toldailytopic: Should the Boy Scouts be forced to change their anti-gay policy?

Nathon Detroit

Well, that goes hand in hand with playing politics. In the above situation, it would be up to them to explain why their policies shouldn't be subject to anti-discrimination laws.
Do you think private clubs and groups should be subject to anti-discrimination laws?

Shouldn't we have the right to assemble the way we see fit?

Lets say a few neighbors start a weekly Bible study group in one of our houses. Another neighbor is a muslim and he wants to come to the study as well and read passages from the Koran. Should we be allowed to exclude him? Or should the government force us to disband or allow the Muslim neighbor to preach at our Bible study?


Regardless of whether or not I agree with this policy personally (which I don't), I don't care to see any organization forced to change their policy in order to cater to a select few.

IMO, those big names who oppose this organization would be better off to put their money where their mouths are and actually sponsor a new and separate organization that would honor and advocate an open door policy to all religions, sexual orientations, genders and races, etc ...

Rusha, in her/his? typical uninformed mode, seems to think that the Boy Scouts doesn't allow all different races and religions (or perhaps he/she? is just doing a hatchet job on a good Godly organization?)

But you're right on the other part Rusha. I'm sure that parents of young boys will just flock in droves to have their impressionable young offspring taught the morals of homosexuals and atheists.

Nathon Detroit

The homo agenda isn't about tolerance it is about conformity. You will conform to their thinking or else.

A large group of people who all have the same social/psychological/sexual disorder get together to force society to think like they do, so that they don't have to change. That is the "Gay Agenda" in a nutshell...

Like the borg resistance is futile.
You are 100% correct. As we have found... the tolerance and diversity crowd is neither diverse nor tolerant.

And this Boy Scout situation is a perfect example. Why isn't the tolerance crowd tolerant of the Boy Scouts and their beliefs?


Well-known member
Is it an anti gay policy?

Or a pro God policy?

It is a pro God policy.

God designed mankind as heterosexuals, not homosexuals.

The Boy Scouts choose to believe God, not devilish error.

Hurray for the Boy Scouts!



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
The TOPIC OF THE DAY for May 31st, 2012 08:13 AM

toldailytopic: Should the Boy Scouts be forced to change their anti-gay policy?

First off kids don't have a "sexual orientation" as they shouldn't be having sex.
Second as long as they ban gays ( in adult leadership positions as the kids shouldn't be asked cause that's not a decision you should have to make when you're filling out a form to go camping when you're twelve years old) then people will just lie.
I didn't really believe in God when I was a Scout so I just mumbled thru that part of the Oath.
I hope that they will come around to the times and stop the nonsensical opposition to Gays and Atheists but whatever, persecuted minorities will do what they always do, lie.
As far as "forcing" them to do anything they all have knives and know how to start fires so I don't think that's a very wise course to take.


First off kids don't have a "sexual orientation" as they shouldn't be having sex.

Yet we hear the term "gay youth" by the sodomite movement daily. Obviously the homosexual movement thinks that children have that supposed "right" to have deviant sex (often times with their elders).

Second as long as they ban gays ( in adult leadership positions as the kids shouldn't be asked cause that's not a decision you should have to make when you're filling out a form to go camping when you're twelve years old) then people will just lie.

Because homosexual pedophiles and atheists do lie (as you've shown us in your post), the Boy Scouts do thorough background checks to make sure that moral degenerates don't get in their ranks as leaders.

Nathon Detroit

My mockery is fangless sir.
All I am saying is..... your posts are always argumentative. I think you would more effectively get your point across when it mattered most if you found ways to get along with the other members. Think about it.... if you are going to spend a lot of time here on TOL (and it seems that you are), why not befriend some of the members even if you have ideological differences? Save your quick, harsh retorts for the newbies and the especially wicked comments. There is nothing wrong with having a civil disagreement with folks you spend a lot of time with.

Because of your approach.... your posts are just kinda like "white noise", easy to tune out.


New member
Hall of Fame
Do you think private clubs and groups should be subject to anti-discrimination laws?


If they're encouraging criminal activity, then I think they shouldn't be protected. I'm trying to think of another case where we should draw the line. If the National Group Of Super-Duper White People is meeting next door, I might not like it, but that's their right; if they burn a cross on my neighbor's lawn, all bets should be off.

Shouldn't we have the right to assemble the way we see fit?

Yes, with the one exception above. A group can't shout fire in a theater, in other words.

Lets say a few neighbors start a weekly Bible study group in one of our houses. Another neighbor is a muslim and he wants to come to the study as well and read passages from the Koran. Should we be allowed to exclude him?

Of course.

Or should the government force us to disband or allow the Muslim neighbor to preach at our Bible study?

Absolutely not.


Well-known member
As I understand it, the Boy Scouts is a private organization, and as such they are free to accept or reject whomever they want. But they cannot then be given the public's tax dollars, and they still have to respect the rights of all citizens and obey the laws of the nation. I disagree with their choice to discriminate, but I would defend them against any attempt to force them to change it against their will. The issue of their freedom is more important to me (and to us all, I think) than the issue of their discriminatory policies.

Nathon Detroit

First off kids don't have a "sexual orientation" as they shouldn't be having sex.
Second as long as they ban gays ( in adult leadership positions as the kids shouldn't be asked cause that's not a decision you should have to make when you're filling out a form to go camping when you're twelve years old) then people will just lie.
I didn't really believe in God when I was a Scout so I just mumbled thru that part of the Oath.
I hope that they will come around to the times and stop the nonsensical opposition to Gays and Atheists but whatever, persecuted minorities will do what they always do, lie.
As far as "forcing" them to do anything they all have knives and know how to start fires so I don't think that's a very wise course to take.
So you think the government should step in and force the Scouts to tolerate homosexuals and even allow them to be troop leaders?

I'm fairly certain that would spell the end of the Scouts. I'm guessing a large portion of folks would feel very uncomfortable with openly gay troop leaders.


New member
Hall of Fame
That is an interesting question. I think in some cases its merely an attempt to cause trouble or gain attention.

Absolutely. I know you and I disagree (heh-heh) on gay rights, but why sue a church that refuses to marry you? Why would you WANT to get married there? Never made sense to me.

One thing about your home group example (and my own)--I wonder if the rules of engagement are different about private gatherings, and public organizations like the Boy Scouts. Is there a lawyer in the house?:think:


All I am saying is..... your posts are always argumentative. I think you would more effectively get your point across when it mattered most if you found ways to get along with the other members. Think about it.... if you are going to spend a lot of time here on TOL (and it seems that you are), why not befriend some of the members even if you have ideological differences? Save your quick, harsh retorts for the newbies and the especially wicked comments. There is nothing wrong with having a civil disagreement with folks you spend a lot of time with.

Because of your approach.... your posts are just kinda like "white noise", easy to tune out.

With all due respect Knight, I find it harmful to argue with he that holds the ban button.

I'm busy fighting a culture war. "Civil disscussions" won't get us out of the moral hellhole that we're currently in. Educating good people will.


New member
My mockery is fangless sir.

No, it is not fangless.
On several occasions I tried to have a civil exchange with you. We agree, in principle, on some foundation truths.
You were disrespectful, making fun of my age and gender.
My feelings were hurt so I have stayed away from you.

Nathon Detroit

I'm busy fighting a culture war. "Civil disscussions" won't get us out of the moral hellhole that we're currently in. Educating good people will.
Effective education helps in the culture war. Harsh rebuke also helps (in the right circumstance). We need to show wisdom. We need to know when it's appropriate to employ harsh rebuke and when it's not.

I've been doing this for much longer than you have, maybe.... just maybe... you could consider what I am telling you.