Love how you defend them (Jer. 9:3). To be forgiven you must admit your sin (Rom. 2–9) and repent (Eze 18:30-32; Ac 17:30).
The Roman Catholic Church is corrupted and in its final states of apostasy (Mt 7:20, 2 Tim. 3:13, Rev. 3:14–22). They use rules and laws to control men (1 Jo 5:3). What men really need is a savior (Ro 13:8,10; Ga 3:10; Jas 2:10).
Get saved (2 Tim. 1:10). Ditch legalism (Matt. 15:9, Mk 7:8, 9, Mk 7:6, 7, Col. 2). Leave innocent boys alone (Lev. 18:22–28, 1 Cor. 5:1–5, Lev. 20:13–16).
"In the case of the "Priestly Porn" article, my primary source was a Catholic ministry calling itself the Roman Catholic Faithful. This group, guided by responsible Catholic priests, is concerned with what is happening in the Catholic priesthood and trying to do something about it. They have identified dozens of priests and at least one bishop who are/were actively involved in posting to a web site and newsgroup created for homosexual Catholic religious. The people at RCF have not just made vague claims of wrongdoing. No indeed. They have provided the text of newsgroup postings and emails and even the pornographic pictures exchanged by participating priests. In most cases, RCF has protected the participants by editing out their names, though they do offer to provide full details to any Catholic authority who asks for them.
One of the priests who is named is assigned to a diocese in Oklahoma. The RCF wrote to his ordinary concerning this priest's activities on the Internet. The diocese asked for additional information, which was provided. Whatever action was taken to correct or discipline the priest, if any, apparently was of little effect, for he continued his internet activities. It was when this priest wrote that he had celebrated a Mass for a homosexual activist organization that RCF decided to go public with his name and details. All this is available at the Roman Catholic Faithful web site.
One of the tactics used to "defend" against the truth in my article was that of creating a strawman to divert attention from the issue... ' Full text:
Priestly Porn