The last time I shook one of them things it said 'Get a life'....
And then you found TOL?
The last time I shook one of them things it said 'Get a life'....
. . . what does this have to do with same-sex marriage? . . . :idunno:.
. . . were he actually serving any interest other than being a nuisance and . . . :troll:.Not if you were serving the interests of the authority, . . .
. . . he has a . . . point?. . . which run contrary to the points being made against Chrys.
. . . which isn't the issue . . . that I can tell.You just have to understand which way the windmill is tilted. There's a bias in play and it isn't hidden.
And then you found TOL?:cheers:
. . . and . . .I am trying to show how marriage protects the child
I am trying to show how marriage protects the child
And we're now up to page 100...
Well this is fun isn't it? :roses:
if you are going to hang around, you might as well answer my question
do you understand the significance of a woman staying home with her child?
the child is better off if the mother stays home with the child
the mother is then dependent on the father
is relying on his commitment to stay toghether
is that clear?
Nope. It's just yet another assertion from a guy who obviously isn't married nor has children and just makes soundbites. No wonder you shy away from answering questions doofus.
what part don't you agree with?
A woman is not reliant on her spouse being committed to their marriage. .
if she stays home with the child
she is
if she stays home with the child
she is
this is obvious to any reasonable person
how do we go about protecting the mother who stays home to protect her child?
how do we go about protecting the mother who stays home to protect her child?
with a commitment from the father that til death do they part
if the father should die first, the mother would get the benefits accrued by him during his career
while she stayed home to protect the child
What happened to you?