superadd the tendency or certainty of corruption by full authority. There is no worse heresy than the fact that the office sanctifies the holder of it. "[3]

He was considered a liberal in his time, but I doubt anyone could accuse him of that today. And I would guess that God probably did agree with him about this particular issue.



New member
And another thing, who said anything about wanting heroin etc to become legal? Where did you get the idea from my post that I would in any way be supportive of that? :(

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Their proper role is to stay out of my business.

Do you have any idea how much that would cost? :think: First there's a Department of Maximee's Privacy. Then there's the oversight committee and the rules committee to draft the necessary regulations/restrictions/rules of comportment for the oversight committee, which I suppose would need to be reviewed by...probably another committee. :poly:


Well-known member
Perhaps you didn't put enough words into your post. Much of the list should be regulated. Not run by government employees. Big difference. I struck from the list what isn't a part of the mandate of direct function. In case you ddint' notice. Since this thread was about what should government do.

Some have claimed that government should provide infrastructure without defining what they mean by infrastructure. All I did was provide a list of sectors in our national infrastructure. I wasn't saying that government should provide that extensive infrastructure, just answering Kmoney's question about the possible definition of infrastructure.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
God never said that, you are just repeating a libertarian mantra of wanting heroine use and pimping to be legal. And don't even know it.

Shame on you for repeating evil people as though God agrees.

I have no idea what you mean. Certainly God tells us that man is corrupt - Gal. 5:19-21

You said God was corrupt. He has absolute power.

And your statement is huge tagline for libertarians. And you swallowed it hook, line, and sinker.


New member
And of course...

And of course...

Do you have any idea how much that would cost? :think: First there's a Department of Maximee's Privacy. Then there's the oversight committee and the rules committee to draft the necessary regulations/restrictions/rules of comportment for the oversight committee, which I suppose would need to be reviewed by...probably another committee. :poly:

Of course I would need a committee to make sure that Maximee doesn't stick his nose into my business...I can see a veritable cornucopia of committees tending to the individual's business. But gee, that just about cover's what is going on in our government today! peace, bybee


New member
To protect the weak and powerless from those that would harm others. To protect and save the poor from being beat down by those that would use their power take advantage them. To protect the workers from corporate interests and a run away free market. To provide a justice system that is for all people.
To save us from a some idiotic religious system that wants to control everyone by controlling the government.

Son of Jack

New member
So God doesn't have absolute power. Wow. Just wow. :plain:

I was wowed by the non-sequitur in your thought. She said that man is corrupt and that absolute power corrupts absolutely...the fact that you couldn't connect the dots was kind of astounding to me...

Of course, God has absolute power. Do you believe that He is corrupt?

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
I was wowed by the non-sequitur in your thought. She said that man is corrupt and that absolute power corrupts absolutely...the fact that you couldn't connect the dots was kind of astounding to me...

Of course, God has absolute power. Do you believe that He is corrupt?

There are no dots to connect, because she stated a falsehood. And the only person with absolute power is God. And she said aboslute power corrupts absolutely. An absolutely false statement.
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