The TOPIC OF THE DAY for June 30th, 2010 10:49 AM
toldailytopic: Stereotypes: Do you fit into one? Which stereotypes do you believe have some validity?
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It's good to see you confess. Now, if you'd only repent. :thumb:I'm a terrorist (a Taliban loving sleeper cell member to be exact). I'm a wife beater. My wife must wear her hijab or I'll take my fist and dip it in glue and then rub it in sand (because all Muslims love sand so it's only right) and and hit her like I was participating in the kumate. I oppress women. I hate Christians, and especially Jews. I hate America, and represent my country I come from (as many on here see me labeled Muslim and assume I must be from the Middle East).
I don't think I fit any stereotypes. I'm a highly individual and quirky guy.I'm my own man.
I'm a Jew,but not stereotypically Jewish at all.
I'm sort of liberalish, but disagree with a lot of liberals on many things. I can't be pidgeonholed in any way.
The thing with stereotypes is there usually is some truth to them.
For instance....
Women drivers.
The thing with stereotypes is there usually is some truth to them.
For instance....
Women drivers.
There is nothing stereotypical about me, I am a good old church lady! Southern and right minded. :listen: and a little addle-minded:dizzy::IA:you shut up too!:mmph:
Church Lady | |
I would have to stereotype myself as the typical filthy-rich, ruggedly-handsome football star with the trophy wife.
Stereotypes: Do you fit into one? Which stereotypes do you believe have some validity?
I once had a woman tell me I looked like someone who would live in a commune....:squint:
I don't think I fit into a particular stereotype. For instance: I'm of Irish blood and yet, I'm a very cheap drunk
Now, that's not to say that other people don't stereotype me...we all do it...but usually their perceptions of me are wrong. I'm not stereotypical at all. And I like that.![]()
There are several stereotypes of Aussie men that come to mind. But I can't think of any stereotypes for Aussie women. :idunno:
:Shimei:There's always the 'Elle' stereotype.....