Well-known member
I didn't. I gave you God's truth. You reject it. Too bad for you.
God became a Man. So the verse speaks clearly to that point. You misunderstand it, or are intentionally perverting the verse. Either way, you are wrong.
The verse is simply saying that because of Adam all men are dead. In the same way, because of Jesus men shall be resurrected.
We do not raise ourselves from the dead. It is because of what Jesus did that we can be raised from the dead by God.
Because you have a false Jesus, you cannot understand what you read, and it is why you pervert the truth.
Have you not read I Corinthians 15:21?
Why do you gloss over the clear meaning of the words in it?
The resurrection is significant because it clearly teaches what men can bring to pass when they believe God, like the man Christ Jesus did and does.
We are to do the same works as Jesus Christ and greater, John 14:12
I can do the works of Jesus Christ and greater works than Jesus Christ because Jesus Christ said so and I believe him.
Including saying, "Destroy me and I will be gathered together with Christ" as described in I Thessalonians 4:13-18
I will go to heaven with Jesus Christ.