toldailytopic: Occupy Wall Street calls for a general boycott on May Day (May 1st). W


New member
"Seem" to be against the OWS movement? Allow me to remove all doubt in my case.
So does that mean you are IN FAVOR of godless capitalists taking money from bad mortgages, bundling it into derivatives and credit default swaps, gambling and betting against the people who own them, causing trillions in bad debt sending our whole economy to ruin, and then giving the taxpayers the bill so they can continue to do the same thing and rack up huge bonuses? If you are in favor of this, then you need to doubt a lot more.
There is such a thing as godless capitalism, although the parameters in defining it are somewhat ephemeral depending on with whom you talk.
You're on TOL; how about talking to Jesus. He'll tell you the one about the camel and the eye of a needle. Remember that one?
If you mean regarding Wal-Mart, that it should be unionized, then forget about it. If you want to talk about them filling their shelves with substandard products from China, I may be in some agreement.
It goes together. You can't offer cheap, lousy products from China without using their slave labor, because labor here is outsourced, and their own workers are not unionized and undercut by free trade. It all goes together.


New member
Seriously eemee, why do you bother? The subject matter is clearly beyond your ability to master, you have no intellectual curiousity - all you can do is whine.

:idea: Just like the rest of the OWS bums.

Why do you bother to put out your tired nonsense about "individual responsibility" as the answer to what anyone says, and anyone who disagrees is a dumb bum? I've heard it already; go away Dude.

One Eyed Jack

New member
I pay less now for a pair of sneakers than I did in high school in the seventies.

That's a bad thing? :idunno:

I pay less for a whole computer now than I did for just a floppy drive back in the '80s. Well, less than my dad paid, anyway. And nobody had hard drives -- they costed as much as cars back then.


New member
Hall of Fame
You answered your own question. You are part of the reason why we have no quality goods, and no communities;
Blatantly false. An outright lie, I say.

We have no quality goods? I need only point to some quality goods for sale. Shall I?

No communities? That's not just a lie, it's an especially stupid one.
Wall Street but no Main Street.
If Main Street can't compete, then good.
I've been to Walmart too, thank you very much. What a pitiful wasteland.
Your opinion. Others disagree. Are you comfortable forcing the rest of us to conform to your opinion? Especially when you're in the minority here?

And I don't buy expensive things; I'm a bargain hunter. Paying less for much less quality is not a bargain.
That doesn't matter. If I'd rather pay $10 for a can opener worth $1, over a $100 can opener worth $1,000...and the vast majority of people feel the don't get to tell us we can't do that. And if that means can opener makers make more $1 can openers to sell for $10 so all us cheap can opener lovers can have one, it's not your business.

You don't get to tell me how to shop.
And of course people line up for the low wages in a trickle-down depressed free-trade economy you Republicans have created where there are no jobs.
So your solution is to tell those people they can't have a job at all. Nice.


New member
Blatantly false. An outright lie, I say.

We have no quality goods? I need only point to some quality goods for sale. Shall I?

No communities? That's not just a lie, it's an especially stupid one.
You have no knowledge of what is happening to America, Miss contrary. That's why you so unknowingly contribute to it. Main Streets are the backbone of communities. Wallmarts are big boxes and big parking lots, with nothing but lousy goods made with foreign cheap labor. You can keep your "community." American society under Republican ideology is nothing but trash.
If Main Street can't compete, then good.
Your opinion. Others disagree. Are you comfortable forcing the rest of us to conform to your opinion? Especially when you're in the minority here?
The majority here are in the minority in America. And anyone who agrees with your opinion is wrong. Competition has not the slightest thing to do with what is better or more valuable. It is just greed. That's all you believe in. You are anti-Christian.
That doesn't matter. If I'd rather pay $10 for a can opener worth $1, over a $100 can opener worth $1,000...and the vast majority of people feel the don't get to tell us we can't do that. And if that means can opener makers make more $1 can openers to sell for $10 so all us cheap can opener lovers can have one, it's not your business.

You don't get to tell me how to shop.
Why would I bother to tell you where to shop? You have no taste and no ability to shop, so why bother? You can do whatever you want. I will express my opinions as much as I want. I have nothing better to do tonight, so that's what I'm doing. I have zero expectation that you will listen or hear the truth no matter who says it. As Jesus said, let him hear who has ears to hear. You definitely don't.
So your solution is to tell those people they can't have a job at all. Nice.
No, that's YOUR solution. Throw everyone out of work so they have to come begging to work for the extortionists at Wallmart.


New member
Hall of Fame
You have no knowledge of what is happening to America, Miss contrary. That's why you so unknowingly contribute to it. Main Streets are the backbone of communities. Wallmarts are big boxes and big parking lots, with nothing but lousy goods made with foreign cheap labor. You can keep your "community." American society under Republican ideology is nothing but trash.

The majority here are in the minority in America. And anyone who agrees with your opinion is wrong. Competition has not the slightest thing to do with what is better or more valuable. It is just greed. That's all you believe in. You are anti-Christian.
Why would I bother to tell you where to shop? You have no taste and no ability to shop, so why bother? You can do whatever you want. I will express my opinions as much as I want. I have nothing better to do tonight, so that's what I'm doing. I have zero expectation that you will listen or hear the truth no matter who says it. As Jesus said, let him hear who has ears to hear. You definitely don't.

No, that's YOUR solution. Throw everyone out of work so they have to come begging to work for the extortionists at Wallmart.

Oddly, I find myself entirely unpersuaded by your argument. :plain:


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Hall of Fame
It doesn't matter where people shop. What matters is where they are driven or forced to shop by economic policy. What matters is what's available to begin with.

Walmart started in little tiny towns in arkansas, like a 5 and dime store.

They got big because people wanted to shop there.


New member
Hall of Fame
They are telling people that they can (if they want) join a strike for one day that includes not buying things. So they are not hypocrites, because they will not be buying things that day.

And you don't know what all the people at Occupy events buy or don't buy.

If i was against a company i wouldn't buy thing from them.


New member
Hall of Fame
Blatantly false. An outright lie, I say.

We have no quality goods? I need only point to some quality goods for sale. Shall I?

No communities? That's not just a lie, it's an especially stupid one.

If Main Street can't compete, then good.
Your opinion. Others disagree. Are you comfortable forcing the rest of us to conform to your opinion? Especially when you're in the minority here?

That doesn't matter. If I'd rather pay $10 for a can opener worth $1, over a $100 can opener worth $1,000...and the vast majority of people feel the don't get to tell us we can't do that. And if that means can opener makers make more $1 can openers to sell for $10 so all us cheap can opener lovers can have one, it's not your business.

You don't get to tell me how to shop.
So your solution is to tell those people they can't have a job at all. Nice.


Thats right occupiers want it for free, no chores or anything. Just laze around and get high and talk about how bad they have it since its not given to them on a silver platter.

some other dude

New member
Walmart started in little tiny towns in arkansas, like a 5 and dime store.

They got big because people wanted to shop there.

Hmmm - maybe those worthless losers at OWS could go start their own little stores in little tiny towns in Arkansas instead of whining about how unfair life is.


New member
Hall of Fame
I don't know maybe if the Arkansas people love it so much maybe we should just keep all the wallmarts in Arkansas instead. lol

They were there, for the longest time, and their headquarters are still there.

Guess what though, if you dont like wal mart, you dont have to shop there. Amazing how that works isnt it.
They were there, for the longest time, and their headquarters are still there.

Guess what though, if you dont like wal mart, you dont have to shop there. Amazing how that works isnt it.

hey now. History lesson time. It is the 1770's: you don't have to buy the king's tea, but it's everywhere on the market and they undercut the native growers.


New member
Hall of Fame
hey now. History lesson time. It is the 1770's: you don't have to buy the king's tea, but it's everywhere on the market and they undercut the native growers.

Oh please, there are loads of competitors to wal mart. Good for them that they made out so well. They started in buildings on little main streets that were less than the size of a dollar store now.

Nothing wrong with hard work and growing a business.
Oh please, there are loads of competitors to wal mart. Good for them that they made out so well. They started in buildings on little main streets that were less than the size of a dollar store now.

Nothing wrong with hard work and growing a business.

good for them they made out like bandits. the only way you could start a dept. store is to pay your employees even less than walmart and hire even cheaper poor people. How beautifully ethical. Prrraaaaisse the Lord.
Walmart's idea of health care is to post the phone number for the public aid office on the bulletin board. They like making the local communities pay for everything.

One of their standard tricks is to promise the local politicians that they will bring in lots of jobs, but in return they want the local municipalities to excuse them from paying property taxes for 5 to 10 years. And they want the municipality to install all the water and sewer lines and their drainage system. The local politicians go for this because they are usually cronies of the local construction companies that will build the store, and they can blow smoke about bringing jobs to their community. So the taxpayers buy Walmart their water, sewer, and drainage systems, and give the them a tax exemption for 10 years, and then when the tax exemption period is up, Walmart moves the store a mile down the road and they do it all over again.

Meanwhile they drive all the local store owners out of business by undercutting their prices (losing better paying jobs for the community, and siphoning off millions of dollars that used to stay in local circulation), while they make the local people who owned those businesses pay for Walmart's water, sewer, and drainage systems.

And for all that the jobs they create are so low paying that their employees still need food stamps and medicaid to survive. Which the community also has to pay for.

well, this post definitely deserves a bump.

I say to ye that are blind, see the light! with this post.