toldailytopic: Spend more or spend less? How would you get the US economy back on tra

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What is debt-free money?
It often starts with a state that taxes it's people.The state prints it's own money, and then it demands payment in this new debt free money. That makes people want to have it, creating the demand. Otherwise, it's just a humble piece of paper with no inherent value other than what the state gives it.

Is it money that won't get you in debt, in trouble, ever?

You can get into debt no matter what money type you use, as an individual. But the creation of money should not require a matching creation of debt. That's what will change. That's the one important thing that debt free fiat has in common with gold.

Money that can buy you things because it's money, but money that is debt free, capable of keeping people from all potential future pending debt.

Well again, only wise fiscal choices will ultimately decide this, but back in the days of the colonial scrip, when it was working well, there were no poor houses needed. Everyone could do well for themselves and companies typically did NOT borrow to fund their operations. This has actually happened numerous times, only to be interrupted by greedy bankers paying off greedy politicians or sneaking counterfeits in.


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toldailytopic: Spend more or spend less? How would you get the US economy back on track?

Firstly cut the pork--get rid of things that are driving the taxes sky high. The government finances a lot of projects are just junk. Our country has the highest corporate tax in the world driving businesses off shore. Cut the taxes. Also the environmental laws this country has hurt businesses as well. Other countries don't have these laws. Let's start paring down the taxes and being less restrictive. The US needs to create an environment that is business friendly to boost its economy.


Well-known member
Firstly cut the pork--get rid of things that are driving the taxes sky high. The government finances a lot of projects are just junk.
Some government projects are wasteful but you could cut ALL of nondefense discretionary spending and still only cover HALF of the current deficit. We have a problem that requires both spending and revenue to be tackled.

Our country has the highest corporate tax in the world driving businesses off shore. Cut the taxes.
Except there are so many loopholes, virtually none of our businesses actually pay them. GE paid no income tax last year

Also the environmental laws this country has hurt businesses as well. Other countries don't have these laws.
So that means we should follow the lead of places like China and India and start poisoning the populace in the name of "progress"? Wow. We've been there done that, that's WHY we have an EPA.

Let's start paring down the taxes and being less restrictive. The US needs to create an environment that is business friendly to boost its economy.
We already are among the most business friendly nations on earth. However, the big problem is health care costs which is why health care reform needs to go forward, not be stopped.

There is no way on earth we should take down our regulations to the level of that in third world countries. Americans do not want to work in sweatshops and factories where people throw themselves from buildings because working conditions are so bad and the pay so low.

Their regulations are so poor that babies die from tainted milk and people are sickened from pork containing steroids.

That's the price of cheap goods from China. I have no desire to live in a country that goes to those standards. If you wish to do so, please feel free to move to China. It's so sad that people as ignorant of history and other nation's policies as you can actually vote . . .


New member
Firstly cut the pork--get rid of things that are driving the taxes sky high. The government finances a lot of projects are just junk. Our country has the highest corporate tax in the world driving businesses off shore. Cut the taxes. Also the environmental laws this country has hurt businesses as well. Other countries don't have these laws. Let's start paring down the taxes and being less restrictive. The US needs to create an environment that is business friendly to boost its economy.

Speaking of pork, the pork is going onto international banking tables.

We need to stop letting the banks rob us blind, gamble with OUR money, hold their hand out for a bail, then gamble again, and stick their hand out again. Where is the old Glass Steagall bill already!!??? We've got to bring it back, and keep much closer tabs on all those naked-short selling cheaters.

some other dude

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The TOPIC OF THE DAY for April 29th, 2011 09:21 AM

toldailytopic: Spend more or spend less? How would you get the US economy back on track?

Reinstitute slavery. Every god fearing Christian would receive their very own liberal/progressive/Democrat slave.


New member
Get rid of every one of the federal departments which do not turn a profit. I mean, for one, the Department of education which has done absolutely nothing to improve American education. Get rid of the EPA which does nothing but defraud property owners of all their rights. Get rid of welfarism, and Planned Parenthood which kills babies for immoral brats and then demands that the public pay for their killing spree. Bring an end to those so-called "mothers" who spring brats who will eventually live a life of crime. AND if they don't like payng their own way, tell them, "Your choice. Either you support your own life and children, or starve (like the Bible says!)"

Inform the brainless, promiscuous adulterers to stop saying the public must pay the cost of raising children who will just live the same wicked lifestyle their parents have lived. Let them know: sure there is a responsibility when children are born, but gues what: thatr is YOUR responsibility; not the responsibility of decent parents who are busy raising their own children. Live right or die whining for rights you claim but do not have the rights you claim.


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It’s a tricky question, we spend more, creating more economic exchange, helps job growth. At the same time, spending less, saving more, gives an individual an economic advantage in the long run.


New member
Get rid of every one of the federal departments which do not turn a profit.

That wouldn't change a thing. There's only one reason these things exist. Because fraud is the norm. The truth is, no one should be starving. In fair economies, no one, not even the less well behaved ones, starve to death. (Barring an unusual catastrophe, but even then, catastrophes are better handled by honest societies. Hurricane Katrina is a great example of corruption magnifying tragedy.)


New member
It’s a tricky question, we spend more, creating more economic exchange, helps job growth. At the same time, spending less, saving more, gives an individual an economic advantage in the long run.

Spending less and saving is irrelevant in a properly balanced economy. We could literally be many times wealthier if we were not carefully milked of our money and our freedom to make more of the same stuff.

The problem we have now is that there is not enough money circulating at the bottom of the food chain, where we are, to do any real saving. In fact, if people stop spending and try to hoard cash now, they will only hasten their inevitable demise.


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The TOPIC OF THE DAY for April 29th, 2011 09:21 AM

toldailytopic: Spend more or spend less? How would you get the US economy back on track?

Take the topic above and run with it! Slice it, dice it, give us your general thoughts about it. Everyday there will be a new TOL Topic of the Day.
If you want to make suggestions for the Topic of the Day send a Tweet to @toldailytopic or @theologyonline or send it to us via Facebook.
I do not think that the citizens of the United States have the stomach to cure the debt crises as a whole. There are to many people dependent on the social welfare programs of the federal government. This includes many very wealthy people as well as those who are poor. This whole debt thing is very pervasive in nature.

There is no reason for there to be any debt by the Federal Government. The currency can be printed debt free by the Treasury and this would eliminate the need of a central bank.

The congress of the United States should set the amount of currency available in any given year. The amount of currency printed from year to year would need to be limited by law as to the increase or decrease and this limitation should be binding on the congress in order to keep the currency stable.

Fractional reserve banking should be outlawed. This would help in keeping a stable value on the currency, help prevent speculative business practices and build confidence in the value of the currency.

The progressive tax structure should be eliminated alone with all deductions. This would eliminate cooperate welfare and gaming of the system. The political favorites game would end the size of government could be reduced accordingly.

There may be other things that could be done but this would be a good start. The currency would not be a commodity such as gold or silver who's value would be to hard to control due to its common use in the products of industry.


New member
We ought to continue to spend, but not on designer clothes, overpriced houses or the latest Apple product; we ought to increase spending on items that increase production.

Doesn't someone have to produce designer clothing, houses and Apple products?
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