toldailytopic: What do you believe is proper attire for church?

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Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame

toldailytopic: What do you believe is proper attire for church?

Dressing for church...growing up in church...
I've seen it go from suits and ties and fancy dresses,
to sport coats and complimentary dresses,
to leisure suits and casual dresses,
to blue jeans and tee-shirts and shorts,
to just the so your covered attitude.
I say dress for the occasion in what you are comfortable with, clean, yes and mended if needed, we do not have to dress to impress, or show that we have success, like others have said...
It is about meeting with the Lord and the Lords people, and Lord's people welcome all and do not make waves or make the other of the Lord's people uncomfortable as well.​
If you are familiar with the nursing home setting...
For their Sunday service,
They come wrapped in a blanket
Or a hospital gown,
Some in their own clothes
Some in hand me downs,
Some are wearing slippers
Others with feet that are bare,
But you see it makes no difference
For we've come to sing, praise and share,
As we with Jesus meet
Because He love as we are,
And our fellowship is sweet
Like with those who go to
regular Sunday meet.

Me I wear a name tag so I don't forget who I am,
and blue jeans, sport shirt, and loafers.​


New member
Yes and I don't think it was just refering to their Sabbath activities but 24/7 - and I don't think the change of covenants means I should wear a pretty dress - but pants on a woman? Well, what is a thing of a man or a thing of a woman is culturally defined and for decades pants have been accepted by our culture as a thing of both genders. I guess I wouldn't have encouraged a woman to be one of the FIRST ones to wear pants but wait until its culturally acceptable. The real problem for me is when church leaders think they have to make that determination for everyone else and can't just say, "Here's how I look at that but you are free to figure that out for yourself, within reason," and leave it at that without judgeing. I've been in Holiness churches where people get a sense of superiority about how strictly they adhere to certain standards and I avoid those churches like the plague.
Well, whenever I see a reference to the OT which seems to me to be irrelevant to the topic at hand, I have to ask the covenant question. All of those rules and regulations - we would never be able to move about in today's world if we had to live within them.
My point about the men wearing robes was in response to the point about how men shouldn't wear the attire of women, and vice-versa. Men back then did dress more like what we would consider women's clothing nowadays - don't see many men in robes today, right?

As for the pants issue...I find them to be way more modest than a dress. Dresses can blow about in the wind, or slip around when you move. Pants stay put. :)

A church with a dress code wouldn't find me on their membership list. I don't go to make the best dressed list, but to worship.

This Charming Manc

Well-known member
I have to admit the wrong trousers on the right backside can be too distratcing though.

Kinda hard to police, 'Could you please refrain from wearing trousers because you bums too good.' may be an embaressing conversation for someone to have!

As for the pants issue...I find them to be way more modest than a dress. Dresses can blow about in the wind, or slip around when you move. Pants stay put. :)

A church with a dress code wouldn't find me on their membership list. I don't go to make the best dressed list, but to worship.


New member
I have to admit the wrong trousers on the right backside can be too distratcing though.

Kinda hard to police, 'Could you please refrain from wearing trousers because you bums too good.' may be an embaressing conversation for someone to have!

Kind of like, "Could you please refrain from wearing dresses because your legs are hot." Maybe burkas should be required female church attire. :D

This Charming Manc

Well-known member
No just a little understanding.

Kind of like, "Could you please refrain from wearing dresses because your legs are hot." Maybe burkas should be required female church attire. :D

I had to ask a female youth worker off to get some girls to get dressed into proper clothes and not pjamas for an early evening session at youth event recentley.

So im coming out agianst pjamas at church as well !


Well-known member
I have met folks who really get freaked out about what not to wear at church. Or others who get freaked out about what they SHOULD wear at church (hats on women etc.).

That is really sad.

The reason you go to church is to fellowship with God, it's not a job interview.

This is going to be a sad story.... :(

My brother and I have a friend named Chris. For a long time Chris was on hard drugs, and then he became a believer. He had no clothes for every penny was spent on drugs prior. He came to my church and I could tell he had spent time washing and drying his clothes by hand.

One of the sqeaky clean cut deacons (who I do love) came to Chris after the service and asked him to wear more appropriate clothing to church (Chris' jeans had a huge hole in them). The sad thing is that I never saw Chris again and the deacon had no clue that Chris was wearing the 'best' and 'worst' that he owned.

What would have been better? "Can I buy you a pair of pants young man? What size do you wear?"


Well-known member
What if what you are wearing is affecting others?

Then they are judging by outward appearance? Now to a degree I think I track with you because we cannot help but judge by outward appearance. "Man looks at the outside but God judges the heart."
This verse doesn't condemn man, it just says the way it is. We are to try to get past the cover but at the same time, what we wear may indeed reflect our inner values. Something provocative like a band, too skimpy, or something may indeed distract so I place the onus on both the wearer and the observer over the matter. If in doubt, ask. Talk through a thing.


Well-known member
This is going to be a sad story.... :(

My brother and I have a friend named Chris. For a long time Chris was on hard drugs, and then he became a believer. He had no clothes for every penny was spent on drugs prior. He came to my church and I could tell he had spent time washing and drying his clothes by hand.

One of the sqeaky clean cut deacons (who I do love) came to Chris after the service and asked him to wear more appropriate clothing to church (Chris' jeans had a huge hole in them). The sad thing is that I never saw Chris again and the deacon had no clue that Chris was wearing the 'best' and 'worst' that he owned.

What would have been better? "Can I buy you a pair of pants young man? What size do you wear?"

That is sad! :(


Well-known member
That is sad! :(
If I remember it correctly, I told the deacon who was ashamed and I think he did offer to buy him some clothes (he was well-to-do) but Chris never came back. It seemed he couldn't fathom at the time anyone in the U.S. not having better clothes.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
It depends on what church. Some, you may need to dress to a standard, others, dressing clean and neat is about all required. If you would not receive company, then you may consider not receiving in God’s church anything else.
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