toldailytopic: Romney vs Obama round one. Thoughts? Assessment?


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
I disagree, and apparently so do you, because you posted a video that shows that people are tired of both parties, and Independents are making a move. That would have never happen if the liberals had stayed in power since '76,

This is not 1976....and if it was still nothing would have changed. The Party has seen to it. :nono:

and will not bring sanity back to America if we give them just 4 more years. The fact is, conservatives are mostly crybabies who want what they want and they want it now, and will not be patient enough to strategically bring us where we belong.

I'm sure that's it. Poor Republican Party...they are just misunderstood by us impatient Conservatives. :yawn:



Well-known member
I'd love to see it...but I've seen a few fledgling attempts at it quickly become hijacked vehicles, so I don't know. It may take some more catastrophic failure to spark it.
I hate to be such an pessimistic optimist, but things are just going to get worse until they get so bad that we have to make them get better. It's just a question of "how long and how bad".


New member
Why is it quitting when someone supports a candidate from something other than the two fascist parties?
Because it is statistically impossible and strategically irresponsible in this election to not vote out the greater of two evils by voting for the lessor. No other candidate will win, and sending a "message" will fall on deaf ears. We need to work hard the next 4 years to get the "right" guy in office, because we didn't do "enough" to make it happen this time. That is reality. If Obama wins, any opportunity we might have of making a difference in 4 years will be greatly diminished, if not impossible. A vote for Romney is absolutely not the move we want, but it is a move that is strategically astute.


Well-known member
I have heard rumors of the possibility of a reform party being created by a combination of moderates from both of the current parties. Seems there are a number of legislators from both sides who have becomes disgusted by the gridlock and partisanship.

We'll see.

That would last about as long as the tucker car company did, the two corperate gaints (and their lawyer mentality) will never let anyone outside the club into the charade and live, but at least some of the people are starting to awakin from their floridated stupor which will force their hand to over react and bring in the final phase of their police state before the frog is fully cooked! which will hopefully piss off enough people to react like Jefferson told us to.

The two goons on tv will change nothing in favor of real soverign minded people of country.


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
I hate to be such an pessimistic optimist, but things are just going to get worse until they get so bad that we have to make them get better. It's just a question of "how long and bad".

Hmmm :juggle:


Well-known member
Because it is statistically impossible and strategically irresponsible in this election to not vote out the greater of two evils by voting for the lessor. No other candidate will win, and sending a "message" will fall on deaf ears. We need to work hard the next 4 years to get the "right" guy in office, because we didn't do "enough" to make it happen this time. That is reality. If Obama wins, any opportunity we might have of making a difference in 4 years will be greatly diminished, if not impossible. A vote for Romney is absolutely not the move we want, but it is a move that is strategically astute.

You see folks, this is the problem when Christians listen to Satan's lie, "you will be like God." Your still forced to vote for evil. Good job Buzz, tell me how that is working out for ya!


New member
You see folks, this is the problem when Christians listen to Satan's lie, "you will be like God." Your still forced to vote for evil. Good job Buzz, tell me how that is working out for ya!
Unless Jesus is running for President, it is still a vote for evil. Grow up you big baby. :baby:

Dan Emanuel

Active member
Mitt Romney annihilated President Obama.

In 50 years, Americans will be longing for another Mitt Romney as President --he's going to be that good.



Well-known member
Romney's New Constitution: FedGov Can Do Whatever Beijing Is Willing To Subsidize
Posted by William Grigg on October 4, 2012 10:07 AM
Mitt Romney's budget-cutting model is to ask: "Is the program so critical it's worth borrowing money from China to pay for it? And if not, I'll get rid of it."

On this construction, the FedGov is authorized to do whatever China is willing to subsidize, rather than being limited to what the U.S. Constitution permits.

(Yes, I know — the Constitution is a snare and a delusion, but it does remain marginally useful as standard against which to measure the government's hypocrisy.)


Well-known member
When ever the populace gets restless a distraction is brought forth to make them run back into the arms of the corperations security, but this tatic is about to end, they are getting bolder and bolder and their concern over puplic oppinion will no longer matter because they have no fear of us!

How many can realy give up that security for some freedom has always been the line of demarcation when revolution is demanded, history won't be kind to this generations lack of fortitude in the basic truths we are supposed to be founded on.

Nathon Detroit

Does God say to vote? Does God say not to drive your car without oil in the engine?

Get a clue.
No God doesn't say those things. But He does say not to do evil so that good may come of it.

Therefore Doc's point is valid while yours isn't.


New member
You get a clue, your the one spouting a bunch of nonsense.
In your own perverted mind, maybe. You simply choose to sit on your lazy butt and do nothing for this country. Well, you are "free" to do that. Anyone in America is free to hate their country, and you certainly prove yourself to be against it.

You offer no solution, just your whiny, crybaby, complaints about how your non-evil "guy" is not being elected.


New member
Hall of Fame
In your own perverted mind, maybe. You simply choose to sit on your lazy butt and do nothing for this country. Well, you are "free" to do that. Anyone in America is free to hate their country, and you certainly prove yourself to be against it.

You offer no solution, just your whiny, crybaby, complaints about how your non-evil "guy" is not being elected.

Why don't you get over yourself?