toldailytopic: Man made global warming crisis: is the hoax finally dead for good?

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Well-known member
I do not deny Earth warming. I do not believe the cause is us.

So you think a 33% increase in CO2 (not to mention other gases) doesn't DO anything? How about the fact that CO2 has not been as high as it is today since around 10,000 years ago? (we can see past CO2 by looking at bubbles in ice cores)

There ARE certainly natural temperature shifts, but they don't explain the current warming.

Still denialism.


Well-known member

With regard to the melting ice on the alps - you will probably find the ice hasn't been there that long geologically as the earth was warmer during the medieval warm period than it is now. And guess what - wasn't any great amount of CO2 getting pumped out of power stations back then.

Yes there ARE natural climate shifts but guess what we are observing changes that normally occur over geologic time, within human lifetimes. Does that sound like a natural cycle to you?


Well-known member
As Lew Rockwell asked

If we can't determine cause and effect now with certainty, how in the heck will we be able to determine it after the world state controls our carbon emissions, and impoverishes us in the process? No one will ever be in a position to say whether the policy worked or failed. That is not a good basis for enacting legislation.


Well-known member
Yes there ARE natural climate shifts but guess what we are observing changes that normally occur over geologic time, within human lifetimes. Does that sound like a natural cycle to you?

What????? Are you saying all this is immediate? THere is no sceince that comes close to backing up this ridicoulous claim.


Well-known member
The left today that supports world government to stop climate change bears little resemblance to the left of 100 years ago, which favored civil liberties and social liberality and was willing to do anything to end war. Now it has diverted its energies to a preposterously unworkable scheme based on pseudo-science. This is a terrible tragedy.

I agree Mr.Rockwell. It is a tragedy of epic proportions.


New member
Hall of Fame
How do you know that?

You can say that, but the evidence just isn't that cut and dry. At least not to me...but what do I know??:idunno:

You don't know much. :plain:


I agree with you that the evidence isn't cut and dry. I'm not sure it can be when dealing with climate. However, from what I've seen there is some evidence that points towards us having some impact in the climate change and even if I can't say it with 100% certainty, I feel going with that is erring on the side of caution. I would rather try to do something and it end up being true that it wasn't us than not do anything and it end up that it was us and we could have done something. I don't see an economic collapse that some people do.


Well-known member
How do you know that?
Because, while computer models using only natural variation explain temperatures prior to the 1960s very well, they do not match the current temperature at all.

You can say that, but the evidence just isn't that cut and dry. At least not to me...but what do I know??:idunno:

Read this site and watch the video

There is scientific consensus about global warming. Do you accept other types of science? Do you take vaccines? Do you take antibiotics? Do you drink pasteurized milk?

Human beings have an odd way of wanting to disbelieve things that interfere with traditional beliefs and ways of living.

Huge ice shelves in Antarctica have collapsed. By looking at the mud underneath we can tell the ice shelf had been stable for around 10,000 years.

Son of Jack

New member
You don't know much. :plain:




I agree with you that the evidence isn't cut and dry. I'm not sure it can be when dealing with climate. However, from what I've seen there is some evidence that points towards us having some impact in the climate change and even if I can't say it with 100% certainty, I feel going with that is erring on the side of caution. I would rather try to do something and it end up being true that it wasn't us than not do anything and it end up that it was us and we could have done something. I don't see an economic collapse that some people do.

Don't misunderstand me. I believe Christians ought to be good caretakers of the environment. I, personally, own as environment-friendly a vehicle as I can afford and have signed my denomination's statement on the environment.

Creation Care Initiative

That said, I find much of the science behind global warming specious and should be taken with a grain of salt.


New member
The only ones in denial are the ones who stand to lose billions and billions of dollars now that the global warming myth has been exposed.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
This is worth reading again.

Global Warming! You want me to worry about Global Warming? I'm 74. I'm still worried about Acid Rain. The environmentalists warned me that this Acid Rain would take the paint off my car, cause me to go bald, make me impotent. I'm still worried about that last one. Why haven't we done something about Acid Rain? Let's fix this first.

I am not exactly a die-hard environmentalist. But I do my part. For example on Earth Day, I chop down at least two trees--one for me and one for a friend of mine who is unable. And I eat a rare steak from one of my cows that I've slaughtered. And if I happen to dump oil on the ground (I change my own oil) or accidently let some Freon into the air, I burn a few tires to make up for it.

God bless, Tom from Mabank, TX



New member
You don't know much. :plain:


I agree with you that the evidence isn't cut and dry. I'm not sure it can be when dealing with climate. However, from what I've seen there is some evidence that points towards us having some impact in the climate change and even if I can't say it with 100% certainty, I feel going with that is erring on the side of caution. I would rather try to do something and it end up being true that it wasn't us than not do anything and it end up that it was us and we could have done something. I don't see an economic collapse that some people do.

I agree people should be good stewards of the Earth; however, signing treaties that are one-sided and enacting legislation that will make no difference whatsoever in the amount of Co2 emissions is foolish. China alone creates many more times more Co2 in a month than the US and all the other industrialized countries together make in the same time period, yet China is not getting on board any treaty or plan to reduce their emissions. They are "waiting" to see what the U.S and other industrialized nations are going to do. And what the heck does that mean? Does anyone seriously believe a communist country is going to look at the U.S. or other counties as some kind of "model" to emulate? No, China and the other third world nations that are industrializing now will not stop their industrialization to lower Co2, indeed I don't see how they can and become fully industrialized. The U.S. should never sign any treaty that threatens our sovereignty as a nation. We are responsible as inhabitants of the planet to protect the planet. We are not responsible to roll over and play dead every time some other country calls us to blame for the woes of the world.
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