These are ridiculous questions. They don't represent reality at all.
Um...those questions represent what
you just said.
My hardware store sells all sorts of poisons. No one blames the owner if some idiot chooses to drink it.
At some point we have to let the responsibility fall on the addict. I have dealt with addiction, and so I understand that it's an illness. But even still, what I did to myself, I did to myself. No one else made me do it.
You're seriously arguing that? So if some suicidal person asks to borrow my gun so they can blow their head off...and I rent it to them for $100 bucks, take my money and even stand there and watch...I've done nothing wrong?
For realz, dude?
And, while we're at it, where do you come down on gun control? Should
every adult be allowed to own an assault rifle? Because, at some point, we have to let the responsibility fall on the gun owner. What point, though?
Also, the idea of killing people because they do things that we don't like is insane.
Hey, you know what? This is a dishonest argument. No one is advocating the death penalty for anything because "I don't like that." If I were here advocating hard labor for drug dealing, or two years in the pen', or even a literal slap on the wrist and a stern talking wouldn't be making this insulting claim.
It works in TV shows because we know (or are supposed to know) that it's all make-believe, and because the writers are too often too lazy to find better ways of resolving the conflicts that their own story-lines have created. But in real life this would be an overwhelmingly destructive idea. Mostly because in real life violence begets more violence, and escalates as it does. It's both an irrational solution and a dysfunctional one.
Explain how executing murderers is going to beget
more violence and even escalate it. Yes, seriously.