toldailytopic: Occupy Wall Street calls for a general boycott on May Day (May 1st). W

"Buy American" has been part of the lexicon of the right for years, but not of the left.

We already know about Chinese slave labor. Do you think it's a new thing, a new pet project of the left?

I have to say, it's a bit odd, albeit refreshing, for someone who's a left-winger to come down on a communist country the way you do.

I am a socialist, please, please do not conflate all left-wingers with communism. No as far as this thread is concerned, the right wingers are supporting wallmart and the right wingers seem to be against the OWS movement. Your turn to explain that one.

EDIT: It would be more accurate to say that I am 'more of a' socialist, but obviously not in practice since I am an american. It comes to mind that the Europeans have many different shades and degrees of socialism, and probably have a far more sophisticated view of this term. Therefore I tend to hate to use it in such a general sense, to avoid being in danger of acting the provocateur in an educational field/field of political thought in which not only do I actually tend to select my ideology 'ala carte' but should with this hindsight wish to avoid generalization.
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Very rare indeed...:think:

maybe he is on the road to enlightenment. :D

My take on it is this : Everything I've heard on talk radio, on youtube etc. they all say quite discreetly that they are against restraint on the corporations no matter what they do including and not limited to the exporting of jobs. So your sudden seeming agreement with me I find suspect. Explain....?


like marbles on glass
I am a socialist, please, please do not conflate all left-wingers with communism. No as far as this thread is concerned, the right wingers are supporting wallmart and the right wingers seem to be against the OWS movement. Your turn to explain that one.

"Seem" to be against the OWS movement? Allow me remove all doubt in my case.

There is such a thing as godless capitalism, although the parameters in defining it are somewhat ephemeral depending on with whom you talk. If you mean regarding Wal-Mart, that it should be unionized, then forget about it. If you want to talk about them filling their shelves with substandard products from China, I may be in some agreement.

Socialism is just communism lite.
"Seem" to be against the OWS movement? Allow me remove all doubt in my case.

There is such a thing as godless capitalism, although the parameters in defining it are somewhat ephemeral depending on with whom you talk. If you mean regarding Wal-Mart, that it should be unionized, then forget about it. If you want to talk about them filling their shelves with substandard products from China, I may be in some agreement.

Socialism is just communism lite.

Interesting, I have never heard them use a term like godless capitalism. Or godless healthcare for that matter, for them it always seems to be strictly economic or capitalistic with not quite a salt-sprinkling worth of god (compassion) in it.

Unionized? Wouldn't you like a standard limit on working hours for the week? Or are you satisfied working 70 hours a week? Tell it to me with a straight face that you are.

No, no, the whole walmart vs. mainstreet debate you guys are the ones that typically don't support mainstreet. Unfettered capitalism is held in pretty high regard in your circles. If such is not the case, then, all that I've heard and read is untrue.

Btw I think Jesus was probably more of a socialist if not a communist.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
My take on it is this : Everything I've heard on talk radio, on youtube etc. they all say quite discreetly that they are against restraint on the corporations no matter what they do including and not limited to the exporting of jobs. So your sudden seeming agreement with me I find suspect. Explain....?

There is no sudden agreement with your complaint of jobs leaving the country, I agree with this statement completely but, as a realist not a socialist I know those jobs are not coming back whether I personally shop at Wal-mart or not. All the pontificating by the left and the occupy movement has not changed the way the world works, nor will it, in fact if you examine the portfolio's of most of the lefts icons I am sure it includes investment in China, India, etc., even the left likes capitalism as long as the elite are the only ones capitalizing.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Minimum wage is $7.25/hour. For a 40 hour work week, that's $15,080/year.

I guess that this cashier would have to do what I did back when I earned min. wage and take another job part time to augment their wages if $15,080/year is not enough, while looking for another job that pays more. The problem with most in this country is they want it all handed to them, feeling entitled to more because of ??? Americans have become lazy...


Well-known member
well, my ma certainly was right in quitting there. they lie about helping you with healthcare and they don't pay you enough to keep your vehicle running to get to the place.
Walmart's idea of health care is to post the phone number for the public aid office on the bulletin board. They like making the local communities pay for everything.

One of their standard tricks is to promise the local politicians that they will bring in lots of jobs, but in return they want the local municipalities to excuse them from paying property taxes for 5 to 10 years. And they want the municipality to install all the water and sewer lines and their drainage system. The local politicians go for this because they are usually cronies of the local construction companies that will build the store, and they can blow smoke about bringing jobs to their community. So the taxpayers buy Walmart their water, sewer, and drainage systems, and give the them a tax exemption for 10 years, and then when the tax exemption period is up, Walmart moves the store a mile down the road and they do it all over again.

Meanwhile they drive all the local store owners out of business by undercutting their prices (losing better paying jobs for the community, and siphoning off millions of dollars that used to stay in local circulation), while they make the local people who owned those businesses pay for Walmart's water, sewer, and drainage systems.

And for all that the jobs they create are so low paying that their employees still need food stamps and medicaid to survive. Which the community also has to pay for.


New member
"Buy American" has been part of the lexicon of the right for years, but not of the left.

The right wing has enabled jobs outsourcing with their free market, free trade policies and their enabling of monopolies like Walmart by destroying unions and anti-trust laws.
We already know about Chinese slave labor. Do you think it's a new thing, a new pet project of the left to rail against it?
There are gobs and gobs of things we already know about, but right wingers never get it, and keep on supporting them ad nauseum. Why should Chinese slave labor be any different than the rest?
I have to say, it's a bit odd, albeit refreshing, for someone who's a left-winger to come down on a communist country the way you do.
Left wingers in America are not pro-communist.

some other dude

New member
Why would anyone ask a dinosaur about whether a post is retarded or not?

Seriously eemee, why do you bother? The subject matter is clearly beyond your ability to master, you have no intellectual curiousity - all you can do is whine.

:idea: Just like the rest of the OWS bums.