toldailytopic: Santorum shocks everyone and vaults to the front of the race. Thoughts


New member
Rick Santorum didn't jump to the front of the race. He tied Romney in Iowa. There's a difference.

Santorum will not be nominated, or elected. This is his time to shine, and he'll place fourth or fifth in New Hampshire, which will be the dose of reality he and his supporters won't care for.

Sorry to say it--because I enjoy the show as much as the next man--but it's over except for the fighting. Santorum's just the latest thorn in Romney's side. He won't last. Santorum's politics don't play well in New Hampshire. He may sputter on a little longer--South Carolina, maybe, and hope for a good finish there to propel him into deep southern states. (Rick Perry's hoping for the same thing.)

Oh, and if Michelle Bachmann had any sense or dignity left she'd drop this quasi campaign of hers. Iowa rebuked her last night. She never really ran an actual was always more of pretend to run for president, like a kid playing dress up. But she has zero support on the ground in NH, no staff, and should stop kidding herself. She'll place dead last here.

And Rick Santorum won't do much better. Iowa is the high watermark of his candidacy.

You've got it right.


like marbles on glass
Uh, yes he did. And I'm apolitical. You are demonstrating why I am.

No, he didn't. If you look at drbrumley's paraphrase, you'll see what I mean.

My interest is stopping abortion, and those who share my interest should not vote for Santorum if they hope their voting will end abortion.

There is no one out there who will be able to stop it. Pandora's box will never be closed. And yet someone needs to lead the country. Do you vote?


Well-known member
Until I find the quote, it seems like santorum was just stating a fact. It is the legal right of women in New York to have an abortion. It may be against the constitution but santorum saying so in response to a reporter's question would be unwise politically.


I would put it back to where it is, the democratic process. If New York doesn't want sodomy laws, if the people of New York want abortion, fine. I mean, I wouldn't agree with it, but that's their right. But I don't agree with the Supreme Court coming in.



Originally Posted by WizardofOz
"If New York doesn't want sodomy laws, if the people of New York want abortion, fine. I mean, I wouldn't agree with it, but that's their right. But I don't agree with the Supreme Court coming in."--reposted by elohiym.

I have to say I totally agree with his statement. I am against abortion too. Where does he or I go wrong on this?


New member
My interest is stopping abortion, and those who share my interest should not vote for Santorum if they hope their voting will end abortion.

Your interest lies in creating a bunch of drama. If you actually cared about abortion you would read what the candidates actually believe and have voted for instead of running with the first out-of-context quote you find. :plain:

Rick Santorum

Santorum is possibly the most fervent top-tier anti-abortionist left in the presidential race. He firmly believes in the preservation of life, unless the fetus was conceived from an incestuous relationship or as a result of rape. Additionally, he also makes an exception for pregnancies that presents mortal danger to a mother. He has an unblemished 100% voting record for pro-life legislations. During his time as a member of the House of Representative and Senator for Pennsylvania, he voted anti-choice 99 times out of a hundred (House 27/27, Senate 72/73).


Well-known member
You're just looking for someone to lash out against, be it me or Santorum.

You're just looking for someone to give an irrational response to. :p

Here's a brilliantly novel idea: do some searching yourself to figure out what Santorum's views on these subjects are.

Are you suggesting we cannot believe what Santorum states in an interview? I know that I would have stated plainly: "Abortion is murder, and nobody has a right to murder another. We have fetal homicide laws in the majority of states, and a fetus is recognized as a person under federal law. There is no question that abortion is murder, and I am the man who aims to end it once and for all." :Clete:

You would not have heard me say: "Well, I disagree with abortion, but I'm not going to say the "m" word because if a state wants to keep abortion legal, that's their right. And I don't think the Supreme Court should interfere with that right." :Shimei:

It's plain as day that the quote you reference is a mischaracterization of his position. Anyone who has any idea of what the man is about knows that.

I think anyone who desperately wants Santorum elected will compromise their values to get him in. Such is the way of the world, Zip.


New member
Santorum is too conservative to be elected president. Remember, most people like Obama, even if they aren't happy with his economic policies. Romney will have to head the ticket, but they'll likely want to use Santorum to placate the Christian religious zealots who would not otherwise vote for a Mormon. And they will almost certainly vote for Romney in the end because they're essentially authoritarians who believe in following orders.

So it looks like we probably have the republican ticket. Romney/Santorum. And I predict they will lose, because no one likes Romney, Santorum is too conservative, and the republican platform is 'we all must serve the rich no matter what the cost'.

That's right, except I don't think Romney will choose Santorum. He just doesn't have the stuff to help Romney win a campaign. I'm not saying anything for sure yet, but Rubio seems like good strategy.


Your interest lies in creating a bunch of drama. If you actually cared about abortion you would read what the candidates actually believe and have voted for instead of running with the first out-of-context quote you find. :plain:

Rick Santorum

You are usually one of my favorite posters, but this comment disappoints me quite a bit.


Well-known member
No, he didn't. If you look at drbrumley's paraphrase, you'll see what I mean.

There is no one out there who will be able to stop it. Pandora's box will never be closed. And yet someone needs to lead the country. Do you vote?

Thats not a paraphrase but a direct quote.


New member
A president does have the obligation to protect our nation when it has been attacked ... such as 911.

I agree with you, however, that our nation should declare war and fight to win. I lost too many friends during the Vietnam political exrecise not to have learned that lesson.

But what would RP do about our self-professed enemy, Iran, obtaining nuclear missile capability? What would he do about the closing of the Straight of Hormos (sp?)?

He seems to think of this sort of thing and enemy threats are no big deal... and looks at these nations the same way he looks at our state's rights. I don't think these things are on the same level. Give me your /his views on matters of this sort.

I know my worries may not be built upon on all the exact facts ... but, I'm a simple person and it is the feeling I get when I've listened to him in debates and such. His son, who may have some of the same ideas ... is much better at expressing his ideas to people and much more acceptable to me when I hear him explain things.

Ron Paul just shocks me until I later I may happen to hear him explain more clearly something he has said.
Basically Paul's position is the same as that of George Washington. Refrain from foreign entanglements. Some say that this is isolationism which is far from the truth. Paul says that we should not be involved in other nation's internal offers. Trade and diplomatic contact are not isolationism but friendly engagement and the promotion of peace which is beneficial to both parties.

Most of what we hear about Iran's supposed procurement of a nuclear weapon is scare tactics. But even if they did have a nuke it is not the business of the United States to dictate Iran's public domestic policy.

They are surrounded by nuclear powers; Pakistan, Russia, China India and Israel. Iran may wont nukes to level the playing field with their neighbors. It is an Iranian national security matter. It would be national suicide for Iran if Iran should decide to use such a weapon.

It is not the job of any president to protect and defend any one or any thing other than the Constitution of the United States. We are a Republic and not a democracy. We are a nation of law, not a nation of majority rule. You surprised that Gdub lied to you. The presidents oath of office requires that he execute the laws of the US faithfully not as he dam well please.

As far as the Straits of Harmos is concerned, they are international waters and our Ships have a right to be there. Our navy has a right under Admiralty law to protect all ships using such waterways for international commerce. If our Navy or commercial ships are attacked our navy has a legal right of self defense and to protect any ship under attack and to el emanate the treat. God help Iran should Iran decide to commit an act of war by trying to close the straits if Ron Paul were President because only God could.

The presidency is not Emperor of the United States. He has authority to execute war when congress declares war.


New member
You are usually one of my favorite posters, but this comment disappoints me quite a bit.

Elo's conduct in this thread has been pathetic, beyond that of the most insincere journalists. He has slandered the man who has stood for the unborn more than anyone else in a long time, preferring drama to truth. If you don't believe me then do a few google searches to discern Santorum's position on the matter. It is so blindingly obvious it should not even be necessary to point out links to people like elo. :nono:


Well-known member
Elo's conduct in this thread has been pathetic, beyond that of the most insincere journalists. He has slandered the man who has stood for the unborn more than anyone else in a long time, preferring drama to truth. If you don't believe me then do a few google searches to discern Santorum's position on the matter. It is so blindingly obvious it should not even be necessary to point out links to people like elo. :nono:

Thou shalt not bear false witness Zip


Well-known member
There is no one out there who will be able to stop it. Pandora's box will never be closed.

Like the Pope couldn't tell one billion Catholics to do God's will. He has them jumping through hoops every Sunday. Like the millions upon millions of Christians who claim that abortion is murder couldn't end abortion in weeks, if not days. Violence? No.

Who is John Galt? :plain:

Here is the reason abortion will never end: 85% of the abortions in the U.S. are for women who claim to be Christian. :(

And yet someone needs to lead the country.

The plutocracy leads this country, Anna. Please. You must know this.

Do you vote?

No. Voting for a U.S. President is pointless and the politics are a distraction. I don't care who gets in office; I only care that they are held accountable to do the People's will when they are in office. Any slob can do the job, from what I've seen.


New member
Jupiter being in his sign-- really? It gets SPOTD for being just about the dumbest thing I have read this year.

It's not dumber than your infantile establishment-Christian dogma and superstition.

Hey, I used Jupiter in his sign to predict his surge; noone else did. The point is, however dumb astrology might seem, it works. Results speak for themselves. Noone has a better prediction record than me, because I have astrology, in addition to being well-informed.