toldailytopic: Once a person is saved can they reject that salvation should they chan


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
I believe in OSAS and I believe we have freewill! How is that,
having it both ways?
I actually agree with GM on this one. I believe in OSAS, but I believe that Heaven is not a prison. If, upon arrival, the presence of God is not something you can tolerate, I figure you would have the freedom to go elsewhere and be miserable.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I actually agree with GM on this one. I believe in OSAS, but I believe that Heaven is not a prison. If, upon arrival, the presence of God is not something you can tolerate, I figure you would have the freedom to go elsewhere and be miserable.

That's, an interesting take!

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Most do not say an act of sin causes loss of salvation.

You do.

Heb. 12 and I Jn. and Pauline writings contradict you (you dispensationalize away the former and are selective with the latter).

God is holy, not a deaf, dumb, blind idol with amnesia.

etc. blah blah; Jesus sees me as sinless even though I am fornicating, etc. blah blah)

It is NOT legal nor moral for a Christian. It is a sin, contrary to the will and Word of God. You are justifying all sin due to your wrong view of sanctification, justification, etc

If you think that we are justified positionally while our life is godless, demonic, and no different than that of evil unbelievers, you are fooling yourself.

So Paul encouraged violation of the Decalogue? No! He reinforced every command except the Sabbath.

I hold that loving obedience to the law AFTER salvation by grace through faith is consistent with how Jesus and Paul lived. The law condemns us as sinners. It does not save us. We cannot keep the law (God's standard is perfection in thought, word, motive, deed) in order to be saved.

You are slandering me.

Romans 4:7 is talking about initial justification, not subsequent lapses. Our past sins are not counted against us. This does not mean that God is blind to our future sins and winks at them as we fall into them again. It should not be extrapolated as unconditional forgiveness while persisting in sin in the future.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
"There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." Galatians 3:28
That is true of both churches. The difference is the ministry. There are Jews and Gentiles in the Body of Christ. There are Jews and Gentiles in the gospel of circumcision.

And you need to back up a page.

Galatians 2

7 But on the contrary, when they saw that the gospel for the uncircumcised had been committed to me, as the gospel for the circumcised was to Peter

You have just shown that there is Jew and Gentile in this church. So don't try to say it the same just to a different group.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
I actually agree with GM on this one. I believe in OSAS, but I believe that Heaven is not a prison. If, upon arrival, the presence of God is not something you can tolerate, I figure you would have the freedom to go elsewhere and be miserable.

And I insist, nobody is going to say send me to hell instead.


New member
Why do you claim I keep sinning?
Do you know me?
Do you know anything?

We can see what you've posted.

Have you even thought about the idea that, Christ
was telling that person, not to continue, in THAT
particular sin? Just a warning from Christ to stop
committing that, personally chosen sin?
Yep. And after much chastening, that particular act will no longer be a problem, but, rest assured, another area will be brought into the light.


Well-known member
Saying that one can lose their salvation is like saying Christ can be un-crucified.

It is, exactly. And those same claims made against those who have been crucified with Christ, quickened and raised with Him brings slander against the very salvation provided by Christ's death and resurrection. How does such a claim show forth the riches of God's grace and His kindness toward us? It doesn't, it makes a sham of God's grace instead. :nono:

Ephesians 2:5-7
Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved; ) And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus: That in the ages to come he might shew the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus.

Put simply, it advocates the falsehood that God is NOT ABLE to keep us unto the day of redemption. Whoever is not fully persuaded of that truth does not have the faith needed for justification before God. Lack of assurance of one's salvation is a sure sign one needs to examine himself whether he even be IN THE FAITH.


Well-known member
You really should have gone through the entire letter because you must have missed in Chapters 12 and 13 where the writer, presumably Paul, identifies the recipients as fellow believers. I'm amazed, with your level of “discernment”, that you missed that. "Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." And he goes on to encourage them to endure their opposition for "we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our 'God is a consuming fire.' " It is a letter of exhortation, love and encouragement to fellow believers. "May the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing his will and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen." And so, not only do myriad Bible commentaries identify the recipients of this letter as Hebrew Christians but also the letter itself accomplishes this.

Simply ignored the entirety of Hebrews and picked out what you liked. This pick and choose reading of the Word of God is why we see so much ignorance being displayed on this thread. :chuckle:


Well-known member
You are wasting your breath. We have been going round and round with him and losing salvation. Including Judas with what you are pointing out. It goes even further. Judas was chosen because he was a devil. Rulz doesn't care, he wants to pull people from the faith.

Yeah, I guess I am. I wonder if they'll be claiming the Antichrist was saved before he was lost, too?

John 17:12
While I was with them in the world, I kept them in thy name: those that thou gavest me I have kept, and none of them is lost, but the son of perdition; that the scripture might be fulfilled.

2 Thessalonians 2:3
Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;


Well-known member
That would be an OSAS doctrinal addendum. The two always seem to run hand in hand. God foreknew our choices. He didn't make them for us. He gave us free will to choose Him or walk away.

Yes, He did.

For those who don't walk away....wonder of wonder and miracle of miracles, He creates in us a clean heart and renews a right spirit in us. We become His longer street urchins. We are now kept by the Power of God.....which, sadly, you doubters deny.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Paul states in Ephesians 6:12 "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." What some fail to recognize; there are two realms that exist, side by side. The physical realm, where we live, and are restricted by the passage of time. On the other hand, the Spiritual realm where there exists no such limitation.God can see the past, present and future, all at the same time. Why? Because, he's not restricted by the element of time. He, knows who will place their faith in His Son, and receive He's mercy, forgiveness, and eternal life. John in, Revelation is allowed a glimpse of what will be transpiring, at the Judgment.
Some here are unable to grasp the idea that, a saved person can exist (spirit wise) in the, Body of Christ while living in their physical (fleshly) bodies here in this world. A true, born-again Spiritually person, in essence has a dual citizenship. In their flesh, they are capable of choosing to sin, at the same time, in the Spiritual realm, they cannot and do not, commit sin. Why? Because they are in Christ and Christ is in them. Christ cannot sin therefore, those that are in His body, cannot sin. Our spirit dwells within Christ, He is perfect/sinless therefore, God the Father sees us the same way. Christ shed His blood and resurrected for ALL our sins, 2000 years ago. Once one has placed their faith in Christ as Lord and Savior, they're not held to the same standard as the unsaved. They are now, free in Christ, cleansed of ALL sin (past, present, and future) and guaranteed life eternal with God. After all, they are now considered (through Christ) a child of God. They cannot lose their salvation through an act of sin done by the body, due to the fact; they have NO sin in the spirit, which is in the spiritual realm. Now, as far as, disobedience goes, God, reserves the right to discipline His child, who is disobedient in the flesh. We must always keep in mind, however, that we do NOT sin, being positioned in the spirit in Christ, but the flesh is capable of disobedience, and that, God will deal with us here, while we're in the flesh! In conclusion, no one who is truly saved by the Spirit of God can lose their salvation through sin done by the body of flesh (they have no sin to lose in the spirit).The believers cache in the spirit has no record of sin, but the body of flesh has sin applied and the judgement for it is death. The physical body will die, and be raised again in Christ and join together on the last day. In our spirit essence we've been, emptied of sin by Gods Grace!
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New member
Free Will in the confines of an ordered structure, is not really free will: you can chose Heaven or Hell, there are no other choices.
Free Will independent of imposed consequences would be something else entirely.IF man had the ability to live outside of God's constructed 'world' to do as he sees fit, then we have an entirely different dynamic. The choices made in this scenario would render God's judgments meaningless, for they would have no power over man.
Man is created inside of God's order, his free will to chose is limited by man's own limitations of understanding and knowledge. Would a man if he fully understood and knew what eternity meant chose Hell - eternal torment? The idea of choice or free will without full knowledge of the consequences is problematic. Further more, the only way free will and choice would have any merit would be if the consequences did not apply, man has no where else to go, he is powerless over his future destiny, if the only scenario is one in which he must chose Heaven or Hell, there is no third option. Well, unless you are a Sadducee and then you're just worm food, or a J.W. and then you just soul sleep, a Mormon might if they achieve exaltation go to another planet, a Bahia could do spiritual progression, a Buddhist try again and again..well you do have choices, but not under this construct.


Well-known member
God chose a devil for the inner circle of Christ and called him an apostle?! What Bible are you reading? A Calvinistic one or the Satanic Bible?

Our Lord quoted Psalm 41 for good reason. One's enemies are the subject here...those who have access but are false friends...betrayers as Judas was. To say there is a Calvinist or a Satanic Bible only proves you don't pay close attention to God's Word when you form your opinions. Yes, Judas was chosen for the very act of betrayal in the same way God raised up Pharoah to persecute the children of Israel. Jesus knew from the beginning who believed NOT and who would betray Him. That is the reason Judas was chosen.

Psalm 41:9
Yea, mine own familiar friend, in whom I trusted, which did eat of my bread, hath lifted up his heel against me.