? McDonald's is the only burger joint that I can remember off hand that serves their drinks across the counter?
Toco Bell, Burger King, What-A-Bruger, Wendy's, KFC and others hand you the cup and you self serve, which means you can drink as much as you wish regardless of the size of the cup? What has been accomplished by banning 16 oz. cups?
How about grocery stores? Should all sugary drinks (most fruit drinks are very high in sugar) contained in bulk containers (all those over 15 oz.) be banned as well? So much for trying to save a few cents by buying in bulk...silly!
Nanny laws are useless, you will never govern what the people do, unless of course you are willing to incarcerate them and the producer of the drinks, then all you accomplish is to increase the size of your tax bills to facilitate more jails!
But! The more taxes you pay leaves less for the food your family needs, so in a round about way you have reduced obesity for all tax payers....well done!!!
Nanny's should be banned! :angrymob: