toldailytopic: Soft tissue found in dinosaur bones: what is the significance?


New member
Anybody want to answer how the soft tissue can survive after 100 million years. 65 million is the cutoff date, not the median date.

Creationists in the future built a time-machine, went back into the past and implanted cloned dinosaur tissue in the rock layers in order to undermine the theory of evolution.


New member
Hall of Fame
I see that you have no idea.

Wrong. When Jefferson started a thread about this subject a week ago I provided not only the link to the Smithsonian's article (which I doubt you read) but also links for other articles covering the discovery and the tissue with comments by Horner and Schweitzer. If you're unable or unwilling to actually look into the matter yourself, you're both lazy and ignorant. Not my problem. This wouldn't be the first time a creationist made a fool of himself by being willfully uninformed.


Wrong. When Jefferson started a thread about this subject a week ago I provided not only the link to the Smithsonian's article (which I doubt you read) but also links for other articles covering the discovery and the tissue with comments by Horner and Schweitzer. If you're unable or unwilling to actually look into the matter yourself, you're both lazy and ignorant. Not my problem. This wouldn't be the first time a creationist made a fool of himself by being willfully uninformed.

I see that you are too lazy to copy and past from a TOL post, or to even give a link. Moreover, it is evident you didn't really understand what you read in the smithsonian article. As far as you are concerned, an expert said it, and that is the end of the story. You don't bother to concern yourself with critically thinking about it.


New member
Hall of Fame
I see that you are too lazy to copy and past from a TOL post, or to even give a link.

For a guy with your pretensions--seriously: voltaire?--you don't seem terribly sharp, or perceptive, or really interested in learning...anything. Use Google, genius. I think you can figure that out, am I right? This isn't all that hard. The discovery's several years old and has been covered and discussed in detail since.

Moreover, it is evident you didn't really understand what you read in the smithsonian article.

...and I'm sure you won't deign to explain why. Swine and pearls and all that.:yawn:

As far as you are concerned, an expert said it, and that is the end of the story.

Those who actually made the discovery and who have studied it extensively know what they're talking about. You approach the issue as a creationist with all the ignorance and baggage that implies. Creationists have been trying to misinterpret the tissue since it was announced.


Well-known member
Those who actually made the discovery and who have studied it extensively know what they're talking about. You approach the issue as a creationist with all the ignorance and baggage that implies. Creationists have been trying to misinterpret the tissue since it was announced.
From your article, it appears all they have done to explain how this tissue is still around after 65 million years is say 'Wow, I guess this stuff can last 65 million years.' (the quote is my own paraphrase)


Well-known member
I see that you are too lazy to copy and past from a TOL post, or to even give a link. Moreover, it is evident you didn't really understand what you read in the smithsonian article. As far as you are concerned, an expert said it, and that is the end of the story. You don't bother to concern yourself with critically thinking about it.
I copied the line from the opening post, pasted it in google, and immediately found the Smithsonian article, as well as others. Granite read it. I read it. You apparently can't be bothered. So you really can't add anything of value, here, can you, except your own uninformed opinions.


Well-known member
From your article, it appears all they have done to explain how this tissue is still around after 65 million years is say 'Wow, I guess this stuff can last 65 million years.' (the quote is my own paraphrase)
They can't explain things until they have an explanation. That will take some time to investigate, and test. So for now, all we can do is wait and see.

Or, we can jump to wild unsubstantiated conclusions and then insult anyone who disagrees.

some other dude

New member
From the following echange, one might be led to believe that Granite has read the Smithsonian article and understands how soft tissue can survive after 100 million years:
Anybody want to answer how the soft tissue can survive after 100 million years. 65 million is the cutoff date, not the median date.

How about looking into the matter and seeing what the scientists involved have to say? It won't take you very long.

I see that you have no idea.

Wrong. When Jefferson started a thread about this subject a week ago I provided not only the link to the Smithsonian's article (which I doubt you read) but also links for other articles covering the discovery and the tissue with comments by Horner and Schweitzer. If you're unable or unwilling to actually look into the matter yourself, you're both lazy and ignorant. Not my problem. This wouldn't be the first time a creationist made a fool of himself by being willfully uninformed.

For a guy with your pretensions--seriously: voltaire?--you don't seem terribly sharp, or perceptive, or really interested in learning...anything. Use Google, genius. I think you can figure that out, am I right? This isn't all that hard. The discovery's several years old and has been covered and discussed in detail since.

...and I'm sure you won't deign to explain why. Swine and pearls and all that.:yawn:

Those who actually made the discovery and who have studied it extensively know what they're talking about. You approach the issue as a creationist with all the ignorance and baggage that implies. Creationists have been trying to misinterpret the tissue since it was announced.

From the article:

“It got me real curious as to exceptional preservation,” she says. If particles of that one dinosaur were able to hang around for 65 million years, maybe the textbooks were wrong about fossilization.

Schweitzer’s work is “showing us we really don’t understand decay,” Holtz says. “There’s a lot of really basic stuff in nature that people just make assumptions about.”

Gee, nothing about how it might survive for 100 million years.

Looks like Granite hasn't read his own link.


One Eyed Jack

New member
Those who actually made the discovery and who have studied it extensively know what they're talking about. You approach the issue as a creationist with all the ignorance and baggage that implies. Creationists have been trying to misinterpret the tissue since it was announced.

We're the ones who've been right since it was announced. It took you guys what -- six or seven years to admit it was actually dinosaur tissue?


New member
Hall of Fame
We're the ones who've been right since it was announced. It took you guys what -- six or seven years to admit it was actually dinosaur tissue?

Not that I'm aware of, no. And who are the "you guys" you're referring to? I'm not aware of any paleontologists who post on TOL.

Your beef is with Horner, Schweitzer, and others, who know more than creationist's pseudo "experts," and who have had to repeat themselves since the discovery: no, this doesn't mean the earth is only 6,000 years old; yes, the rock it came from is more than 60 million years old. The tissue does not mean what creationists think it means, and for science to be so badly warped and twisted has to be disconcerting for those who actually know better.

Nothing changes. Creationism persists in its ignorance.

One Eyed Jack

New member
Not that I'm aware of, no.

Then you just haven't been paying attention, Granite. We've been saying this was actual dinosaur tissue the whole time others have been claiming it was a hoax, or biofilm, or whatever.

And who are the "you guys" you're referring to? I'm not aware of any paleontologists who post on TOL.

Your beef is with Horner, Schweitzer, and others,

I have no beef with Schweitzer. As for Horner, didn't he say nothing would ever convince him this was actual dinosaur tissue?

who know more than creationist's pseudo "experts," and who have had to repeat themselves since the discovery: no, this doesn't mean the earth is only 6,000 years old; yes, the rock it came from is more than 60 million years old.

And they know this how?

The tissue does not mean what creationists think it means, and for science to be so badly warped and twisted has to be disconcerting for those who actually know better.

Nothing changes. Creationism persists in its ignorance.

You're claiming soft-tissue can last 65-million years, despite everything we know about decay, and I'm persisting in my ignorance? All right, then.


Well-known member
They can't explain things until they have an explanation. That will take some time to investigate, and test. So for now, all we can do is wait and see.

Or, we can jump to wild unsubstantiated conclusions and then insult anyone who disagrees.
Yeah? Well you are an idiot!

(this is a joke btw)


New member
Hall of Fame

This is one of the best over-all discussions of the topic I've found.

What's the significance of the find? Well, it may shed light on dinosaurs, their development, and how they actually lived and evolved. It's a serendipitous discovery, and a remarkable scientific achievement. And the people actually involved in the find are aghast that creationists consistently misrepresent it.

And your article says that Schweitzer is one of those evil evolutionist Christians. :shocked:


And your article says that Schweitzer is one of those evil evolutionist Christians. :shocked:

Just read the whole smithsonian article. I didn't find an explanation for how soft tissue survives 66 million years anywhere in it. This is a prime example of evolutionists demanding evidence against evolution from creationists and then hand wave it away when evidence is presented. This Schweitzer gal is a typical theistic evolutionist. She doesn't understand Romans 1:20 which says that the handiwork of God in his creation is so obvious that people who reject God are without excuse. To break that down further: No one will be able to stand before God at judgement day and tell God there was no evidence he existed. God will look him straight in the face and say that his creation proved his existence everyday he contemplated it.

The fact that there was no soft tissues found in dinosaurs used to be evidence that they were extremely old. When soft tissues are finally found, the story changes. If the absence of soft tissue used to be evidence for old ages, the presence of it has to evidence of young age or else you are a hypocrite.


And your article says that Schweitzer is one of those evil evolutionist Christians. :shocked:

Evolutionist christians are not called evil for no reason. To take away the very meaning of what it means to be all powerful God and make God a non causative bystander who takes ZERO part in his so called "creation" is very evil indeed.