toldailytopic: Is it immoral to smoke Marijuana?

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Well-known member
Humble opinion - any time you put any kind of smoke in your lungs - it's not a good thing for you. There's a reason why it's illegal - and for that matter, we should have tobacco on the same list of no-no's.

So - Marijuana has medicinal purposes, it's true. But much like any other naturopathic medicine, you wouldn't want to use it recreationally. The big problem here is too many people abuse it and our society has enough lazy kids who do nothing but consume junk food. We don't need to encourage them...

Yet people brush their teeth, and drink water with fuoride in it, is far more dangerous than smoking pot.


Is your intention to alter consciousness in order to avoid a sober state of mind? If yes, then it is immoral no matter the substance under consideration including valiums and sleeping pills. wanting to relax however is not immoral. If you find that you lose your sobriety after taking a substance intended to relax you, then the moral thing to do is to avoid that substance in the future.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Well this so called legality
Meaning actual, which rather eliminates the so-called portion.

is one I have a problem with!
Does that mean you think it should be legal? I'm not particularly in favor of it, adding one more sanctioned log to a potentially destructive bonfire, but I can't see the argument against it being too removed from any number of legal substances that are brutally addictive and tied to fatal illnesses.

kind of like the federal reserve and its legality,
Is it?

or the law that one must pay income tax.
Nobody likes paying taxes. Everybody likes a good road.

People...:plain: :D


TOL Princess
Yet people brush their teeth, and drink water with fuoride in it, is far more dangerous than smoking pot.

That's a red herring if I ever saw one. Besides, everyone knows that the doses of fluoride in drinking water are so low the only traceable adverse effect is dental fluorosis... Big whoop in comparison with total lack of self control - which is marijuana's consistent effect...


New member
I actually think fluoride is pretty bad. I have a filter that removes chlorine and one that removes fluoride but I haven't been able to get that one to work properly.


TOL Princess
I actually think fluoride is pretty bad. I have a filter that removes chlorine and one that removes fluoride but I haven't been able to get that one to work properly.

eh - you should wikipedia that stuff... I'll give that you don't want to chow down on it, but it's not going to kill you - especially not in the quantities we're getting in our water. There are worse pollutants out there.
Just sayin'...

Thunder's Muse

Well-known member
That's a red herring if I ever saw one. Besides, everyone knows that the doses of fluoride in drinking water are so low the only traceable adverse effect is dental fluorosis... Big whoop in comparison with total lack of self control - which is marijuana's consistent effect...

I take it you've never smoked the stuff.


New member
I don't trust Wikipedia for my source of health information. I've done research on it and given that my health sucks, I think it would be best to try to avoid it when possible. I'm not worried about it killing me. I'm worried about it being one of the gazillion pollutants contributing to me feeling like crap for the last 12 years. However, my stupid filter won't work correctly.

At any rate, I'd much rather ingest some cannabis then fluoride. But the city here hasn't seen fit to load our water with cannabis just yet. We have a problem with people shooting each other. Maybe we should try it.

I am just kidding of course.

Thunder's Muse

Well-known member
I don't smoke, no. But anyone who is familiar with ol' Mary Jane knows she can be eaten as well as smoked. Brownies anyone?

I've had a bad experience from ingesting it, so I wouldn't recommend taking it that way. However, being body stoned from eating it is completely different to taking a toke or 2. You simply cannot compare the 2.


TOL Princess
I've had a bad experience from ingesting it, so I wouldn't recommend taking it that way. However, being body stoned from eating it is completely different to taking a toke or 2. You simply cannot compare the 2.

One doesn't have to. Being stoned is, in fact, being out of control of oneself, which was my point to begin with.
Not good my friend. Not good.

Thunder's Muse

Well-known member
One doesn't have to. Being stoned is, in fact, being out of control of oneself, which was my point to begin with.
Not good my friend. Not good.

Define being 'out of control of oneself'. In all my years of drug taking the only time I was ever out of control was when I was drunk or high on Cocaine.


TOL Princess
Okay - let's try a little experiment - hypothetically speaking:
Let's give the average wine drinker a glass of wine and put them in a room with a basket of laundry. After they've had their glass of wine, ask them to fold the laundry. Guess how many articles they'll successfully fold. Do you think they'll complete the task?
Now - let's give the average pothead a joint and put them in a room with a basket of laundry. After they've smoked their joint, ask them to fold the laundry. Guess how many articles they'll successfully fold. Do you think they'll complete the task?
Now - what if that basket of laundry were a baby who needed a diaper change?

You and I both know what the answers here are.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Is your intention to alter consciousness in order to avoid a sober state of mind? If yes, then it is immoral no matter the substance under consideration including valiums and sleeping pills. wanting to relax however is not immoral. If you find that you lose your sobriety after taking a substance intended to relax you, then the moral thing to do is to avoid that substance in the future.

It depends on what you mean by 'sober state of mind', as well as what tasks you must perform. For example, I would never say I was in a sober state of mind relative to driving a freight truck, although had once qualified, as well, I seldom drive, although I recently passed the driving part of a basic license, not so easy for a seasoned driver, if you consider it. The concept in itself, changing consciousness is a personal issue, a private right and as long as one is not negligent, it should have no bearing on law or morality.

I might take something you mentioned for back problems, but would not call it immoral if taken to be calm.

Volatilizing the law is wrong, but not always specifically a moral question, as we have seen, sometime the law was immoral.

There is the law and morality, but changing your consciousness is not illegal or immoral, yet I agree, the means for doing it may be both.:wave:

Thunder's Muse

Well-known member
Okay - let's try a little experiment - hypothetically speaking:
Let's give the average wine drinker a glass of wine and put them in a room with a basket of laundry. After they've had their glass of wine, ask them to fold the laundry. Guess how many articles they'll successfully fold. Do you think they'll complete the task?
Now - let's give the average pothead a joint and put them in a room with a basket of laundry. After they've smoked their joint, ask them to fold the laundry. Guess how many articles they'll successfully fold. Do you think they'll complete the task?
Now - what if that basket of laundry were a baby who needed a diaper change?

You and I both know what the answers here are.


An 'average' pothead would be as tolerant to a joint as an 'average' drinker would be to a glass of wine.

Now, give a non drinker a glass of wine and then ask them to fold the laundry. Do you think they would complete the task? Now, assume that basket of laundry is a baby.......


New member
Define being 'out of control of oneself'. In all my years of drug taking the only time I was ever out of control was when I was drunk or high on Cocaine.

I have, on occasion, been emotionally out of control. Just for a moment. But, frightening all the same. So I work diligently at being in control so that I can fulfill my responsibilities in this life.
I raised five children and most of their young lives my husband was an alcoholic. I had to be in control of myself for their sake and for his sake and for my own sake.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame

An 'average' pothead would be as tolerant to a joint as an 'average' drinker would be to a glass of wine.

Now, give a non drinker a glass of wine and then ask them to fold the laundry. Do you think they would complete the task? Now, assume that basket of laundry is a baby.......
I don't think it's right to fold a baby though. :nono:

And lucybelle, a joint isn't the equivalent of a glass of wine unless that's a mighty big glass...hey, I was a musician for a number of years. I heard things. :D


New member
Forgive me if I repeat what someone else said, but I did not read the entire thread, just the OP and the last couple pages.

People see different problems with pot, people have had different reactions to their experience with it. The problem is not pot, never was, never will be. The problem is the situation a person is in that brings about the desire. Medical pot is used for medical problems, people use pot to escape reality, they're bored, peer pressure, you name it. Pot is to the problem like aspirin is to a headache.

If we could fix all the problems (we can't, that is the "work of God", imho) nobody would smoke pot or use any other "drugs", including all medications.

Thunder's Muse

Well-known member
I have, on occasion, been emotionally out of control. Just for a moment. But, frightening all the same. So I work diligently at being in control so that I can fulfill my responsibilities in this life.

See, I have lots of moments of feeling emotionally out of control. I don't drink alcohol, so I don't see anything wrong with occasionally having a smoke of mary jane, to give myself a break from the emotional rollercoaster.

I raised five children and most of their young lives my husband was an alcoholic. I had to be in control of myself for their sake and for his sake and for my own sake.

Sounds like my Mum.


TOL Princess

An 'average' pothead would be as tolerant to a joint as an 'average' drinker would be to a glass of wine.

Now, give a non drinker a glass of wine and then ask them to fold the laundry. Do you think they would complete the task? Now, assume that basket of laundry is a baby.......

Whoa there.
I think my point sort of bounced off your head a little. Scientifically speaking -we can measure a persons blood alcohol content. By law a person with a glass of wine in their system, with a body mass of 140 will not be considered too drunk to operate a vehicle - by the line of reasoning - they should be able to handle themselves with a laundry basket and subsequently, a baby.
However - a persons weight will not determine the effect that marijuana has on them. The interpretation of blood concentrations here is practically impossible to establish.
You're trying to say an apple is an orange because they're both fruit. Yes, they're both fruit - but they're totally different.
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