Where do you live?
Edit: I know what you're thinking. But you have to remember, that in Texas for a very long time, politicians were the only reliable source of entertainment.
Where do you live?
That's like saying that it hurts when you hit yourself on the head with a hammer, because you aren't using a big enough hammer.
Fake vote | |
Come back to America. In as many ways possible. Rush Limbaugh admitted in a fit of honesty, “We are outnumbered and we are losing ground. This was not a glitch. This is the trend. That happened last night. This is the trend. We are outnumbered. Whether you want to put it in terms of, ‘Have we lost the country or not?’ There’s no other explanation.”
The answer is not to blame America for not buying what you want to sell. The answer is to figure out what it is about republican ideas that are good for America, and sell those.
Hint: it's not about tax cuts for the rich, and it's not about hating homosexuals. And it sure isn't about becoming the democrats; one left-center party is plenty. It's about becoming American, again. It's about becoming a right-center party that can rule without gerrymandered congressional districts. As good an idea as that seemed at the time (and it worked; we'll probably see republican majorities in the House a few more election cycles, even if most voters go democrat, as happened last time) it is part of the thinking that led the party into the current debacle.
They might want to stop cracking wise about rape, for one thing.
They might want to stop with their racial tokenism. One Latino and one black guy here and there does not racial diversity make.
They might want to stop acting, and talking, like crazy, demented, out-of-touch lunatics who appeal to no one but an increasingly small and isolated amen corner.
They might stop acting like anti-intellectual buffoons disinterested in facts or reality.
First, let evangelicals walk. If they want to start their own party, fine. Evangelicals hijacked the GOP in the Seventies and in large part have run the party right into the ground.
Support gay marriage (or at least support the right of states to decide the issue)
and force the Christians out. Fewer and fewer people care what they think anyway.
Next, oppose American imperialism and demand an end to drone strikes, pre-emptive and illegal wars, and the empire building in the Middle East. Enough is enough.
Third, end this foolish War on Terror and nip the burgeoning police state in the bud.
Fourth, end the equally inane War on Drugs, and really deal the police state a death blow.
Your username and your avatar picture show that you are confused.
That's like saying that it hurts when you hit yourself on the head with a hammer, because you aren't using a big enough hammer.
That is part of what the Republican party needs to change.
They lost the election in '08 because they put forth a candidate that was too far away from the conservative base's desires.
Their answer in '12 was to put forth a candidate that so far from the conservative base's desires that he made the '08 candidate look conservative in comparison.
When the choice is between two candidates with the exact same platform, the incumbent will always win.
The Republican party should try something new, and put forth a conservative candidate, to give the voters a real choice.
I can't believe you would wish that kind of punishment on anybody. That's immoral.Go to hell, barbie you faggot lover. Nothing but lies comes from your tongue. I can hardly wait until you are punished.
[/QUOTE]IK is right, and inline with what Rush said. The party is sliding left because the country is immoral and sliding left. To win, they need to have a contrast to the DNC. They will not have it will the likes of people they are pushing. And John Boehner showed he wants no part of conservatism, and only wants liberalism in America.
It's not the parties, it's the political power that invites corruption. We basically only have token parties, now. But they're all bribed up, regardless of party. Until we put a stop to the legalized bribery of our legislators, nothing else is fixable. And I don't even know if that possible, at this point.I think a better idea would be to ban all political parties. :think: Political parties are magnets for corruption.
Or just not label them on the ballot, and require people to know something substantial about the candidate they are voting for.
The Republicans are commonly seen as:
1. Anti-science (because of their position on global warming).
2. As being in the pockets of the corporate elite and the very wealthy (and thus having interests directly at odds with the middle and lower classes).
3. As being extremely backwards when it comes to things like immigration.
4. As being warmongers.
And they're not even necessarily towing the "traditional values" thing as much as they used to and should be.
If the Republicans want to have any credibility and any relevence in the future political arena, they need to change these things.
The Republican party should try something new, and put forth a conservative candidate, to give the voters a real choice.
The party power brokers will not allow that to happen. There is at least a 50/50 chance that the GOP is done.
Right and the catholics know what is best because they favor the king of the government from their inception. And don't forget..."we are supposed to get our children high"
Hail Caesar!!! the mystical king.
I never said this. If you are a Christian, sky, you should be on gaurd against 1. bearing false witness against your neighbor and 2. seeking to injure your neighbor in thought, word and deed. Remember that Christ says that we will be held accountable for every idle word.
And I don't blame them. I blame the lazy Christians. What are they supposed to do, fight the wave of government and church?
Really?Why blame the wicked?
What would your Republican Party look like?
Would you consider cutting taxes in general (ie, on everybody) to be equivalent to "Cutting taxes on the rich"? Or are you singling out tax cuts that only help the rich?
I'm good with any tax cut on anyone that brings the rate closer to 0%.
My username should answer the question.