toldailytopic: What do you think about the new openly gay military?


I have three grandsons in the military. I'll ask them. I'll get back to you.

I'd like to point out that what I wrote was a parody of Inzl Kett's objection against homosexuals.

I'm not sure what I think about homosexuals (or women, for that matter) serving in the military. That said, whatever standard you apply to one, you probably have to apply it to the other as well. In fact, if you object to women and gays (or either/or), you probably have to object to African Americans, atheists and a whole host of other things. That said, I'm open to arguments either way.

The Barbarian

When I was in the service (long before DADT), there was this nurse who ran the E.R. She was pretty obviously a lesbian, not by her manner, but by her girlfriend, (not in the service) and she didn't really try to hide it much.

She was very competent, ran the E.R. professionally, and was respected by the troops. Except for one senior master sgt., who eventually suggested he would turn her in.

That got him a visit with the commander, who suggested it might not be the best career move. It was unfortunate that they had to be clearly superior to get that kind of protection. It was otherwise an easy way to get rid of a low-performing person.

The Horn

There's no rational reason why gays should not serve openly in the military.
They have been in the military,if not openly, from the very beginning ages ago in every war ever fought on the globe.
But in the U.S., this would be problematical, NOT because of gay military personnel per se, but because of the rampant homophobia in America.
There would be terrible risk of homophobic superior officers harassing them and giving them bad evaluations out of bias,even if they had done a great job.This could jeopardize some one's military career.
Other soldiers and sailors would harass them or beat and even kill them ,as they already have at times.
The late Barry Goldwater,who was no conservative by today's loony right-wing standards,even though he called himself one, said that it didn't matter if you were straight as long as you could shoot straight ! He was right !


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
My husband has told me several accounts of how homosexuals behave toward their peers in the armed services. Here's one. A gets B drunk and rapes him in a bar.
:shocked: They rape them in the bar, like right there? Like bent him over the pool table?
This happened in my husband's unit more than once.
Well, you know the old saying, "screw me once shame on you, screw me twice shame on me"
Maybe stop going to that bar seein as how they did nothing about it the first time someone got bent over the pool table.
No amount of sensitivity training or political correctness is going to fix this problem.
What might help is get rid of the pool tables.
Aren't there women in the military? What's the rates of straight rape vs gay rape? And aren't they all trained in hand to hand?


I didn't know that the military was openly gay now. But if they are...then I think they should host all the gay pride parades in like Iraq or Afghanistan.


The TOPIC OF THE DAY for September 20th, 2011 11:01 AM

toldailytopic: What do you think about the new openly gay military?

It doesn't really matter what I think about it. However, God makes it clear what He thinks about it.

(Rom 1:27) ...Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.

Ted L Glines

New member
The TOPIC OF THE DAY for September 20th, 2011 11:01 AM

toldailytopic: What do you think about the new openly gay military?

Since when is our military openly gay? Or openly female? Put 'em together and our military would be openly lesbian. If true, betcha the Taliban would be runnin for their lives :shocked:

The wording of your question was messed up but we know what you meant to ask.

I think it's great that gays may now serve our country, same as all other citizens. Now, if we could draft all the homophobes and get them to fight for something worthwhile .......


New member
Hall of Fame
I'd like to see some chickenhawks so gosh-darn opposed to The Gays serving in the military to sign up themselves. That, or make sure their own oh-so-straight children do.


New member
I have heard of heterosexual men behaving badly under the stress of combat, too. These behaviors have nothing to do with sexual preferences. They have to do with fear and psychological weaknesses.

Agreed, that is why we may never know the net impact on our military.
The questions of psychological fitness and sexuality are hard to ask and put careers on the line. We should be more worried about lives, not careers or the "right to serve." I welcome any data, I don't know what the recruiters and commanders are doing lately. Reality in the field tends to differ from policy of Clinton or anyone else. I'll ask some military guys tonight.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
The only difference is that they are allowed to be open about it now. The average amount of homosexuals in the military, at least percentage wise, is most likely not any different than it was during DADT; or even before it.

Bradley D

Well-known member
Are they going to have seperate quarters such as men and women do. what about the rights of men and women non-gays who do not want to share the same sleeping and bath facilities with gays.

Also gays have a high risk factor for HIV. This could be a problem in a war zone or in an accident. What do they do about that.


New member
Also gays have a high risk factor for HIV. This could be a problem in a war zone or in an accident. What do they do about that.

There isn't actually a direct correlation between homosexuality and HIV carriers.

Further people who are carriers, and there are as many heterosexuals as homosexuals, I doubt would be allowed in the army and people who have AIDS I doubt would be physically able to join.


New member
Are they going to have seperate quarters such as men and women do. what about the rights of men and women non-gays who do not want to share the same sleeping and bath facilities with gays.

Also gays have a high risk factor for HIV. This could be a problem in a war zone or in an accident. What do they do about that.

It may well be that all personnel in the military will have to learn to concentrate on job performance to the best of their abilities and leave private that which is private.


New member
Hall of Fame
The only difference is that they are allowed to be open about it now. The average amount of homosexuals in the military, at least percentage wise, is most likely not any different than it was during DADT; or even before it.

Yep, exactly. From what I caught on the radio yesterday the head of the Joint Chiefs considers it a non-issue and is glad they can all move on.