GC you made this connection. YOU are confusing my words, making assumptions and leaps that I did not make.
Let me clarify clearly for you. I do not condone of men attracted to men being around little boys. Little boys turn into men. Do I want little boys to become gay? No, I don't. Clearly I dont think we agree.
Do I think "gayness" rubs off? You have your opinion and I have mine. Mine is that to be tolerant and accepting on another's deviant and immoral behaviors MAY lead to them thinking it is OK. It is not ok in my world or in any "Christian based" organization. Get it? I have seen research that does not show strong links for homo pedophiles perping against boys, however I do NOT trust just "any research" and that is ONE study of a "sample". [\quote]
Thank you, that's clearer now.
The research is stronger than just your one sample. It is consistent that homosexuals are not a special risk for boys. In fact, many homosexuals have more of a maternal instinct that makes them good carers. Also, it is certain that homosexuality is a fundamental requiring of their sexuality, not a lack of moral reasoning. It is not possible to turn a boy into a homosexual if they are not wired that way.
I work with children, and many have come from awful households. I am quite aware of the trauma that abuse causes, and that most abuse happens in the home and is perpetrated by family members.
Transferring that fear onto an innocent group is unwarranted.