Okay TH, break this video down for me, and give me some evidence as to why it is not telling the truth, especially concerning taqiyya
Sorry, I'll happily respond to any points you want to lay out, but I don't have the ability (with the wife and multi tasking) to entertain video. I can read and type quietly while watching "The Great Dictator"
but that's my limit.
I can look at it later, as time allows, but I'm not entertaining a particular defense of Islam, only responding to a few points raised...and most of my points haven't been actually met on the field. Instead, I've been treated to suppositions about my motivation and sensibility, which is about as controlling of the facts as an opinion would be of the weather.
Knight asked why Muslims aren't protesting violence in the name of Islam. I illustrated that they are. He suggested Christians behave differently and I noted the rather recent development of that in Western society.
Any takers on my actual points?
You're too kind Knight. One I would call a traitor, the other, well, atheism speaks for itself.
Given what you call argument often enough, you can only imagine my concern...well, pay someone to imagine it for you then. :thumb:
You aren't half bad yourself.
but sadly he lusts after being looked upon as the "reasonable guy"
If I wanted to be admired I'd stick my finger in the wind and come to another conclusion. Given you described me as naive, the gentle end of my expectations where an opposing perspective is concerned, I'd say taking my current position is hardly in keeping with your assumption regarding my motivation.
No. I don't desire to appear reasonable and reasoned.
I am reasonable and reasoned, both by inclination and training over years of serious, sustained matriculation. Some of it in schools even.
A man who wants to push me off that hill had better come at me with something more than a willingness to question, however gently, my character.
I'm neither lusting nor naive, which is why I tend to advance reasoned, sustained positions even in the face of absurdly emotional screeds of the sort shouted out by ASCon, who has as much to do with objective analysis and critical thought as Mohammed did with a bacon sandwich.
and in turn is allowing the enemy to get exactly what they want... a defender who attempts to convince his neighbor that... we shouldn't be alarmed.
Where I think you have it backwards. The radical fringe of Islam desperately wants to assume the main and general condemnations of their religion that conflate their position with that main make their goal more readily attainable.