toldailytopic: Same-sex marriage: for it, or against it?

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New member
I don't understand how the argument of being able to biologically produce children even has relevance with this topic.

You know, I just realized what you said. You said "biologically" produce children, and I was speaking of adoptions.

No problem, all is well.;)


New member
If homosexuality were not a sin, then I would not be against it, nor against homosexual marriage. The winning argument that is currently prevailing, is that if two consenting adults want to get married, and they do not consider it a sin, then what is that to you, or to anyone. Even multitudes of Bible believers, whether Jew or Christian no longer consider it a sin.......... so even more so........ what's it to you.

Here is my answer: If stealing is a sin, and my government wants to take my money {through illegal taxes, and land grabs etc.} and improve my life and everyone else's life around me, then what's it to me, if they can make better use of my money than I can, why should I object.

Because I know that stealing is a sin. Therefore no matter how benign a government may pretend to be, stealing is evil. The government is now wicked for promoting stealing. I also reason that the force behind stealing has to be an evil force, because it is promoting sin and wickedness.

Therefore if I know that homosexuality is a sin, and my government, through its courts and legislatures, is promoting and advocating that sin. therefore my government is now wicked, and the force motivating the government and its peoples is evil.

What is worse, in the latter case, the government is now stealing my values, and declaring my values, wicked and evil, in order to justify itself, and the promoters and benefactors of its sin and wickedness.

What we are experiencing and about to see in full bloom, is the triumph of an evil that is about to dance on the grave of a once good and godly Christian nation, and the corpses of a thousand dead and dying Churches, which no longer believe in, nor practice righteousness.

It is a desperately sad and demoralizing thing to watch, as people whose greatest aim in life, is to be proud of their sin and sex life, and care not what change and harm they force on the people who have upheld this country, and hold to its righteousness.

Homosexuality is a sin and an abomination to a holy God. Therefore evil is triumphing, right now, before our very eyes.
That is what I see, and why it makes me so sad.

This is not a civil rights issue, it is a freedom to sin issue, and a suffocating, and silencing, of the conscience of a once godly people.


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
I think the question was clear:

You said: "I am against same sex sex."

I asked: Out of curiosity, what about a sexless same-sex marriage?
Marriage is a union between a man and a woman. You want to redefine it to mean a sexless union between two men, two woman or two whatever? Why?


I identify as a Christian
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Hall of Fame
Marriage is a union between a man and a woman. You want to redefine it to mean a sexless union between two men, two woman or two whatever? Why?

Some people like to waste their time. There is no benefit to homosexual relations, not to the individuals or to society. Humans are good at futile pursuits. They are like the proverbial fly bumping against the window pane.


New member
Some people like to waste their time. There is no benefit to homosexual relations, not to the individuals or to society. Humans are good at futile pursuits. They are like the proverbial fly bumping against the window pane.

Some persons are not able to have children. Some persons do not wish to have children. Yet, they may live productive lives and contribute much that is good and beneficial to society.


New member
Hall of Fame
I knew it. Inzl, protests aside, just couldn't stay away from this thread.:chuckle:

You guys really like talking about this subject, ever notice that?


I identify as a Christian
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Hall of Fame
Some persons are not able to have children. Some persons do not wish to have children. Yet, they may live productive lives and contribute much that is good and beneficial to society.

Not being able to have children has little to do with doing something unnatural and self destructive. There is nothing beneficial about same sex relations.


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
I knew it. Inzl, protests aside, just couldn't stay away from this thread.:chuckle:

You guys really like talking about this subject, ever notice that?

We actually have people other than the peanut gallery starting to post in this thread, so the thread has become more interesting.


Well-known member
Homosexuality is spiritually, mentally and physically wrong.

Homosexuality can be cured if they want it.

Allowing homosexuals to marry compounds the error.



New member
I find the discussion on homosexuality in general very boring and frivolous, but I can't help just comment on this:

If homosexuality were not a sin, then I would not be against it, nor against homosexual marriage. The winning argument that is currently prevailing, is that if two consenting adults want to get married, and they do not consider it a sin, then what is that to you, or to anyone. Even multitudes of Bible believers, whether Jew or Christian no longer consider it a sin.......... so even more so........ what's it to you.
Todah, so you are asserting that your objection to homosexuality is solely based on authority. That it is absent from moral pragmatism or consideration and derived entirely from the fact that you believe God has declared it a sin. This is the ridiculousness of legalism. You outright openly derive what you think is right and wrong not through moral reasoning but through obedience to orders. I think the problem with that is apparent enough that I don't have to say much more.

Here is my answer: If stealing is a sin, and my government wants to take my money {through illegal taxes, and land grabs etc.} and improve my life and everyone else's life around me, then what's it to me, if they can make better use of my money than I can, why should I object.

Because I know that stealing is a sin. Therefore no matter how benign a government may pretend to be, stealing is evil. The government is now wicked for promoting stealing. I also reason that the force behind stealing has to be an evil force, because it is promoting sin and wickedness.
Is that the only reason you consider stealing wrong? Because it is a sin?

Therefore if I know that homosexuality is a sin, and my government, through its courts and legislatures, is promoting and advocating that sin. therefore my government is now wicked, and the force motivating the government and its peoples is evil.
Your government though does not enact legislation based on 'sin', and a good thing too. If they did then the rights of minorities and possibly other rights (based on your theocratic tendencies in the other thread) would be taken away from them.

It is a desperately sad and demoralizing thing to watch, as people whose greatest aim in life, is to be proud of their sin and sex life, and care not what change and harm they force on the people who have upheld this country, and hold to its righteousness.
Yes, because all homosexuals do nothing more and desire nothing more than being perpetually proud of their own sex life and sexuality.

This is not a civil rights issue, it is a freedom to sin issue, and a suffocating, and silencing, of the conscience of a once godly people.
And where 'sinning' harms no-one, absolutely people should be able to sin.


Hall of Fame
Not being able to have children has little to do with doing something unnatural and self destructive.

Tattoos are unnatural.
Overeating is unnatural and self destructive.
Tanning beds are unnatural self destructive.
Over indulging in alcohol is unnatural and self destructive.
Smoking is unnatural and self destructive.

So why do you not show as much hatred towards all those tattooed, gluttonous, dark bronzed, cancer-stick ingesting drunkards?

Guess their unnatural and self destructive behavior is too boring for loathing or concern, huh?

There is nothing beneficial about same sex relations.

For yourself, myself and EVERY OTHER HETEROSEXUAL on the planet, their are no benefits ... because WE are heterosexuals.

However, just like with heterosexuality, homosexuals DO benefit from being able to find someone they are compatible with and can love.

It is called having the desire and need for companionship and love. How dare they pursue happiness and fulfillment in their lives!!!

Seriously, IK, based on the bible, I can understand a Christian's disapproval. However, you are waaayyy past disapproval. Your hatred towards homosexuals just oozes from each and every post you make. That is sad.


Well-known member
Homosexuality is spiritually, mentally and physically wrong.

You are essentially arguing that spiritual rightness depends on mental and physical rightness, and that exposes you to justified criticism.

Homosexuality can be cured if they want it.

How many of your sins have been cured? How many are still uncured? (Just a rough estimate. Five, twenty-five, infinity?)

Allowing homosexuals to marry compounds the error.

Then set out for me a few of your uncured sins (if you have them), and let us consider what you should be disallowed.

Are you male? Do you have sexually sinful thoughts from time-to-time? If you do, castration is an option. :plain:
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