Flipper... is it theoretically possible that a machine like the Hadron Collider COULD create a reaction (like a larger black hole) that couldn't be stopped and end the world? (just for sake of si-fi discussion)
Not really, for two good reasons.
First, gravity is an amazingly weak force when compared to the other three forces, and its strength is proportionate to the mass of the gravity-exerting object.
So a subatomic black hole, even if it were to be stable, would exert a puny force indeed as it would have the mass of exactly two hydrogen protons, not really large enough to exert a measurable gravitational effect on any particles around it.
These black holes are all going to be very, very small. Although the energies required at accelerators like CERN are huge, the actual amount of matter used in the beams is tiny. Fermilab could be powered for several years with a bbq-gas-cylinder-sized bottle of hydrogen. So there's not much inertial mass going into these beams which is good, otherwise they couldn't be accelerated up to near-relativistic speeds.
That means that all the black holes will be very, very small, which means they'll be very unstable. It also means that some hypothetically stable black hole won't just sit there, it would be moving at atmospheric escape velocities and will pass through the earth unnoticed and into space.
I also seem to recall reading a paper that worked out what would happen if one of these micro black holes were to somehow work its way down to the center of the earth where planetary matter is most dense, and if it defied theoretical expectations by a) remaining stable and b) accreting mass (which technically shouldn't be possible until a black hole is created above a certain size). They figured out it would be on the order of hundreds of thousands, if not millions of years before it would become big enough to be a threat. I am sorry I can't be more precise but I thought I had saved a copy; apparently not.
The cooler sci fi answer is if some totally unforeseen interaction were to happen, the black hole would sink into the center of the earth where it would overwhelm the planet in a matter of weeks, tearing it apart in gargantuan earthquakes before collapsing us into a accretion disk of molten rubble.