toldailytopic: The Sabbath: what is it's significance? Do you observe it? Why or why

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red cardinal

New member
You don't have a Bible with His Name in it,

I checked my Bible again, and yup! it's in there ;)

what you have is a book that violates the very Commands contained therein, you see that, but do not understand it. When you read the Ten Commandments in your book, does it give you a NAME? Or a TITLE?

Confused. Of course my Bible has the 10 commandments :first: Are you "on something"? What name or title are you speaking of? :think:

You are reading a Greek book about a Jewish Messiah! DUH! And you never questioned that did you?

My Bible is not a "Greek book". It's the inspired Word of God. Why should I question what God gave as His Word to us as preserved? Jesus is not a "Jewish" Messiah. Very strange concept. Jesus is the Savior, the Messiah, the Christ of all the world - King of kings and Lord of Lords. There is no Jew or Greek in Christ. I would love to know what "book" you are reading - cause you are definitely not on the same page :yoshi:

So now you say it is me who has the wierd view? ROTFLOL! No sir, I read from the Book written by HEBREWS about a HEBREW MESSIAH. Makes more sense, wouldn't it.

Not really. Salvation was of the Jews > the physical line of Jesus was Hebrew, but He is not a Hebrew. He is God. I think you are hung up on language and that is not what the Bible is about. Where do you get your ideas from?

Keep it up in this day which is that day, you are only fulfilling the Scripture from Jeremiah that HE just gave you. And the only voices you hear in your head are your own, and the devil's who is antimessiah and does not want you to understand what you see.

Sorry, I don't hear voices. I just read the Bible and the Holy Spirit leads and guides me, and gives me wisdom. But thanks for the advice :wave:

And it is being done because you HATE YAH, just like HE said. It is Yahuweh who has "turned them over to worship the host of heaven", and that is what you have done and are doing by worshipping a TITLE, not a NAME, and titles can be attributed to anyone, so can the name Jesus by the way. The "One Name" can not. I reckon it kind of saves you from taking His Name in vane since you don't even have it.

Wow. Why do you think I hate God? What is "Yahuweh"? The host of heaven are angels, do you think I worship the messengers of God? I feel really silly asking that, cause I have no clue why you brought that up :nono:

I don't think God has a problem with being called a title. He uses it throughout the entire Bible. Did you miss it?

I am being drawn away from you because of your mocking. Do that to another's name. Do it to your own. ( are)

Mocking? I am asking you questions because I am confused about your posts. Are you paranoid or something? Where did I mock you?

red cardinal

New member
Red Cardinal, I see your lack of commitment to Yah, and already your mocking of His Words. We'll see who the freak is. Have a fun time, enjoy the weather you get. Don't wait to long to call out to Him in trueness, or the verses you threw away will cause you not to see that He said He would laugh in your face when your dread comes and you call Him early. Don't wait 'til you see it coming because your commitment at that time will be a falsehood, and HE knows it already. It was the Father's Commands that the Messiah said to DO, IF you loved Him. Those are in the Old Testament Mr. Mocker. Christians get awful ticked off because I "DO the FATHER'S DESIRES"...what a crock...isn't that what they pray to DO? What liars to themselves they are huh.

From what I understand, the commands of God, per Jesus Christ, are loving one another, loving God above all, loving your neighbor as yourself, believing in Jesus for salvation. They are all found in the NT, which is founded on Jesus. I see that you hold the OT above what Jesus taught. Why is that?


New member
red cardinal
I see you are new on TOL. I have been here a while but have taken a break now and then. You will find some folks on here that don't know how to explain their positions to well. Others are down right crazy. But I find there is something to learn even from the crazy ones sometime. It is all about seeking the truth and letting the Spirit of Truth speak to us through even an A.S.S. sometimes. I usually try and keep it short and simple because I often run the risk of confusing myself. So Peace to you .


New member
From what I understand, the commands of God, per Jesus Christ, are loving one another, loving God above all, loving your neighbor as yourself, believing in Jesus for salvation. They are all found in the NT, which is founded on Jesus. I see that you hold the OT above what Jesus taught. Why is that?

Red Cardinal,

I'm sorry for the bad attitude I must admit I had with you. And also issuing you a rep without realizing you may or may not know what my intention was, or what I actually meant by the phrase I used. And I would admit to it if you wish. I was angry with you without due cause, for that, I am sorry. Sometimes I got to back my own truck up too. I should have backed off when I said I was going to and come back another time when I could handle it. I should have gone off and "asked the Father" as I tell so many so much to do. So I will before I reply again. I slipped. Plus I need to learn to do what is written in the NT about taking folks off to the side if I have a disagreement about Scriptures, first, and then get two or three witnesses if the first element is not satisfied, and then if still not satisfied, THEN bring it before the "assembly". I think I'll try that from now on. That way I won't have a carry over attitude from anything else. No excuses, just saying what is in my own ears right now. Talk to you later and prayerfully with a little more civility. (but don't expect too much, I state the truth of the matters even if it hurts. Even if it hurts me.

red cardinal

New member
red cardinal
I see you are new on TOL. I have been here a while but have taken a break now and then. You will find some folks on here that don't know how to explain their positions to well. Others are down right crazy. But I find there is something to learn even from the crazy ones sometime. It is all about seeking the truth and letting the Spirit of Truth speak to us through even an A.S.S. sometimes. I usually try and keep it short and simple because I often run the risk of confusing myself. So Peace to you .

Thank you, amosman :wave2:

Just an observation, but if someone you view is a "crazy one" then how do you know if the have any "truth"? Isn't like an "oxymoron"? Just thinking :D

red cardinal

New member
Red Cardinal,

I'm sorry for the bad attitude I must admit I had with you. And also issuing you a rep without realizing you may or may not know what my intention was, or what I actually meant by the phrase I used. And I would admit to it if you wish. I was angry with you without due cause, for that, I am sorry. Sometimes I got to back my own truck up too. I should have backed off when I said I was going to and come back another time when I could handle it. I should have gone off and "asked the Father" as I tell so many so much to do. So I will before I reply again. I slipped. Plus I need to learn to do what is written in the NT about taking folks off to the side if I have a disagreement about Scriptures, first, and then get two or three witnesses if the first element is not satisfied, and then if still not satisfied, THEN bring it before the "assembly". I think I'll try that from now on. That way I won't have a carry over attitude from anything else. No excuses, just saying what is in my own ears right now. Talk to you later and prayerfully with a little more civility. (but don't expect too much, I state the truth of the matters even if it hurts. Even if it hurts me.

Apology accepted :up: If you don't mind a rather "pointed remark", but if you are so intent on obedience, and I wonder that you "slip" so much, then how does that make you any different than someone who is not being renewed and changed into the likeness of Christ? Sometimes we get so caught up in "obedience", whatever that may be to each person, that we forget the most difficult, yet most important commandments - all righteousness, goodness, and truth exhibited in the fruit of the Spirit. If we can't even be kind, and spoken in love, then all of our "works of obedience" are a clashing cymbal and are wasted effort.


New member
Apology accepted :up: If you don't mind a rather "pointed remark", but if you are so intent on obedience, and I wonder that you "slip" so much, then how does that make you any different than someone who is not being renewed and changed into the likeness of Christ? Sometimes we get so caught up in "obedience", whatever that may be to each person, that we forget the most difficult, yet most important commandments - all righteousness, goodness, and truth exhibited in the fruit of the Spirit. If we can't even be kind, and spoken in love, then all of our "works of obedience" are a clashing cymbal and are wasted effort.

It's hard to learn those things when they are never applied to me. The last neg rep I got to me was "you are a godless pervert" and I have had many that are like that and worse. No one says anything about them though. Neither did I. Why do I slip? Because I am not perfect...the Messiah is, and He is my "cover". But you asked "how come you slip so much"? Because I am the same as you and everyone else, who tries. The closer you get to actually living the truth, the harder the devil and his whords try to get you to slip. That is why we are to "keep watch" because of that ROARING LION that walks around seeking whom it may devour. I get a few chunk bitten off now and then, but I get them healed because I pray for STRENGTH. And that ios the reason why we slip, so we get a little humbling, and then move forwards BY HIS STRENGTH and "not our own".

I walk what I believe, I don't just talk it. That's why I slip. You never fell while running a race? You reported me for what I said to you...Did YOU go by the book in handling ME?

No, you did not either. You did not come to me first. You did not then bring two or three witnesses, and THEN bring me before the assembly. You gave me over to the "court" of this website, and I got threatended and told I went "way over the top". Is that not me giving the childrens food to the dogs, and then the dogs turning to rend me?

Look up what I said to you to find out, that what I meant was that I see many of you worhsipping a FALSE GOD. And that is why I said that...that is what it meant. You could have been helped by that, but you chose to spit it out of you instead. That is called "spurning" a "rebuke". And I didn't say a word to you that is not Scriptural and can be proven so. The word is in the Bible and it's meaning is plain, from the Ten Commands forward, His Name is number one, then NO OTHER MIGHTY ONES BEFORE HIS FACE! He says "do not even utter their names out of your mouths". And everybody spits on that, and on HIS Sabbath, and on HIS Appointed times, and they call me things like "godless pervert" for bringing forward knowledge that they say "we do not listen" to. This ain't about a poor me thing here, I'm just saying, you wonder why I am angry a lot?

Because of the great lack of respect I see in most of YOU for His Name, His Sabbaths, throwing the names of other mighty ones all around and calling Him by those names, never realizing that "truly our fathers inherited lies and things of no value", and I am simply trying with every angle that comes out to get you all to see these things so you will not be ones who "receive MANY STRIPES" from the Messiah you CLAIM to worship. But "ye would not" hear me, because you do not hear Him.

Yes, that is quite frustrating. To bring your brothers a gift and be kicked in the mouth for doing so. Especially just because you don't happen to like the wrapping of it. Waa waa waa, send me home then. Go for it. I pologized for what I did wrong, and that was being angry. This time I am not angry, I am saying what is plain, you just don't want to hear it. Did you think I was shrinking back? Oh Nooooooooooo, I was going into prayer to RELOAD.

Loving you without telling you the truth AS IT REALLY IS, is not love, it would be a lie.

red cardinal

New member
It's hard to learn those things when they are never applied to me. The last neg rep I got to me was "you are a godless pervert" and I have had many that are like that and worse. No one says anything about them though. Neither did I. Why do I slip? Because I am not perfect...the Messiah is, and He is my "cover". But you asked "how come you slip so much"? Because I am the same as you and everyone else, who tries. The closer you get to actually living the truth, the harder the devil and his whords try to get you to slip. That is why we are to "keep watch" because of that ROARING LION that walks around seeking whom it may devour. I get a few chunk bitten off now and then, but I get them healed because I pray for STRENGTH. And that ios the reason why we slip, so we get a little humbling, and then move forwards BY HIS STRENGTH and "not our own".

When someone is corrected for wrong doing, and they know it is wrong, it does not matter who did what to you. You have resorted to whining and pointing at others. This is not sincere confession. The peace of Christ within your heart allows the names people call you and the screed to roll off your back. Repentance means that you seek to change and not repeat your sin. It appears that you are giving yourself permission to slip so that Jesus can "cover you". That is lopsided thinking.

The devil does not make us "slip". We choose to do that all by our little own selves :eek: Read James 1 :thumb:

The devil seeks to devour by deceiving us gets us away from the truth of the Gospel, not by making us sin.

I walk what I believe, I don't just talk it. That's why I slip. You never fell while running a race? You reported me for what I said to you...Did YOU go by the book in handling ME?

No, you did not either. You did not come to me first. You did not then bring two or three witnesses, and THEN bring me before the assembly. You gave me over to the "court" of this website, and I got threatended and told I went "way over the top". Is that not me giving the childrens food to the dogs, and then the dogs turning to rend me?

If you walked what you believe, you wouldn't slip so much!!! The Holy Spirit changes our hearts and renews our minds in our approach to people. Which is why He gave us the fruit of the Spirit. You have the will in Christ, and the ability to act nice. Seriously! How long will you contend with God?

Chris, I am a newbie. I can only view reps and the comments, I cannot see who made the comment until I have been a member for two weeks and made 50 posts.

Secondly, forum protocol does not warrant that someone go to the person. This is not a church, this is not an assembly of all believers. This is a forum, where a multitude of religious beliefs are expressed. Here the admins do the job of "spanking" when someone gets out of line for disobeying the rules. I did not go "over the top". I could care less about the name you called me. I was concerned that you would do it to someone else - people can be hurt by using a vulgar term to describe them. Do you not get that?

Look up what I said to you to find out, that what I meant was that I see many of you worhsipping a FALSE GOD. And that is why I said that...that is what it meant. You could have been helped by that, but you chose to spit it out of you instead. That is called "spurning" a "rebuke". And I didn't say a word to you that is not Scriptural and can be proven so. The word is in the Bible and it's meaning is plain, from the Ten Commands forward, His Name is number one, then NO OTHER MIGHTY ONES BEFORE HIS FACE! He says "do not even utter their names out of your mouths". And everybody spits on that, and on HIS Sabbath, and on HIS Appointed times, and they call me things like "godless pervert" for bringing forward knowledge that they say "we do not listen" to. This ain't about a poor me thing here, I'm just saying, you wonder why I am angry a lot?

You are angry because you are not resting in the peace of Christ. Your angry outbursts in almost every post do nothing to promote your belief system. Ranting and raving against "Christians" only shows that you are judge and jury and condemn them based on your opinions of Scripture. The Bible does not advocate what you promote as truth. God called Israel a whore because they were chasing after, worshiping, and sacrificing to other gods. Christians are not pagan idol worshipers. Your heart has been turned against all those who love the Lord with your own distorted views. I could cry for your lack of love and compassion. It is so grievous. I pray that you truly find release for the hurt and the pain that the belief system you are following is causing you to be an angry, unpleasant, and unloving person. That is not Christ in you, the Hope of Glory.


New member
When someone is corrected for wrong doing, and they know it is wrong, it does not matter who did what to you. You have resorted to whining and pointing at others. This is not sincere confession. The peace of Christ within your heart allows the names people call you and the screed to roll off your back. Repentance means that you seek to change and not repeat your sin. It appears that you are giving yourself permission to slip so that Jesus can "cover you". That is lopsided thinking.

The devil does not make us "slip". We choose to do that all by our little own selves :eek: Read James 1 :thumb:

The devil seeks to devour by deceiving us gets us away from the truth], not by making us sin.

If you walked what you believe, you wouldn't slip so much!!! The Holy Spirit changes our hearts and renews our minds in our approach to people. Which is why He gave us the fruit of the Spirit. You have the will in Christ, and the ability to act nice. Seriously! How long will you contend with God?

Chris, I am a newbie. I can only view reps and the comments, I cannot see who made the comment until I have been a member for two weeks and made 50 posts.

Secondly, forum protocol does not warrant that someone go to the person. This is not a church, this is not an assembly of all believers. This is a forum, where a multitude of religious beliefs are expressed. Here the admins do the job of "spanking" when someone gets out of line for disobeying the rules. I did not go "over the top". I could care less about the name you called me. I was concerned that you would do it to someone else - people can be hurt by using a vulgar term to describe them. Do you not get that?

You are angry because you are not resting in the peace of Christ. Your angry outbursts in almost every post do nothing to promote your belief system. Ranting and raving against "Christians" only shows that you are judge and jury and condemn them based on your opinions of Scripture. The Bible does not advocate what you promote as truth. God called Israel a whore because they were chasing after, worshiping, and sacrificing to other gods. Christians are not pagan idol worshipers. Your heart has been turned against all those who love the Lord with your own distorted views. I could cry for your lack of love and compassion. It is so grievous. I pray that you truly find release for the hurt and the pain that the belief system you are following is causing you to be an angry, unpleasant, and unloving person. That is not Christ in you, the Hope of Glory.

That's right, just like a christian, resorting to not having the least incline to hear what someone else is going through. Matter nothing to you does it. You simply blow it off as whining. Makes YOU feel better now don't it. Good then, at least I accomplished something. Angry because you people care nothing for "His Name's Sake"...yepper!


New member
When someone is corrected for wrong doing, and they know it is wrong, it does not matter who did what to you. You have resorted to whining and pointing at others. This is not sincere confession. The peace of Christ within your heart allows the names people call you and the screed to roll off your back. Repentance means that you seek to change and not repeat your sin. It appears that you are giving yourself permission to slip so that Jesus can "cover you". That is lopsided thinking.

The devil does not make us "slip". We choose to do that all by our little own selves :eek: Read James 1 :thumb:

The devil seeks to devour by deceiving us gets us away from the truth of the Gospel, not by making us sin.

If you walked what you believe, you wouldn't slip so much!!! The Holy Spirit changes our hearts and renews our minds in our approach to people. Which is why He gave us the fruit of the Spirit. You have the will in Christ, and the ability to act nice. Seriously! How long will you contend with God?

Chris, I am a newbie. I can only view reps and the comments, I cannot see who made the comment until I have been a member for two weeks and made 50 posts.

Secondly, forum protocol does not warrant that someone go to the person. This is not a church, this is not an assembly of all believers. This is a forum, where a multitude of religious beliefs are expressed. Here the admins do the job of "spanking" when someone gets out of line for disobeying the rules. I did not go "over the top". I could care less about the name you called me. I was concerned that you would do it to someone else - people can be hurt by using a vulgar term to describe them. Do you not get that?

You are angry because you are not resting in the peace of Christ. Your angry outbursts in almost every post do nothing to promote your belief system. Ranting and raving against "Christians" only shows that you are judge and jury and condemn them based on your opinions of Scripture. The Bible does not advocate what you promote as truth. God called Israel a whore because they were chasing after, worshiping, and sacrificing to other gods. Christians are not pagan idol worshipers. Your heart has been turned against all those who love the Lord with your own distorted views. I could cry for your lack of love and compassion. It is so grievous. I pray that you truly find release for the hurt and the pain that the belief system you are following is causing you to be an angry, unpleasant, and unloving person. That is not Christ in you, the Hope of Glory.

That's my problem!!!! Ok, I got it now! "Forum protocol"! Sorry, I live my life by ONE MASTER, and no others. That's why you folks can't stand to hear what I have to say...I DO it, not just talk it. I live it, not just when it suits me to gain access to others according to THEIR RULES. Oh they can't follow His Rules, but they can try sop hard to make me follow theirs. Ain't gonna work. They say "we are not under the law"...just long enough to make one up for others to follow.

GOOD JOB! YOU proved my points. Praise Yah.

red cardinal

New member
That's my problem!!!! Ok, I got it now! "Forum protocol"! Sorry, I live my life by ONE MASTER, and no others. That's why you folks can't stand to hear what I have to say...I DO it, not just talk it. I live it, not just when it suits me to gain access to others according to THEIR RULES. Oh they can't follow His Rules, but they can try sop hard to make me follow theirs. Ain't gonna work. They say "we are not under the law"...just long enough to make one up for others to follow.

GOOD JOB! YOU proved my points. Praise Yah.

You agreed to follow the forum rules when you signed up, right? The issue is that you did wrong to someone and refuse to accept responsibility for it, but instead say "the devil made me do it".:DK:


New member
You agreed to follow the forum rules when you signed up, right? The issue is that you did wrong to someone and refuse to accept responsibility for it, but instead say "the devil made me do it".:DK:

I already accepted responsibility for it. The only reason I brought up what I have never mentioned before, was to give you an idea of what goes on here. I don't sweat the remark made to me. Never did, I prayed for the person who said it without making it known to others. And still haven't made it known to others who it was. I forgave the person and prayed for them. You haven't heard a word I've said.

Basically and formostly, all I am about is RESPECT, not for me whatsoever, there ain't no doubts in anyones mind that I don't deserve any. But for Yahuweh, and His Son Yahu'Shua, their Names AND Authorities, which are not divided, never have changed, and are all still in effect, for those to which The Word "has effect" still.

The Word has "no effect" and you all play like it does to you, but it isn't having it's "effect" and it is stated why in Scriptures. But you want to ignore it, again just as written in Scriptures. You have replace the God of the Bible with imaginations and traditions of men, not of Yah. You have all gone astray, and the only reason I can say anything about it is because I came out, from what you are in. But hey, don't bother with me eh, I must at the very least be such a heretic to you who desire not to hear what I speak. It is written that you "never look up and say what have I done", and it is told us because of what is written in the Old Testament that you christians are so wickedly trying to get everyone in the world to ignore. Read Matthew CHAPTER 15.

It is the Father you deny by your many traditions, and you can not have the Son without the Father! Hear me people...or don't. It is definitely your "choice". We are told to COME OUT OF HER in this last day and prepare the way for Yahu'Shua's return.

Do you think that Revelation 22:11 says what it says for nothing? There are things being "restored" and things being "reconciled" by the ministry OF reconciliations BY those who have come to see things be RESTORED. Do you not know the meaning of the word "restored"?

You know what, nevermind. It is becoming obvious that the "time when no man can work" is right in my face. Don't listen to me, I told you that from the time I walked in this place. Listen to YAHUWEH and HIS SON YAHU'SHUA.

What I have done, I have done "for His Name's sake". You folks just can't even get what that means. FOR HIS AUTHORITIES SAKE BY HIS NAME. You pray the "Lord's prayer" for naught, you don't even agree with what it is you pray. You were told He would raise up watchmen and fishermen, and you say again "we do not listen". Nothing I can do about that I reckon. But let me leave you with this; I loved you since I first saw this website and joined. I joined because of that love, I remained because of that love, I took what I took because of that love, and I tried and I tried because of that is a love "not of this world" that caused me to want you to have truth instead of lies. And true love, instead of tickled ears. You just don't get it. I love Him FIRST, and you can't seem to ever take being second best. I can.


Well-known member
To an observant Jew, the Sabbath is, in many ways, what our lives center around. Besides being symbolic of the creation and a day of rest, it is a day to spend with our families and our communities.

When we want to know if a person is an observant Jew, we don't ask "is he a believer?". We ask "Is he Sabbath-observant?"

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
When we want to know if a person is an observant Jew, we don't ask "is he a believer?". We ask "Is he Sabbath-observant?"

I have a question. Do you believe that God really talked to Moses, and he wrote down all those things generaly considered Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy?
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To an observant Jew, the Sabbath is, in many ways, what our lives center around. Besides being symbolic of the creation and a day of rest, it is a day to spend with our families and our communities.

When we want to know if a person is an observant Jew, we don't ask "is he a believer?". We ask "Is he Sabbath-observant?"

Shalom. Yes. This is what I knew. I became Sabbath observant. I am a Jew. I observe the Torah. Thank you chair for posting this. Enjoy the Passover. Shalom. Jacob.
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