What a silly and yet sad oversight.In order to have created the vast complexity of the universe, a creator god would have to be immeasurably more complex than its creation. On one hand, creationists posit that the complexity of the universe cannot be eternal and that it could not have arisen from nothing as it is too complex. On the other hand, an immeasurably more complex creator god is eternal/uncreated. What is impossible on one hand is possible on the other, only to an immeasurably greater degree. This kind of incoherent, self-destructing logic makes it impossible for me to take the idea of a personal creator god seriously.
God isn't natural. (in fact by definition God is Supernatural) Therefore God is not bound by the laws that bind the natural universe.
The natural universe could not create itself out of nothing based on natural laws.
Yet the supernatural has no such limitation.
Therefore, while you may not be compelled to believe in a creator God that view certainly isn't "incoherent, self-destructing logic". It's only that way to you because you have failed to understand the argument from it's very foundation.