1. Lol at Lighthouse.
2. I find myself divided on the matter:
On the one hand, I find myself wondering whether or not a woman should be imprisoned for prostitution. Does the prostitute infringe against anyone's life, liberty, or property? Well, it doesn't seem like it. Therefore, it ought not be illegal.
On the other hand, suppose that it were legal. Many problems follow:
a. If prostitution is legal, then either it will be taxed or exempt from taxation. If prostitution is tax exempt, then the government gives the appearance of endorsing prostitution. If prostitution is taxed, then that's even worse, because that means that public funds are coming from prostitution.
b. If prostitution is legal, then that means that there can be a prostitution business contract, precisely in the same way that I can enter into a contract with someone to buy his car. That means that courts would have to compel buyers of prostitutes to pay up, and likewise, to compel prostitutes either to make good on their offers or give a refund. The thought of a prostitution-related civil action being heard in court strikes me as ridiculous.
c. Related to b, if prostitution is legal, then that means that sexuality becomes a viable part of a business relationship. We see something like this in the case of abortion. Since abortion is legal, health care providers (except in certain cases) are expected to provide them at least in certain cases. Thus, if a nurse refuses to aid in performing an abortion, there's a good chance that she can be fired. Well...if sex becomes an acceptable part of a business contract, then that means that employers can require it as a condition of employment. This means that if hot secretary x refuses to give into her employer's sexual advances, she can be fired. This also means that some very serious hiring discrimination could occur. If the employer is a single man who, in addition to wanting a secretary, wants some sex on the side...I'm not getting that job.
d. I'm seeing problems with respect to offspring. If I were to buy a prostitute, have sex with her, and get her pregnant...well...what would be the legal ramifications? Would I have to pay child support? Would I be responsible for the well being of the child? When you add the fact that, not only I, but several other men (and possibly women) bought that prostitute in the same time frame that the prostitute conceived the child, things become even more legally bizarre.
There are, I am sure, many, many other legal problems, but these are the ones that immediately come to mind.