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I don't think it is being gullible.
I stand corrected.
You are that gullible.
I don't think it is being gullible.
I stand corrected.
You are that gullible.
The only ones in denial are the ones who stand to lose billions and billions of dollars now that the global warming myth has been exposed.
Psst Antarctica is a HUGE continent, one active volcano does not make ice shelves on the other side melt.
Nor does a volcano explain retreating glaciers globally.
Why ‘Environmentalists’ Are Called ‘Watermelons’
Posted by Thomas DiLorenzo on December 7, 2009 08:07 AM
Because they’re green on the outside and red on the inside, of course. This is not just a clever joke; it’s true with regard to the professional “environmentalists,” if not most of the rank and file. All of their frauds and ruses, from acid rain to cellphone cancer scares, to global cooling, global warming, the “ozone hole,” “climate change,” etc., have one common denominator: They are used to make a case for a massive redistribution of worldwide wealth and central planning of the entire world’s economy. Communism, in other words.
What about all the billions and billions of dollars the coal, gas and oil companies stand to lose if CO2 emissions become taxed or otherwise controlled?
Who wins from global warming being correct? Solar cell manufacturers, people associated with wind farms, maybe nuclear energy proponents.
Who among these do you think has the most money to lobby you and try to convince you of their argument . . .I'll give you a hint it isn't the solar people.
As for your islands disappearing, may you enjoy this THREAD from March debunking this falsehood.
What about all the billions and billions of dollars the coal, gas and oil companies stand to lose if CO2 emissions become taxed or otherwise controlled?
Who wins from global warming being correct? Solar cell manufacturers, people associated with wind farms, maybe nuclear energy proponents.
Who among these do you think has the most money to lobby you and try to convince you of their argument . . .I'll give you a hint it isn't the solar people.
:chuckle: If you think new technology will never be invented, you have much to learn. Just as computers have gone from taking up entire buildings to fitting into the palm of one's hand, energy will also find ways of improving itself. It won't happen, however, if everyone is taxed into the Dark Ages.
Solar and wind have been proven to be totally ineffective as forms of energy.
It doesn't matter. Algore has become a multi-millionaire simply by scaring people, and scientists depend on our tax dollars in the form of government grants. Money is everywhere except in the hands of the average citizen who ends up paying in the end.
Sorry . . .sea level is rising.
The problem is market externalities. The price that all of us pay for carbon emissions, sulfur dioxide pollution, particulates and ground level ozone is not factored into the price of gas and oil. The only way to put those into the price of coal and oil is to tax them.:chuckle: If you think new technology will never be invented, you have much to learn. Just as computers have gone from taking up entire buildings to fitting into the palm of one's hand, energy will also find ways of improving itself. It won't happen, however, if everyone is taxed into the Dark Ages.
Is that why countries around the world are investing in both?Solar and wind have been proven to be totally ineffective as forms of energy.
It doesn't matter. Algore has become a multi-millionaire simply by scaring people, and scientists depend on our tax dollars in the form of government grants. Money is everywhere except in the hands of the average citizen who ends up paying in the end.
The problem is market externalities. The price that all of us pay for carbon emissions, sulfur dioxide pollution, particulates and ground level ozone is not factored into the price of gas and oil. The only way to put those into the price of coal and oil is to tax them.
Otherwise you wait till the fossil fuels run out and you have a train wreck in terms of energy supply not to mention climate and health.
I just linked the most recent data and the best you can do is link to one person's opinion?If the earth is warming, sea levels will become lower.
Um the link for cooling traces back to an article from The American Conservative Union Foundation. Not heard of any peer reviewed papers coming from them.If CO2 gases are polluting the atmosphere, world temperatures will become cooler.
You can't have it both ways!
You know that scientists interested in basic climate research get paid regardless of what the publish right? They don't make any more money from climate change.
Why ‘Environmentalists’ Are Called ‘Watermelons’
Posted by Thomas DiLorenzo on December 7, 2009 08:07 AM
Because they’re green on the outside and red on the inside, of course. This is not just a clever joke; it’s true with regard to the professional “environmentalists,” if not most of the rank and file. All of their frauds and ruses, from acid rain to cellphone cancer scares, to global cooling, global warming, the “ozone hole,” “climate change,” etc., have one common denominator: They are used to make a case for a massive redistribution of worldwide wealth and central planning of the entire world’s economy. Communism, in other words.
When I spent a year at Washington University in St. Louis twenty some years ago my old friend Murray Weidenbaum told me of a lunchtime encounter he had with another Wash-U. faculty member, Barry Commoner, who is one of the gurus and icons of the environmentalist movement. If you look up Commoner’s books you will find that his arguments always came down to this: All of our environmental problems will disappear if only we would adopt socialism. Anyway, Murray once asked him the following at an informal lunch (paraphrasing from memory): “You environmentalists are opposed to nuclear power, hydroelectric power, coal-fired power plants, natural gas, and all other forms of energy. But energy is the lifeblood of capitalism. Without energy our capitalist economy will be destroyed.”
According to Murray Weidenbaum, who was the Chairman of President Reagan’s Council of Economic advisers in 1981, Commoner just smiled and nodded approvingly
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So what? At least the average person will have money of his/her own to make it through the crisis. What you're considering is milking John Q. Public for every dime he has so he'll be left with nothing!