toldailytopic: What did you get for Christmas?

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I've been looking at those. Let me know what you think...

I'm waitin' for them prices to drop, then I'm building a new 'puter.

Nothing flashy, an average $800 gaming/3d design rig.

21'' Full-HD Monitor.
4 GB DDR3 1033 RAM (Will upgrade to 8 in a few months.)
1 GB DDR5 GIGABYTE GTX 460, the factory overclocked card with the dual coolers :p.
PHENOM II X4 3.2 GHZ (will overclock to 3,6).

You get the overall idea.
I'm starting a game development team so I need a new rig for myself.

If I decide against a Roku (or PS3) I'm planning on building my own HTPC. Good to know there are some other computer geeks on here I can consult.

For Christmas this year I got:

-SNOW! In middle Tennessee. Not something we see every year.
-ESV Bible
-An awesome photo book of my girlfriend and me through the years



TOL Subscriber
Halfprice books giftcard and a deep fryer!! What more does a man need? OH YEAH:idea:Time with my wife, 2 sons, sister and her family, as well as Mom and Dad. :banana:


New member
I got a book my mom made with pictures of me and my daughters in it (very touching), the complete D&D cartoon collection on DVD, a book on eschatology, a coffee maker, a few other cool little things.


New member
Books: "Dragon Age: The Calling" "Dragon Age: The Stolen Throne" "Black Adam and Isis".

DVDs: "King David" "Jacob and Joseph" "Sharpe's Enemy" "Sharpe's Gold" "Sharpe's Honour".

Money, a gift card and various minor articles.

Most important time with my mom who seems completely recovered from her surgery and is doing much better now than she was before.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
A 500 GB WD Passport, a Scott Sigler trilogy (already on Contagious), Fallout New Vegas, a large variety of baby goods :chuckle: serious plumbing on the old family home (thanks dad) and negotiable instruments with an eye toward Jack's eventual education.

Couple that with two fine meals and were I a cat you'd be hearing me about now. :D


New member
Oh, and since I made my 50th post today (this one right here...), apparently I get promoted to "Registered PLUS"!!

It's been a good Christmas! Now I'm off to search the forums.



Well-known member
My sister ordered for me a star ruby ring. The stone is set in silver.

Also my husband is now recovering from his surgery. He is progressing as well as can be expected. Prayers for his recovery are appreciated.

Hi Everyone ...
Inzl Kett - I hope your husband will continue to improve... and you will have peace and rest soon.

I asked a number of years ago that my husband and I not exchange gifts any more. We don't need anything ... and if we ever do, we buy it at the time we need it. Now, our whole family (adults) have decided not to go all out for Christmas.

We give to the younger unmarried kids. My daughter got an XBOX with Kinect, which she and we each paid a portion of the cost.

Our entire family had a lot of fun with it today. I haven't laughed so much in a long time. From young to old we all stood in front of our TV and stopped leeks, rafted on rivers, and danced our way to exhaustion.

Some of us were happy to find out that we could still jump into the air.

Real Sorceror

New member
I got a wife! (the wedding is March 13th, guys! Mark your calenders so I don't forget!)

I also got a 12 hour drive to Louisiana to visit my future in-laws (it went by pretty fast). They were all real swell folks and I felt right at home.

Just got back into town a few minutes ago. Night ya'll. ;)


Well-known member
Well, I'll be! A wife for Christmas. Congratulations... glad to hear that you like her family. That's important to maintain. I have great in-laws. We have fun together ... makes for a happy marriage.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
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I got a wife! (the wedding is March 13th, guys! Mark your calenders so I don't forget!)

I also got a 12 hour drive to Louisiana to visit my future in-laws (it went by pretty fast). They were all real swell folks and I felt right at home.

Just got back into town a few minutes ago. Night ya'll. ;)
Congratulations! I got my wife for Christmas 24 years ago and I have not regretted a moment! You well tell us more about her, wont you?


New member
My wife got me this t-shirt.

Plus Trivial Pursuit, the 7th season of the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on DVD, and a tonload of Chedder French Fried Onions.

I gave her a necklace and a $45 gift card to Pier 1 Imports.

My parents got me a $20 gift card to Barnes and Noble and All the Weyrs of Pern by Anne McCaffrey.

My father-in-law got me the DVD box set of Band of Brothers.
We gave him a 24-pack of Coors Light and a $75 gift card to the local gun store/range, where he happens to work.

We had Stouffer's lasagna for Christmas dinner.

Awesome day all-around. :D


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
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I got one of those remote control helicopters. It is a kick in the pants! My bride got me some cool kitchen stuff including Star Wars cookie cutters. The girls and I need to make cookies now. My youngest daughter gave me a book of poems she had written (a true treasure) and my oldest got me a movie. Great fun. But the part I liked best was the look on my girls face when they opened their gifts. They got just a bit more than they were hoping for. The youngest got an iTouch and the oldest got a new saddle. They were pretty surprised.


New member
Hall of Fame
I got a wife! (the wedding is March 13th, guys! Mark your calenders so I don't forget!)

I also got a 12 hour drive to Louisiana to visit my future in-laws (it went by pretty fast). They were all real swell folks and I felt right at home.

Just got back into town a few minutes ago. Night ya'll. ;)

Congrats! :cheers:


New member
Hall of Fame
The coolest gift I got? An old fashioned pipe with some expensive tobacco. Cant wait to try it out.

Knight...I would love to hear about your experience with this! I am a pipe man myself. Have you smoked pipes previously?

What a great gift. :thumb:


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I got my family all together Christmas morning so that was enough for me. Since my two oldest sons are not living at home now due to living on their own with their new spouses it was going to be a huge change for us. So they all decided to come spend the night at our house which was very nice. Eventually I'll have to get used to them not all being here Christmas morning. :sigh:

But this year was nice. :)
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