toldailytopic: Raising Cain. What do you make of Cain's sexual harassment charges

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
His record as a liberal pro-abort.
You can't correct what doesn't exist. So then, with an empty intellectual quiver you keep lashing out with distorted, errant attempts at character very you. :D

Well then:

I'm not interested in your estimation of my character or the expression of your own, only in your argument/counter, to the extent you can fashion one.

Now be a good fellow and blow it out either of your ears. :D But blow gently. It's the flu and cold season.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
He's not a pro-abort.

I might give you the liberal part though. :eek: ;)
It would be fun to watch you try. :D

Again, as I don't believe conservative or liberal labels are shameful things, were I either I'd wear the badge openly. I understand how unpopular the liberal label is here, but the want of popularity didn't stop me from taking the stance I believe is appropriate on the mosque issue. It didn't stop me on gay marriage and it wouldn't stop me at any other point.

Or: :p

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
and yet he voted for one. :think:
As did anyone who voted for either of the candidates. Don't pretend you aren't aware of my position in relation to that office, the Court and the question, or how those of us interested in ending that sad practice will see that happen.

Anyone paying attention can see this is just another chapter in your obsessive, angry stalking. Now be a good fellow and blow it out those ears of yours, won't you?


some other dude

New member
Reminded that he voted for a pro-abort, the weasel replies:
As did anyone who voted for either of the candidates.

You had a choice between two candidates that had a realistic chance of winning the general election.

One, the guy you voted for, vowed to do all he could to keep abortion available to all upon demand and has since pushed legislation to make it available for free.

The other candidate, the guy you voted against, recognized that human life began at conception, vowed to work to restrict the availability of abortion except in cases of rape, incest and where the life of the mother was in danger and has since voted against funding abortions.

Only a slimy lawyer would fail to recognize the differences between the two.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Reminded that he voted for a pro-abort,
Everyone who voted for either candidate did that. The President is on the wrong side of that issue. So is McCain. Neither will end the practice. That's going to take a continuing sea change on the part of the people that will end with an amendment to the Constitution, which I favor. But given this and everything that follows is little more than you attempting another bit of character assassination to fuel that obsessive anger of yours:

I'm not interested in your estimation of my character or the expression of your own, only in your argument/counter, to the extent you can fashion one.

Now run along and blow it out either of your ears, won't you?

There's a good lad. :e4e:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
What a dishonest thing to do, to equate the two.
That's not an argument or even a factual statement, just you doing the only thing you seem capable of, sadly. Same for the rest of the omitted. And you should know by now:

I'm not interested in your estimation of my character or the expression of your own, only in your argument/counter, to the extent you can fashion one.

Now if that's all you have, do the world a favor and blow it out either of your ears, won't you? :thumb:

some other dude

New member
and artie the tardly little lapdog comes trotting along eager to get in the game too

Sorry artie, the big boys are playing.

Run along and chase mice somewhere, willya?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
and artie the tardly little lapdog comes trotting along eager to get in the game too

Sorry artie, the big boys are playing.

Run along and chase mice somewhere, willya?

Well at least you admit to playing and being a boy. That's one step in the right direction at least :thumb:


some other dude

New member
I just knew the tardliest little one couldn't take a hint, bless his tardly little heart. :chuckle:

Shoo tardly one, shoo.

Go make some sarcastic slurs about Jews, or negros, or muslims.