Hello Lighthouse;
Your examples of how God is not omni-aware:
And the Lord said, “Because the outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is very grave, I will go down now and see whether they have done altogether according to the outcry against it that has come to Me; and if not, I will know.”
-Genesis 18:20-21
And He said, “Do not lay your hand on the lad, or do anything to him; for now I know that you fear God, since you have not withheld your son, your only son, from Me.”
-Genesis 22:12
These are two great examples. I also have pondered both of these in the past, because I noticed the use of personal pronouns in reference to God.
(I will go down now and see ... now I know that you fear God)
I have come to a personal conclusion about them based on my understanding of the identity of the LORD God. Hopefully without being too long winded I will share my thoughts.
My first and second premises, which I base on truth revealed from scripture, are that
a.) God is omni-aware,
b.) but that he, on occasion, relates to human beings within his own creation as a literal visible presence among them (an Emmanuel sort of ability)
c.) I perceive that, even though God is omni-aware
(to the point that he knows people before they are born ... and he knows the invisible contents of their hearts ... knows what people are thinking before they speak ... etc. etc.), yet Satan, angels, and human beings are not omni-aware
(Even the angels wonder ... Satan questions God - Ps 82:2,3,4 and Job 1:9,10,11... and humans walk in darkness Ps 82:5 - duh.)
d.) I am aware (but cannot totally comprehend the truth) that somehow God's omni-awareness and total control co-exists still is able to allow mankind to express some freewill of their own.
So, to deal with the seeming contradiction
Would knowing the purpose about why the LORD personally communicated with Satan, angels, and men like Abraham in the form of the LORD - IOW, as the super-natural presence of Emmanuel clear up the confusion?
Well, with your examples I focused on what God may have been "up to" before he came unto Satan and Abraham.
Since men are not omni-aware ... I noticed that God took the time to explain what he was about to do to Sodom and G. I believed that the LORD demonstrated by his actions that He had a special regard for Lot and his family ... with his being the nephew and adopted son of Abraham... and the LORD also had regard for the inhabitants of Sodom and G. He went down into the area and spent all night in the streets acting as their JUDGE ... testifying of their sins and need to repent. IOW, the LORD, came to offer salvation to Lot and the people.
Reminds me of what God did in the day of our mortal Lord Emmanuel.
Did God come as the Savior ... because he did not know who would accept or reject his good news ... or did he come specifically to perform his predestined work among men and mercifully offer salvation at that time? I pick the second. I think that is what he did in the days of Sodom and G. He came to perform a specific divine work among men ... but showed mercy by offering the chance for men to also repent at that time. His works among men became a divine testimony of who He was ... and His conversation with Abraham became a testimony Abraham could share with his descendants ... just as God ALREADY KNEW he would.
Gen. 18:19 ... in fact this is the crux of the reason of why God spoke personally to Abraham (using the personal pronoun I to reference himself). He knew that Abraham would testify of what God said and did to his own children... of how merciful God was because he came among men to look around and have a chance to repent before he brought judgement.
The same sort of situation existed with Abraham and Issac. The LORD did not tempt Abraham without a purpose in mind. He already knew how Abraham would ultimately react ... but Isaac did not. Abraham went through his test ... as a testimony in the eyes of Isaac of how God is real, alive, and knows what is going on in the world... and of how important it is to obey him - even when it is difficult. This is also probably why God spoke in an audible voice from heaven in the ears of Abraham and Isaac reiterating the promise made to Abraham and his descendants through Isaac: Gen. 22: 16, 17,18
Since people are not all knowing ... God personally comes to give a visual and audible testimony of himself ... and to leave a testimony for men to forward to their descendants. Aren't we even now still discussing the testimony left by the
God did among men in Sodom and G. and on Mount Moriah?
The events were not respecting what God knew or didn't know ... but with leaving a historical testimony that happened in the eyes and ears of men.
Another good one, but this one I've never noticed; so, I will need to read more about it.
And they built the high places of Baal which are in the Valley of the Son of Hinnom, to cause their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire to Molech, which I did not command them, nor did it come into My mind that they should do this abomination, to cause Judah to sin.’
-Jeremiah 32:35
Thanks for the references.
Hope I didn't get too long for you.