Just some food for thought for a few people like yourself, Kmoney, who might be on the fence or at least be open-minded.
Years ago, I certainly was a typical, average Christian who intuitively found the idea of judicial corporal punishment to be offensive. At first glace, it can seem to be. But, I'd like to offer some thoughts on this. To be clear, we are not advocating some kind of horrifying barbarism like in Islamic countries where they hack people's limbs off for stealing an apple, or whipping someone 200 times, etc. In the context of Christian theonomy, we are talking about something that will cause pain, leave a mark, but not maim or handicap a person, long-term. A maximum of 40 whacks, just like in the Bible. It is an adult spanking, and yes, it is certainly harsher than a mere spanking, but it is not crippling or maiming. It hurts, it leaves a mark, you get better, and you continue to be a productive member of society.
What happens if you flog someone and they die on the spot? Hey, that's obviously an important and relevant question. First, we all know that accidents happen. For example, if a police officer restrains someone or uses a billy club to subdue someone, and he has no way of knowing the person has a heart condition and they drop dead, that is a tragedy but that is not the officer's fault. He was doing his job. It was an accident.
On the other hand, if the person carrying out the flogging is criminally negligent (and shown to be so, with evidence), then they become liable for that injury or death and they would face the same outcome that their victim received. That means that criminal negligence in a flogging resulting in death would result in the death penalty for the person doing the flogging! So, you can certainly have a very real assurance that such a person would not likely act recklessly or overly brutal, even if they really wanted to.
It may also be relevant to point out that while we (Knight, myself and some others here) realize there is no reasonable likelihood of such a punishment being instituted in our legal system at ANY time in the foreseeable future, nevertheless we are advocating a system that we, ourselves, would be accountable to. We would face flogging for various crimes, including for example negligent injury to someone else.
I think it's hard to argue that prison is any kind of deterrant. That is pretty much a joke. I remember reading in the papers last year a case where a teacher had molested a student at a school, was convicted and sent to prison. A year later, another teacher at the same school did the same thing! The second teacher knew all about the case of the first teacher! Did it deter him? Not the least bit! And the kicker? That guy was sent to prison as well. A year later.... the school principal molested a child at that school! He was fully aware of both of the other cases! Did he give a rat's tuchis? Not in the slightest. No deterrance, whatsoever. Your victim and his/her family pays for your free room & board, entertainment, etc. This is not justice.
On the other hand, flogging is a huge deterrant to crime. Just ask anyone who has been flogged in a country where they do that, such as in Thailand. I have read interviews with such people, where they were asked if they would ever commit such a crime again, and their response was basically incredulity that anyone would even ask them that. "Are you kidding? I would never even think of doing that again!!!"
You take your whacks, it hurts a lot, it leaves a mark, you get better, and you live your life as a productive member of society. Believe it or not, it is not barbaric at all.
What is barbaric is caging people like animals, and then acting shocked when they act like animals. Bewailing recidivism rates, while maintaining crime schools called "prisons" at taxpayer expense. And then doing ubiquitous "plea bargaining" in the justice system because the prisons are overcrowded, except that those plea bargains only encourage more and more crime, and fuller and fuller prisons. It's a never-ending spiral right into a hole in the ground. It is insanity. That is barbaric. What we have today in America is what is barbaric. There's no two ways about it.