Again, you're using the assumptions based on your own cultural background. What is standard "code" for symbolism in English won't always come through from a language like ancient Hebrew. I'm not saying it isn't however, the emphasis and meaning isn't what you think it is. It is, in my view, an "anti-myth" specifically written in an ANE mythological style (mind you I mean myth in the literary sense, not the sense of falsehood) such that the point of it isn't to tell you, *how* God created the earth, but why and for what purpose. And yes it's counterintuitive, but you're dealing with a different culture that's from thousands of years ago. These are cultural differences. Out western culture expects ordered lists. This may look like an ordered list, but in fact probably isn't one. No the stars are a bit of an afterthought in the making of the sun and moon "He made the stars also". It makes sense with the waters of the earth vs. the waters of the sky. Fish are not only found in the sea.

There have been quite a number of scholars looking at the original language that have pointed out the days are actually not listed as ordinal numbers, but cardinal. Rather than being ordered, they're simply named. So instead of evening and morning you get one day, day two etc. Unfortunately westerners are culturally programmed to look for ordered lists, which can lead to misunderstanding. The Bible is full of numbers that aren't simply numbers to be precise, but numbers for symbolic purposes. Look at the description of the temple of Solomon of animals going into the ark and you'll see the number 7 all over the place. This is why atheists complain about the Bible "saying" Pi is three. The greek mindset looks for precision. Whereas the writers of the Bible were looking for the symbolism of a round, and symbolic number like "3". I'm not saying it isn't a creation story . . . why would you think that? I'm saying it's got symbolic aspects to it which make it, while an account, a mythic account rather than a step by step "this is how the earth was made".