every marriage starts out with no children
ends with no children
Well, no. They don't.
But yes, I get the drift of the comment.
I know of ten households with no children
they collectively raised 27 children

Wait, no, WHAT??
Seriously. What in the world point are you trying to make? ... That married couples did have or will have children? Yes. That's often the case. Married couples often did have or will have children. It's great. Sometimes they already had them and sometimes they will have them in the future. And sometimes they won't have them at all.
Are you trying to "prove" that male/female married couples can or will have children? Okay... That's great!! I concede!!

I don't think anyone will deny it.
So now that that's settled, what about those married folks who don't have and won't have children? They don't have them, and they won't have them! ... Are they even married? That seems fishy. Also, what about the same-sex couples who already have or want to have children? What?!? Also fishy. What are the rules, anyway?? This is moral chaos and it's just a matter of time before we all are marrying dogs or parakeets. What's to stop us!?!