toldailytopic: Should Osama Bin Laden be forgiven?

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See. He did right.,7340,L-4064183,00.html

The imam then verbally attacked US President Barack Obama saying: "You personally instructed to kill Muslims. You should know that soon you'll hang together with Bush Junior."

"We are a nation of billions, a good nation. We'll teach you about politics and military ways very soon, with god's help," he vowed.

where r all the people....? there are two men walking around in front of the man specking....
anymore vid's Nic...?


New member
He openly rejects the gospel of Jesus Christ. So no, he did not repent of his disbelief towards God.

Its terrible after all the lives he has destroyed In America, this is a very emotional time for many, i have two friends that were victims of his Madness, unfortunately many folks donated money towards the bombing... an it was kept locked up an counted for some time, paying rent an general life expenses became an extra truma... on top of wounds, burns, an an emotional stress.


New member
Yeah. All of your posts after you started the thread apologizing to godrulz for coming against his false gospel, which the Bible clearly says to do. And you have a demon, as evidence by the fact that you claim God to you to do something wicked(not judge).

Godrulz believes the gospel of the DBR of Jesus our do not know what the gospel is..apparantly.

You add "knowledge" that we must grow in afterwards as part of what we must believe in order to be saved.

You do not have the right to decide HOW long it takes a brother/sister to learn or grow..salvation is not done away for lack of knowledge outside of the make me :cry:


New member
Originally Posted by graceandpeace
we all have our form of 'religion' in our head before we come to Christ...I know I did..


You did, but repented. He didn't repent by any definition of the word I can fathom.

How can you prove what was in his head at the last breath? Do you have a record of his thoughts somewhere hidden. If so, I'd like to see 'em.

Originally Posted by graceandpeace
and, no man will convince me that you know what was in his head upon his death....


Mat 7:20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

I'm telling you that I know, and showing you the word of God that proves I can know. Was Jesus pulling their legs?

what fruits did the theif on the tree next to Jesus have?

You see, El...this text is talking about those whom live and go forth and have time to show fruits...a man that dies on his/her death bed, does not or cannot be proven..either by you or me. Why claim you can?

That is all I am only takes one sentence to speak to be saved.

HOW do you know he didnt repent?

Originally Posted by graceandpeace
Jesus told the thief on the cross that he would be with paradise, and the man did not have time to prove his faith...either.

Luke 23:39-43

39 And one of the malefactors which were hanged railed on him, saying, If thou be Christ, save thyself and us.
40 But the other answering rebuked him, saying, Dost not thou fear God, seeing thou art in the same condemnation?
41 And we indeed justly; for we receive the due reward of our deeds: but this man hath done nothing amiss.
42 And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom.
43 And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, To day shalt thou be with me in paradise.

Please don't imply that Bin Laden was like the believer next to Jesus on the cross. He was like the unbeliever on the other side, and we know this by his fruits.

So..a theif is less a sinner than Osama?

You dont seem to know how God counts mho.

What if it was Osama that was on that to Christ and, spoke those same words...are you trying to tell me the theif was saved prior to the cross event?..if so, where are the fruits that proved it, El? That is not written. All I am saying is that to be can happen in an instant. NO one knows what Osama experienced in his head before his death. ONLY God knows. I will not sit in judgement of him, for that reason. We are also told to not judge this type of thing before the time. That time is not yet is only by the return of Christ; that the hearts of men are revealed to Yes; we can know IF we have time to spend with certain fruits ...but, even then...we are not to go about judging saved/unsaved by fruits...we all lack fruits on a daily you want to have your salvation judged by that way? NOT Me. What did Jesus mean by 'we can know them'...I don't think He meant we could know beyond a shadow of a doubt whom is and whom is not saved..just that we could gain a little understanding over time...whom has God working in them...even if their fruit remains small..very small.... It is their doctrine that we are to judge by...(salvational issue)

Originally Posted by graceandpeace
Once people learn that faith is proven by God, and not can begin to understand that it is not our judgement that stands...but HIS...and, He alone has a right to judge a man for this reason.

1Co 6:2 Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters?

If you are trying to use this to judge someone's must use it as it is I said, some of us have very LITTLE fruit. I would hate to be judged by fruit as pertaining to was never meant to be a way to judge salvation...but it was meant to be shown over time..with any given individual, you could see a bit of fruit..even if minor. Those whom are like examples of the theif on the cross..have not been given that oppertunity..and, no man should judge without the oppertunity of living AROUND them over do so.

Originally Posted by graceandpeace
It only takes a fraction of a second to say..."Forgive my unbelief, Lord".

The man said, "I believe!" Then he asked for help overcoming his doubts.

Mark 9:24 And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief.

That man was a Jew, whose faith was built (over time) upon the foundation of the prophets and Christ. He cannot be compared with a Muslim who rejected Christ, murdered people, and called for the murder of others in the name of God (1Jo 3:15).

You think a jew outside of belief..of the cross of Christ has more weight than a heathen? I doubt that.

The jews religion never saved anyone..and, in many ways it leads them further away from the cross..look around you.

Originally Posted by graceandpeace
Sorry El...I disagree with you on this one.


Iron sharpens iron, sister.

Yes it does...AGREED:up:



Well-known member do not know what the gospel is..apparantly.

So is this the "love" you were calling for on the gospel thread? You just recently attacked me on another thread for suggesting that Nang doesn't know the gospel. You implied it was not loving. Hence, you condemn yourself as a hypocrite. That should not be so.

You add "knowledge" that we must grow in afterwards as part of what we must believe in order to be saved.

He doesn't, in my opinion. However, you turn your personal perception of "love" into a law and then subjectively measure yourself and others by that standard, denying Christ's sovereignty and rejecting the gospel. Maybe it's time you stopped teaching and started learning, madam.

You do not have the right to decide HOW long it takes a brother/sister to learn or grow..salvation is not done away for lack of knowledge outside of the make me :cry:

He's not attempting to decide how long a person takes to apprehend the gospel. That's a ridiculous assertion. He's warning others about a person he perceives is threat to babes in Christ, and I agree with his perception.

Ya know, it wasn't too long ago that you were on this forum truthsmacking godrulz, too. Just because you had some grand revelation from god that hurt your conscience and caused you to apologize and "reptent" of discerning a tree by its fruits, doesn't give you the right to demand that others do it, too.


Well-known member
And you know this how? Did you speak with him?

1John 3:15 Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him.

Luke 6:43 For a good tree bringeth not forth corrupt fruit; neither doth a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.

Matthew 7:20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.


New member
Originally Posted by graceandpeace do not know what the gospel is..apparantly.


So is this the "love" you were calling for on the gospel thread? You just recently attacked me on another thread for suggesting that Nang doesn't know the gospel. You implied it was not loving. Hence, you condemn yourself as a hypocrite. That should not be so.

I believe love speaks the truth.

Originally Posted by graceandpeace
You add "knowledge" that we must grow in afterwards as part of what we must believe in order to be saved.

He doesn't, in my opinion. However, you turn your personal perception of "love" into a law and then subjectively measure yourself and others by that standard, denying Christ's sovereignty and rejecting the gospel. Maybe it's time you stopped teaching and started learning, madam.

The bible says that the law of Christ is faith...(new covenant)The bible says that faith worketh by LOVE...(new covenant), and that it does not harm his/her neighbor. It is not harming someone to tell them their error, in love.

If you would stop and consider why those like John W, Nick, and others keep condemning, blood bought, believers, you might understand my frustration...they have condemned hell. Until you sit in my not think you have a right to speak in my shoes.

Originally Posted by graceandpeace
You do not have the right to decide HOW long it takes a brother/sister to learn or grow..salvation is not done away for lack of knowledge outside of the make me


He's not attempting to decide how long a person takes to apprehend the gospel. That's a ridiculous assertion. He's warning others about a person he perceives is threat to babes in Christ, and I agree with his perception.

yes; a person he his own understanding of what the gospel is. It is not what he claims it is.

Jesus did NOT demand we have all this head knowledge to be saved. We are told to grow in grace..AFTER we are saved; we do not have to understand anything other than Jesus Christ and Him crucified.

Ya know, it wasn't too long ago that you were on this forum truthsmacking godrulz, too. Just because you had some grand revelation from god that hurt your conscience and caused you to apologize and "reptent" of discerning a tree by its fruits, doesn't give you the right to demand that others do it, too.

I did what I did, for the same reason that I see many doing what they do on this board..they read someone else's words about someone and believe it, over the OWN person's words..

I was guilty of doing that; I admitted it..and, yes I was sorry, so I apologised publicly.

I believe God does convict our spirit..and, lead us to a right understanding in all cannot judge what He has led me to more than John W or Nick can judge me..or is God alone that gives increase..the false type of increase on these boards are coming from the teachings of men; NOT God.

That is my opinion, and I will speak it.

It may get me banned..I don't know, but I would rather be banned than to sit here and read lies and once again, go about and do it myself..once again.

If anyone read godrulz OWN words on what he believed about the DBR of Jesus Christ there is no way they could say he was not saved.

OSAS is NOT the gospel. Adding the law back into the gospel makes faith God's word plainly states.

Many do it..they fall from grace. You cannot fall from what you are not in...just as Israel was the people of God; they fell...when they brought in the law for a purpose it was not made...God said He would graft them in AGAIN...but, while they are cut off..they are cut off...they will be saved...IF they do not remain in unbelief.

We can have assurance of our salvation, ONLY when we are not in a wrong message. Law and grace do not mix.

I had to learn the hard way on that...myself, and I am not ashamed of my led me to where I am today...and, hell can freeze over and I will never stop speaking the truth of the matter.

I agree with you on alot..but, some things we do not agree...the thing is..I have never denied the gospel, but daily I get falsely accused by those whom SURELY do not know what it is, or else they would not tell me to get saved.


New member
1John 3:15 Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him.

Luke 6:43 For a good tree bringeth not forth corrupt fruit; neither doth a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.

Matthew 7:20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

I will repeat my question.. did you speak with him?
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