Drug treatment works better than prison, for example.
...for those that
want to quit using, I agree. Yes, absolutely.
For those that
don't want to quit, it
doesn't work better. Not at all. What about them?
Education about alternatives to abortion.
This isn't a complete sentence. And I think that's because you got to the end there and realized you couldn't say, "...works." Same as the drug treatment/prison thing. It only works for those that
don't want to have an abortion but aren't aware there's an alternative within their reach.
What about those that just don't care? What about the babies being murdered (remember, this is what your opposition honestly believes) by these people, who your education will have zero impact on?
Respect for differences can be taught. I mean, education to teach people to respect others and not violate them, rather than blanket condemnations because they are gay, or because they violate other such arbitrary prohibitions based on prejudice.
What if that condemnation isn't based on some arbitrary prohibition or mere prejudice? What then?
All I know is that they are blocking the things that we need.
And I know that you should know more than that. If you can't be bothered with so much as glancing over why people disagree with you then I don't see any reason you should expect anyone to care what
you think. You've already proven, by refusing to examine your opposition's views, that you can't even be trusted with your own. You've obviously never challenged them. That is to say, you're duckspeaking. Mindlessly parroting what you've been told to believe.
It's all throughout this post, where you go on and on about why your opposition shouldn't be in opposition at all. Why they should step aside. And yet, over and over, you show you don't know what your opposition believes, what's driving their opposition. And much of what you do "know" is just plain wrong.
I tend to think you guys think the way you do, because you are told to think that way by authority, and you believe people should obey authority.
So you're defending why you don't care about and can't be bothered with understanding why your opposition holds the views they do, and your refusal to examine the validity of their opposition in the first place...by illustrating what you "tend to think" about those things.
I hate to point out the obvious but...if you knew what your opposition believed and honestly examined it a bit...you wouldn't have to "tend to think" anything. You'd understand instead. That's a better idea, don't you think?
As for example, the Bible, or Ronald Reagan, or whoever it is for you.
So you're really comfortable with having no idea what exactly?
In any case, your views are extreme (by your own description)
You seem to think that somehow establishes something. Like I'm automatically wrong or it justifies your dismissal without examination.
Prove it.
You, or people like you (if not you personally, and see for example aculturewarriors posts re "doctrine from God" etc.),
No, seriously. You kinda are. And, no, it's not okay to be bigoted toward that certain class of people that your peers tell you it's okay to be bigoted against. A little history study will show you exactly why that's very, very not okay.
And you want
me to shut up, sit down and stop opposing
your political and social goals? Yeah, I don't think so.
...think the government should not help people and the rich should pay little or no taxes, that climate change is bogus, that religion should be taught in public schools, that wars of conquest are justified, and so on. There is room for disagreement.
Yeah. Room for disagreement like, for example, how four of the five things you mentioned are just plain wrong. I don't think
anyone around here believes those things.
So, again, kinda helps to know
what your opposition believes, don't it?
But you guys are dogmatic, stubborn, and engaging in blackmail to get your way, a way that to me has no value whatever.
Um...what? What are you on about here?
You have labelled yourself in the side panel as a right wing fanatic. I am surprised you are even as reasonable as you have been in this post.
Five dollars says that's because you've never bothered talking to a "right-winger" before then.
That's not saying much, though.
Hey, at least I'm trying. Are you?
But yes, it would make things a lot easier if you would step aside.
Here's the thing...
Are you ready for this? Because, seriously, think about this...
What if you're wrong? And we're right?
No, no. Really. Think about it. What if? Because if you're wrong and we're right, and we just step aside, there's nothing stopping you from the destruction that will result.
This is why you stop and listen when people disagree with you. Especially if they disagree strongly. Because you're just a person. A mere human being. And you may be wrong.
There's just no better way to reexamine what you believe than to allow other human beings to challenge it. To argue it. For you to defend it. If you refuse to do that, then it's a big clue that you're afraid your beliefs won't stand up.
In which case...yeah, somebody had
better stand in your way, right? Before you accomplish those wrong beliefs of yours.
That's reasonable, isn't it? Makes sense, right?
I don't think there's much point in your positions; they are too extreme, even if there are kernels of justified concerns in them.
Again, you don't know what your opposition believes! So how can you honestly say this?
I'm not a fan of abortion, and understand why people oppose it.
I'm not sure you do. Can you
verbalize why people oppose it?
But there are concerns on the other side too, like the rights of women. The abortion pill almost goes to the beginning of the whole embryonic process and stops it. That may not be absolutely perfect, if you would rather have the issue than solve problems; but in a society of people who can get along, it is good enough.
Again, shows a complete lack of understanding of the issue here. Even though I pointed it out to you in the last post.
Abortion is murder. That's what your opposition believes. So by continuing to insist a murder pill is a reasonable compromise and that everyone should shut up and be happy with that...how do you think you're coming across with that sort of thing? That's not even touching the issue of those "rights" you mention and you're disturbing use of "get along" to mean "shut up and stop disagreeing with me".
You do not come across as reasonable and rational when you completely ignore your opposition's arguments, even when they're laid out on the table for you, and insist they just step aside.
That makes you appear, more than anything, to be arrogant and tyrannical.
A worthy model for you then!
Sit down and shut up? Like the Germans did with the Nazi's, right? Because, again, what if you're wrong? What if
you're the Nazi here?