toldailytopic: Is Mitt Romney pro-life?


Well-known member
Here’s what we found:

Abortion: Romneycare enables people to purchase plans that include abortion coverage. Obamacare does as well, but it also lets states opt out and lets individuals buy plans that don’t cover the procedure.

Illegal immigrants: Romneycare’s Health Safety Net reimburses health providers who care for the poor, regardless of whether they’re in the country legally. Obamacare provides grants to community health centers, which also treat anyone who can’t afford to pay for health care. Neither law provides any form of insurance coverage to undocumented people.

Public option: Neither plan has a public option in which the government acts as the insurer.

The really strange thing is that Romneycare seems to be working relatively well in Mass. It's something he actually did well as governor, especially as he was surrounded by democrats at the time. He did exactly what Obama tried to do: reach across the isle and enact some real, functional, health care reform. And yet now, he's being forced by the idiocy of partisan politics to claim that the very thing he did well, and that would probably help the whole country as it helped the folks of Mass., is something terrible, simply because Obama's name is attached to it.


Well-known member
And yet now, he's being forced by the idiocy of partisan politics to claim that the very thing he did well, and that would probably help the whole country as it helped the folks of Mass., is something terrible, simply because Obama's name is attached to it.

Don't know too much about federalist and anti federalists concepts huh? That's your answer. One size doesn't fit all.


Well-known member
Don't know too much about federalist and anti federalists concepts huh? That's your answer. One size doesn't fit all.
What I know is that we are in a health care crisis. And I'm not really much interested in these ideological peccadilloes. I'm interested in solving the problem. There are better methods than Romneycare/Obamacare. But so far that's the only method that has actually managed to be implemented and is actually working for the citizens of Mass.


Well-known member
I heard him answer a question this week when he said that he is pro-life. He mentioned that, if elected, he would stop funding to Planned Parenthood and end the money going to out of the country (I think to Mexico and other areas of the world) that is used to pay for abortion. He may have said another thing, but I forget.

I'm counting on his honesty. He certainly will be more pro-life than Nancy, Harry, the President, and other liberal Democrats in Washington, D.C.

The Barbarian

A little misplaced professional jealousy from Chrys:
barbarian is a shill for the democratic party
that is an easy thing to do here at TOL

Has Chrys ever said anything critical of the republican party?

Has Barbarian ever said anything critical of the democrat party?

Know that, and you'll know who the shill is. Oh, wait. My last post did that.


I heard him answer a question this week when he said that he is pro-life. He mentioned that, if elected, he would stop funding to Planned Parenthood and end the money going to out of the country (I think to Mexico and other areas of the world) that is used to pay for abortion. He may have said another thing, but I forget.

I'm counting on his honesty. He certainly will be more pro-life than Nancy, Harry, the President, and other liberal Democrats in Washington, D.C.

This. Anyone with an honest heart and half a brain can tell what Obama is up to compared to Romney.


Well-known member

That's true. The question is, will that matter/impact/alter?

Well, it takes three branches to make head way in change... but for right now - one of these two will be our next president ... unless God steps in and supplies another. What are you planning to do in the election? Are you voting? just watching? or trusting Obama?


Well-known member
We will never know, if all the deadbeats vote for someone who can't win, and put Obama back in by default.

Frustrating! Our country is so equally divided between God's will and man's will, that it has come to the choice of the "wishy-washy" few, who can't seem to decide what their beliefs are. Sometimes, I don't think they know how they are going to vote or whether they are going to vote until the last minute - then they don't really understand why they voted for the person they chose.

Frightening also is the Ron Paul group, who are so anti-government that they just won't play by the rules... and are likely to throw away their votes. I even like some of the Ron Paul ideas and I'm glad that they are beginning to associate with the conservatives in the Republican Party, but many of them are still prone to "cut off their own noses to spite their own faces."

That's a funny expression, but I've heard it all my life. Hope you know what I mean.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
We will never know, if all the deadbeats vote for someone who can't win,
Deadbeat lawyers, doctors, dentists (just naming the professions of a few I know)...certain disenchanted members of the idle least one retired Marine Master Sergeant working the (dead) beat in California.

and put Obama back in by default.
Because voting for someone other than Mitt "the tax shelter" Romney and Barack "if it's fix it" Obama will somehow reelect a man the last polling put dead even with his equally suspect counterpart.



“The wonderful thing about tiggers
Is tiggers are wonderful things
Their tops are made out of rubber
Their bottoms are made out of springs
They're bouncy, trouncy, flouncy, pouncy fun, fun, fun, fun, fun
But the most wonderful thing about tiggers is I'm the only one
I'm the only one.”


Well-known member
What honesty? I didn't know he had any:

Is this what you call "honesty"?

It is my opinion that a liberal Catholic wouldn't know honesty if he saw it. He ignores the tenants of his own faith in order to substitute his own will and thinking.

He is not even being honest with himself about his own faith commitments. He should call himself something besides a "Catholic." Like maybe a "humanist."

Your video was about whether a campaign adviser was a lobbyist. I don't care for the concept of having "lobbyists" ... but I know many people who are conservative lobbyists and are good people, so that issue does not bother me. There is no commandment from God saying that lobbyists can't be advisers too.

Romney looked pretty young in that video ... people can grow up, learn over the years, and even change. I'm counting on that... and as a citizen will work with other Republicans to hold our elected Republicans' "feet to the fire."

Can't do that with a Democrat ... they don't listen to me at all ... cause they know I won't vote for them.


New member
It is my opinion that a liberal Catholic wouldn't know honesty if he saw it. He ignores the tenants of his own faith in order to substitute his own will and thinking.

He is not even being honest with himself about his own faith commitments. He should call himself something besides a "Catholic." Like maybe a "humanist."

Romney isn't Catholic, he's a Mormon.

Oh, you're talking about me...

Why does it have to be either Romney or Obama? Why can't I (or you for that matter) vote for Virgil Goode, the Constitution Party candidate, for President?


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame

toldailytopic: Is Mitt Romney pro-life?

Not according to his record.

No, he is pro-abortion with exceptions.
I was going to agree but then I thought about it; I think he's lying and is completely pro-abortion.

Romney said he would appoint judges like

The judges who have ruled on the side of pro-abortion every time they've had a chance? One of them even stated they would strike down any law that sought to end abortion, completely.

Even more evidence that he is not pro-life

The decision to have an abortion will never be settled by the government. At least Romney won't let the government pay for it through a socialized medical program.
He already did; in MA.

Is Romney going to force those who are opposed to abortion pay for someone else to have one?
He already has; in MA.

barbarian is a shill for the democratic party


New member
Because we would be throwing our vote away... and the loyal voters for Obama would put him back in office.

That mentality is only going to perpetuate more of the same as what we've had in the past--and more of what we have now. It won't be until Americans get some courage and actually vote their consciences (rather than vote for the sake of political expediency) that we will have any hope of real positive change in this country.


New member
The TOPIC OF THE DAY for October 10th, 2012 10:30 AM

toldailytopic: Is Mitt Romney pro-life?

I don't know how any of you guys can trust him. He says he will be a pro-life president, but it isn't going to be a legislative priority. He is a CEO; he says whatever he thinks the market will bear.