Go back to sleep
Go back? I thought you knew?:thumb:
Go back to sleep
Tell you what, why don't you clear up my "confusion" of what rights TH is referring to.You may be confusing what TH means by rights, with what you hold to be the rights all must follow?
You have my word, I will not prevent homosexuals from procreating.![]()
What's your point here? We're talking about civil marriage.
I haven't argued that, you've simply twisted my words like so many others in the thread, which is why I wasn't replying to you in the first place.
Non-sequitur, we are concerned with what "bolstering families" means.
I've said homosexuals can't procreate, you folks don't seem to understand what that actually means.
Asserting "it isn't even part of the process" does just that :idunno:
Why do you believe the government grants special aid to married couples? Does their procreative status have something to do with it?
No, obviously not. It isn't even a part of the process.
You're putting words in my mouth, I've merely said homosexuals can't procreate.
I thought you came here to make arguments? So far I've seen a lot of emotional attacks, little argument, and less close reading of the points I've actually made.
So 90-95% of heterosexual couples are fertile while 0% of homosexual couples are fertile. The government gives benefits to married couples (partially) based on the assumption that the man and woman are capable of reproducing, which is reasonable.
The government primarily gives scholarships to minorities without checking their actual situation. I assume you think the government should screen all candidates before making them eligible.
The government gives welfare to folks making less than x dollars per year. I assume you think the government should screen everyone.
That's an empty sleeve waved with gusto.That's absurd and blatantly wrong.
Then stop making them. :think:I'm quite tired of these outlandish assertions.
Then lucky for me I never claimed it does, because that would have been embarrassing, let me tell you.Homosexual sex does not produce children
I refer you to the previously noted means by which they can biologically produce children and the point made that in this they are not principally different from any other couple incapable absent assistance.:hammer: Homosexual couples do not produce children. :sigh:
Do you imagine the child will produce itself? :squint:Then it's not them producing it is it?
And if the point is walking on water and not the evidence of your divine power you'd be right. :thumb:I can walk on water, I only need assistence.![]()
Well, no. I'm not attempting to restrict right absent justification that doesn't reduce to "God told me." That being the call of many a voice with many a different and conflicting notion.You are the one engaging in fiat here TH, not I.
I've done nothing of the sort. You're hysterical.You've declared God/nature wrong,
Not really. For instance, they can't be a heterosexual couple. Else, it's a bit goofy. Many a heterosexual couple can't procreate, so they adopt or by some artificial means arrive at the obstructed desire, assuming they have it. In this principle a homosexual couple can similarly find their way to the mark. So what you're banking on is an arbitrary valuation of the ability of two people within a marriage contract to propagate. What you haven't begun to establish is why this distinction should control a blessed thing.you've claimed that homosexuals can do everything the heterosexuals can do.
So says everyone who believes a thing to the other fellow who's sure they're up to their eyeballs in beans.I don't scoff at that notion religiously, I scoff according to common sense.
I understand that you believe that's what happened. I never advanced the notion that the only thing the government was doing was binding a contract. That isn't and hasn't been my argument.I thought you would at least acknowledge the soundness of my argument, but you seem to be blindly clutching to your "contract theory" even though it was dismissed pages ago when I noted that a government which positively aids a couple is doing more than binding a contract.
What's with the acoustics around here? What I've said is that the issue is no more one that should be put to a vote than whether Catholics should be allowed to marry.I also find it disappointing that you know God's law and would willingly vote against it given the chance.
Rather, it's the respect of each man's right to his own conscience that's at the heart of our secular Republic. I happen to think that's a swell idea. I don't want the Catholic Church to outlaw condoms or some peculiar Jewish or Islamic notion to find itself impressed upon me as law. There are, frankly, things that are your business and those which are only between the individual and his or her conscience. That this escapes you is double proof of the need for the very separation you mistakenly attribute in origin.It is the separation of faith and reason so tell-tale of Protestantism today.
Said every man with a different idea of what constitutes that to the next fellow. Happy jihad.It is the idea that we can safely ignore God's law as a society and be none the worse for it, that we can civilly sanction and encourage immoral acts and not hurt the society in the process.
Your confusion appears to run deeper than that. You're advancing religious rhetoric and I'm discussing how our secular Republic functions and should in relation to its expressed principles.Tell you what, why don't you clear up my "confusion" of what rights TH is referring to.
I don't want the Catholic Church to outlaw condoms
Now, are you really going to tell me that you believe that in an ideal world, we would deny marriage certificates to all couples that can't or won't produce children biologically related to both parents? I'd like a straight answer on that question please.
Lest you think my argument is mere willpower:
1. Why? (this is precisely what it was for thousands of years). In fact I'd say that if gays are allowed to "marry" it will indeed disestablish the institution
2. Why do you believe the government grants special aid to married couples? Does their procreative status have something to do with it?
are you really worried about that?
Dude, it was an example of the possible implications of abandoning secularism, just like his other examples of being pressed into Islam or Judaism. Ease up there.
No. Not so long as we have our Republic. But it's the underlying principle, Chrys. Stop straining at the gnat.are you really worried about that?
and do you think that is possible?
kmoney said:If Keyes removed the word "always", would you think it is a sound argument?
Town Heretic said:No. Actually I said at best they can do precisely what any heterosexual couple can do, if by another means (which was the point of introducing the c-section as opposed to natural birthing process). At worst they're just like many childless marriages and can be as fulfilling or vacuous as any...one of the many benefits of a union is the stability and emotional connection and encouragement it brings to the parties to it. I had that for some time with my wife and had I never had a son it would have been of inestimable value to me and contributed greatly to my happiness and productivity. Jack is a wonderful addition and surprise, but neither the reason I wed nor the success of our marriage
danoman21 said:You're kidding right? Do you know the meaning of the word irrelevant and how to use it in the right context. C'mon, you can't be that stupid.
danoman31 said:Please try harder to sound elitist, otherwise I'll just put you on my retard list. Oh, look, you're already on it, NEVERRR MIND.
No. Not so long as we have our Republic. But it's the underlying principle, Chrys. Stop straining at the gnat.
That's really not the point.
Tell you what, why don't you clear up my "confusion" of what rights TH is referring to.
You have to ask me nicely.
I just wanted to know if you thought it was possible
I used one of any number of potential religious impositions on the public square if we base our law singularly on our moral notion without a corresponding justification that doesn't require it.why did you mention it?
you are not worried about it