That's the point. I shouldn't have to look. It shouldn't even be a point of contention, if Islam were truly concerned about what's happening all over the world they would make sure that everyone knew that they condemn the actions of the terrorists.
I condemn the actions of terrorists. I'm sure you do too. I don't wear a shirt or a hat or ribbon. Are you a member of some sort of "I condemn muslim extremists" group?
...Or is your group closer to condemning Muslims
You will admit wont you... that terrorism by Muslims is a real problem that we are facing on a daily basis while a handful of Christian nutballs murdering a couple abortion doctors are on two entirely different scales, right?
I do admit that, to an extent... But "daily basis" in what sense? Consider we have troops overseas fighting Islam extremists/terrorists. Every day. 24/7. But think about it: Do you actually think there aren't
Muslims fighting against those extremists, too? Do you think it's only US troops? Muslims fight against Muslim extremists & terrorists on a daily basis. With guns. Every day. Dying. Boodied, brains blown out. They're getting killed... What exactly could they do for you to make you think they're committed to fighting Muslim extremism? I mean, besides putting their lives on the line? If you can't recognize that, you have an incredibly shallow sense of what's going on over there.
Again, do a search for "muslim peace" or similar... You'll find plenty of groups extremely active and vocal against Muslim extremists. Read the newspapers. There are Muslim-penned anti terrorist/extremist articles all the time. You say "I shouldn't have to look" ... But what, you think they'll be patrolling your neighborhood or knocking on your door to shake your hand?
If you don't see it, then yes, you should actually look.