toldailytopic: Should Osama Bin Laden be forgiven?

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Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
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The question in the OP was: "Should Osama bin Laden be forgiven?"
Yes, I can read and so can you. The unstated aspect is forgiven by whom, no? Hence, my response was directed accordingly. Thanks for stopping by. ;)


Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
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God commands us to forgive. Forgiveness is an act of the will, it is not some emotion.

The question in the OP was: "Should Osama bin Laden be forgiven?"

Yes, I can read and so can you. The unstated aspect is forgiven by whom, no? Hence, my response was directed accordingly. Thanks for stopping by. ;)

I forgive you for not answering the question.
Then I reluctantly retract my previous claim about your reading comprehension. :squint:



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The TOPIC OF THE DAY for May 2nd, 2011 08:55 AM

toldailytopic: Should Osama Bin Laden be forgiven?

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perhaps when the American economy picks up....I WOULDN'T EXPECT THOSE THAT HAVE LOST LOVED ONES TO EVERY FORGIVE....God Won't?

This Charming Manc

Well-known member
Straight up he has no less right to grace of God than myself or anyone else, I just don't think he accepted the offer.

I dont rejoice in his death as I rejoice in the desth of no man.

However he was a mass murderer and a terrorist whocould not be left to murder and needed dealing with, whether this was his death or imprisonment I think was up to him at the end.

Job done, but no rejoicing.

Ttoldailytopic: Should Osama Bin Laden be forgiven?

Frank Ernest

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Can't you just see all the pastors and priests at various churches this coming Sunday crying and begging their congregation to forgive Bin Laden. "Gee... look how Christian I am... I can even forgive Osama Bin Laden, you should too".

Makes me wanna barf. :vomit:
The wonderful vagaries of human duplicity. Forgiveness is an easy thing to grant IF the one forgiving, gratuitously, figures he is not the one in the cross-hairs. I also recognize the hypocritical posturing of those "religious" ones who fall in the "nicer than God" milieu.

I agree on the :vomit: part.


New member
I have the mind of Christ (1Cor 2:16); therefore, I cannot forgive Bin Ladin anymore than God already forgave him. Now that's water under the bridge.

What would I be forgiving Bin Ladin about now? I've never known the man (cf. 1Jo 3:6).

The part I yellowed..that is what I was talking about. We as christians are called to forgive as God has.

I am not talking about forgiving him outside of that.

That is why this thread is going in different directions...some are focussing on what we are called to forgive, while others are focussing on what is not to be forgiven.

We love the sinner, we hate the sin.

Same as how God views it.

Love forgives...but, it also demands one repent and believe....when I cited the verses that state..."forgive those whom trespass against us" is the same as what Jesus said, "forgive them for they know not what they do" cannot preach the gospel message to a people without first telling them the LOVE of God and how they are forgiven..IF they would repent and believe it.


New member
He didn't repent. He was shown the gospel and rejected it. You are much better than him. That isn't to say you don't deserve death. We all do. Well, not andyc or godrulz.

He will be rendered judgement according to his works, since he is not in the book of life.

such ignorance as to what the gospel whom cut your brother off...due to your man made theories.



New member
You'd better thank our Merciful Savior that the claims of Justice already have been satisfied, Inzl. But for Him, there is hope neither for you nor for me.

"And you, when you were dead in your sins, and the uncircumcision of your flesh; he hath quickened together with him, forgiving you all offences: [14] Blotting out the handwriting of the decree that was against us, which was contrary to us. And he hath taken the same out of the way, fastening it to the cross" (Colossians 2:13-15).

We should all be praying for Osama Bin Laden. Perhaps, in the borderlines between life and death, as he was breathing out his last, God might have granted Osama the grace, in his last breath, just to whisper out: "Lord, have mercy on me!"

Yes..this is why we as humans cannot judge. God is the only one that can KNOW the final fate of a man...whom are we to judge?

I find it ironic that so many think Obama's sin was worse in some way than their own that put Jesus on a cross.


New member
Are you claiming that Jesus forgives the dead Bin Laden?

Jesus forgave ALL men equally on the cross for their sins...

Of course one has to accept that free gift, and NONE of us can fully say that we KNOW Obama didnt in his last breath. If you think you can, I would remind you that you are not God.


New member
I think so many people are saying that they forgive Osama because of Matthew 6 stating...

It seems that they are fearful that they won't be forgiven if they don't forgive Osama.

And when Luke 17 is quoted...

They have some cockamamie story as to why this doesn't mean what it says.

No, it comes from an understanding that God through the cross was forgiving ALL men their sins.

Of course they have to repent and believe that in order for it to take effect...and, what I and others are trying to say is that you must forgive as God you understand that He forgave ALL men their sin on the cross? It was His work to do so.

NOW all a man has to do is accept it. Some do, some don't...

those whom don't are still forgiven...they just don't receive the free gift.

This is why God wants us to forgive as God shows His love, towards us...He didnt die for the righteouss, but SINNERS.

Can we discern the difference?


New member
If God's forgiveness is unconditional, then this implies God forgives everyone unconditionally.

The spiritual mind forgives; the carnal mind does not.



I think they are confusing 'receiving the free gift', with 'forgiveness'.

It appears to me that they do not realise that God has ALREADY forgiven ALL men their sins.

He did this by His cross.

Not all men accept the free gift, but that does NOT mean they are not forgiven.

Jesus did His work...He wants man to


New member
Same thing. The only repentance we were ever called to was repentance from unbelief. By believing, we repent.

People who are apologizing to God every time they "sin" are playing games, making a mockery of the gospel, not repenting.

I agree..but, we are to repent of sin once...(our own personal sin that caused Jesus to be nailed to a tree.) It appears to me that some find that their sin is less than Obama's, and God does not look at sin as man does..He said, when you break one, you are JUST as guilty as IF you broke that NO man could boast. I see alot of boasting on this forum, from those whom think they have/had less sin than Obama, or any other man for that matter.....that is what makes me want to puke.


New member
easter an all! I can't believe how wishy washy the whole coverage of whenTHE EXACT DATE of death accurred, its been at least 2011 years since people have had to put up with sort of primitive evidence being offered as seriously all that should be expected.

this is exactly how a tale of redemption begins? this is how Gods are created!


I identify as a Christian
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Same thing. The only repentance we were ever called to was repentance from unbelief. By believing, we repent.

People who are apologizing to God every time they "sin" are playing games, making a mockery of the gospel, not repenting.

Too bad I can't rep you again elohiym. Very true! Yup it is playing games. They are not serious about their faith or they think they are going to bargain their way into heaven. The word repent, means to turn way. When someone turns away from something, they don't return to it again.


Well-known member
If God's forgiveness is unconditional, then this implies God forgives everyone unconditionally.

God does forgive everyone unconditionally. That's part of the "good news."

The problem is not everyone believes the good news. Therefore, many are called but few are chosen because only few believe that God's forgiveness is unconditional.

As I said previously, I cannot forgive Bin Laden any more than God already forgave him. Bin Laden apparently rejected God's forgiveness because he loved little (Luke 7:47).

Regardless. He's dead. Don't you get that? :idunno:

Ec 9:5 For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten.

The spiritual mind forgives; the carnal mind does not.

You cannot forgive a dead man, no matter how hard you try.
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