Arthur Brain
Well-known member
would you consider that irresponsible to have children without getting married?
Not necessarily no.
would you consider that irresponsible to have children without getting married?
Not necessarily no.
would you consider that irresponsible to have children without getting married?
Not necessarily no.
congratulations on answering a question
you got it wrong got it wrong but you actually answered it
So you believe it is wrong for unmarried women to make the choice of giving life to their unborn babies while pretending to speak in the best interest of the babies, Mr. Pro-abort Chrys ...
congratulations on answering a question
you got it wrong
you actually answered it
I thought you were going to ignore me
you know that I cannot ignore you
I wonder why she hates me so much
I am just trying to protect the babies
Is every man, woman and teen capable of producing children?
it takes a man and a women
Once again ... Is every man, woman and teen capable of producing children?
IF you want to argue that individuals need to be able to produce children via the old fashion method, then certainly you need to be consistent and explain how you would be able to monitor which couples should or shouldn't be allowed to marry.
we already know that anything besides a man and a women will not produce a child
Once again ... Is every man, woman and teen capable of producing children?
Is every man, woman and teen capable of producing children?
Who are you speaking of? There are quite a few of us here that see you as trolling up this thread.
Then why would you use such a stupid argument?