toldailytopic: Is it immoral to smoke Marijuana?

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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Well how about people who use it for pain, depression, anxiety, etc.? Or does everyone who smoke use it as an 'excuse'?
You keep trying to put me in a light I'm not standing near, PH. That's your problem. I'm just being rational in approach. You're describing uses that go back to the medical, though there are medicines that will probably do a better job at any and they're perfectly legal.

Again, medical arguments under supervision aren't a part of my objection.

Is it always immoral to participate in an activity that necessarily results in inpairment of mental faculties?
Too broad. In relation to the ingesting of chemicals for no other purpose? Yes. That is, I distinguish between being put under before surgery with simply getting high, or drunk. And between that and a runner's high, or an exhaustive physical effort which might diminish capacity in the moment.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
What sort of "misconduct" do people who are under the influence of marijuana typically engage in?
A rabbit hole, but there are examples of fatal car crashes and other crimes being committed by people under the influence of pot, frequently in combination with other drugs, all of which impair judgment. But the point, again, is that this impairment is the point (medical uses aside) of smoking.


Active member
To begin with I already noted I didn't object necessarily to doctor supervised use for a medical purpose. The rest is hand waiving psychologically sponsored nonsense. You don't need pot to be creative or to meditate. And there are no unique uses, only unique applications, which are no more arguments than "Because I really enjoy getting high" would be. :D

Well that's good, because some people really can use marijuana to great benefit. And nobody 'needs' pot to be creative and meditate, just as nobody 'needs' a computer to write or a quiet space to meditate; but it certainly helps.

I've done nothing of the sort and you can't support that declarative with a single quote of mine.

You defend alcohol, which even a beer will impede your mental functions, even if only a little, on the grounds you don't need to get drunk to enjoy it. Guess what? The same is true with marijuana. Should I link you some pipes specifically designed to give one or two hits?

Again, I haven't shied from the abuse element, but I've answered on that point. And 100% of auto related fatalities involve automobiles. So we assert that the problem is the car? :squint:

I don't know where you're going with this one. The problem, in most cases, is people. And a lot of people go and get really drunk and then drive around. So many people do this. And a lot of people drink alcohol for this reason:

'The entire point of alcohol is to impair your mental faculties, which is a recipe for misconduct'.

It's true.

Because that's the thing, the state, from which any claimed benefit is derived.

What does it matter that someone is high, if they are in their homes? Why should you try to stop them?

Did I say otherwise?

Perhaps you can maybe explain why you support the legality of alcohol, which is more intoxicating and more dangerous, over marijuana?

Not uneducated? Are you uneducated in the law unless you violate it? Of course not. That's a silly non qualification. Else, only pedophiles could intelligently discuss the problem of pedophilia. I doubt you'd advance that as an argument.

Unlike some, who from sobriety or abstinence of one sort or another, almost proudly recount their experience with moral failure, I'm disinclined. Which is another way of saying, politely, none of your business. :D

I didn't say you couldn't know the law without having broke it. In fact, I never said anything remotely close to that fact. What I was asking is if you ever smoked it. Because if you haven't, it is obvious that you don't know what you're discussing through first hand experience.


Active member
You keep trying to put me in a light I'm not standing near, PH. That's your problem. I'm just being rational in approach. You're describing uses that go back to the medical, though there are medicines that will probably do a better job at any and they're perfectly legal.

Sure, they could prescribe them an benzo like Xanax, a highly abused anxiety medication that is highly addictive, like all benzos. Or they could prescribe them any number of weird drugs that have multiple side effects, and are frankly way way less documented than marijuana is.

Prescription medications, particularly those for mental disorders, are very dodgy, take weeks for any non-side effect effects to be noticed, and are generally poorly studied.

Why not just smoke a joint? Technically, any medication for mental issues, be it depression or anxiety, alters your brain chemistry


Active member
A rabbit hole, but there are examples of fatal car crashes and other crimes being committed by people under the influence of pot, frequently in combination with other drugs, all of which impair judgment. But the point, again, is that this impairment is the point (medical uses aside) of smoking.

Yeah, don't forget about the time that they called Pizza Hut because they had the munchies and ordered 4 extra large pizzas but could only afford 2


New member
A rabbit hole, but there are examples of fatal car crashes and other crimes being committed by people under the influence of pot, frequently in combination with other drugs, all of which impair judgment. But the point, again, is that this impairment is the point (medical uses aside) of smoking.

"Fatal car crashes"? As we have already established, most fatal car crashes caused by DUI are drivers drunk on alcohol.

"...frequently in combination with other drugs"??? Did you ever stop to consider that it's the influence of the other drugs that are causing that problem, and not marijuana? Your statements just go to show the relative harmlessness of marijuana in comparison with alcohol and other drugs.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Well that's good, because some people really can use marijuana to great benefit.
I think there's evidence to support that and where it can be applied in that fashion I'm unopposed.

You should know that holding that inhalation brings up to four times the tar of an unfiltered cigarette and can promote lung related difficulties. I just noted that from a Nat Geo special on the subject.

And nobody 'needs' pot to be creative and meditate, just as nobody 'needs' a computer to write or a quiet space to meditate; but it certainly helps.
The difference, PH, is that a computer helps anyone who wants to write. It is demonstrably causal in connection to the desired and beneficial end. The things some attribute to pot aren't universal. They're psychological manifestations tied to the belief of the person using.

And I've known addicts who would tell you they're high functioning or higher functioning on the drug of their choice. Only studies mostly don't back them on that point. Never trust a user to tell you what his habit does for him.

That said, I'm open to contra indications from solid, academically sound examinations relating to creativity and association. I've seen a little that appears to indicate that free association is eased in people under the influence of pot. I'd need more data.

You defend alcohol, which even a beer will impede your mental functions, even if only a little, on the grounds you don't need to get drunk to enjoy it.
Actually, a single beer or glass of wine with a meal won't significantly impair your judgment. I can point you to studies if you like.

Guess what? The same is true with marijuana.
No. It isn't. No one smokes for the joy of that burning sensation in their lungs or the smoke flavor. :D

Should I link you some pipes specifically designed to give one or two hits?
If you have potent pot a hit or two will get you that buzz without difficulty. And if you don't get that you haven't gotten anything from the pot smoke that you can't get by self hypnosis. So you aren't helped by this line of argument.

I don't know where you're going with this one.
You and Paulos have been noting problems with alcohol. But I'm distinguishing between the abuse of alcohol, which can impair judgment and lead to horrific consequences, with the use that doesn't. So the problem with car fatalities isn't the car, but the use. With alcohol, impairment of judgment is possible, but not the legal point or inescapable result of use. With pot that impairment is the point and is inescapably the conclusion of its use.

'The entire point of alcohol is to impair your mental faculties, which is a recipe for misconduct'.
That's just not true, PH. I can't remember the last time I was tipsy. I can tell you the last few times I've had alcohol though. And many people could do the same who don't abuse the product.

What does it matter that someone is high, if they are in their homes? Why should you try to stop them?
You don't make a million rules about where you can't drink excessively because it's impractical and invites abuse. You make the law against intoxication and the rest takes care of itself. Problem for you is that your product is all about intoxication.

Perhaps you can maybe explain why you support the legality of alcohol, which is more intoxicating and more dangerous, over marijuana?
I already have: it's safely usable with appreciable, demonstrable health benefits for those who do. That is, you can drink alcohol and be healthier for it without ever becoming intoxicated.

I didn't say you couldn't know the law without having broke it. In fact, I never said anything remotely close to that fact.
Sure you did. You said I was uneducated and the only point you raised to attempt to prove this involved an inquiry into my consumption of lack thereof. The argument I countered with parallels the failure of that attempt logically. You simply wouldn't advance the the notion that you can't be educated on addiction unless you're an addict or crime unless you were a criminal participant. Of course not.

What I was asking is if you ever smoked it. Because if you haven't, it is obvious that you don't know what you're discussing through first hand experience.
Nothing in my argument rests on an appeal to the anecdotal. To do so would be to advance a less, not more educated approach.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
"Fatal car crashes"? As we have already established, most fatal car crashes caused by DUI are drivers drunk on alcohol.
That's why I called anything past the point of noting the inescapable impairment in judgement as a rabbit hole. Maybe the pot led to the bright idea of drinking before they climbed into the car and headed out for food to answer the munchies. Who knows? Which is why I noted that the point remains impaired judgement, from which nothing particularly good will ever come and which raises the probability of an unfortunate outcome for all involved.

...Your statements just go to show the relative harmlessness of marijuana in comparison with alcohol and other drugs.
They demonstrably do nothing of the sort.


New member
Maybe the pot led to the bright idea of drinking before they climbed into the car and headed out for food to answer the munchies. Who knows? Which is why I noted that the point remains impaired judgement, from which nothing particularly good will ever come and which raises the probability of an unfortunate outcome for all involved.

Your argument is hypocritical, because it has already been made it clear to you that the vast majority of drug-impaired auto accidents are caused by drivers who are under the influence of alcohol only, with the remainder being some combination of other drugs, so it is incredible to me that you would point to such as a reason to keep marijuana illegal. If anything, it is a reason to make alcohol illegal.

They demonstrably do nothing of the sort.

You said, "The entire point of pot is to impair your mental faculties, which is a recipe for misconduct." I asked you to cite an example of this dangerous "misconduct" that people who are under the influence of marijuana typically engage in, but you have yet to provide me with a specific example that doesn't apply exponentially to alcohol. Your inability to cite just one such example of marijuana's "dangerous" influence on human behavior shows the relative harmlessness of marijuana in comparison with alcohol.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Your argument is hypocritical,
No. You need a better dictionary. I'm not holding a different standard.

because it has already been made it clear to you that the vast majority of drug-impaired auto accidents are caused by drivers who are under the influence of alcohol only,
Which, given the substance is legal and widely consumed, comes as no surprise to anyone.

with the remainder being some combination of other drugs, so it is incredible to me that you would point to such as a reason to keep marijuana illegal.
It's incredible to me too, since I didn't do it. I noted that it was a rabbit hole. And so my particular answer.

If anything, it is a reason to make alcohol illegal.
Well, no. Alcohol doesn't necessarily lead to impaired judgment, as previously noted. It does justify laws against intoxication though.

You said, "The entire point of pot is to impair your mental faculties, which is a recipe for misconduct."

I asked you to cite an example of this dangerous "misconduct"
I don't remember the dangerous part...but anything that requires fine motor skills and response times would be my answer. Any activity where impairment poses a danger.

but you have yet to provide me with a specific example that doesn't apply exponentially to alcohol.
Which doesn't make a point to help you, since I can give you any number of activities where the consumption of alcohol in moderation isn't problematic. That isn't the case for pot. Again, that's because of the distinction regarding the point previously noted about the very point of pot.

Your inability to cite just one such example of marijuana's "dangerous" influence on human behavior shows the relative harmlessness of marijuana in comparison with alcohol.
No. It doesn't. Rather, it shows your willingness to "determine" that pot wasn't the culprit in the one, off hand example. We don't know that. We do know that impaired reflexes and mental acuity is what leads to wrecks and bad judgment calls.

And we know those are the hallmarks of a mind impaired by pot.


New member
... I can give you any number of activities where the consumption of alcohol in moderation isn't problematic.

Some evidence:
Stroganoff cannot properly be made without a decent dry white wine. Nor Alfredo sauce. Nor any one of a number of dishes I regularly make for my family. There is always a bottle nearby for the cooking and sipping (if I don't like it's taste in a glass, I won't like it in my sauce). I also use spiced rum or Malibu rum to flavor my waffles and cookies :chew:

That isn't the case for pot.
Brownies? :think: No, brownies get their great flavor from chocolate and vanilla - maybe even a bit of Malibu rum :D but I'm guessing that the only thing that pot would add to a brownie is a buzz...

some other dude

New member
Too broad. In relation to the ingesting of chemicals for no other purpose? Yes. That is, I distinguish between being put under before surgery with simply getting high, or drunk. And between that and a runner's high, or an exhaustive physical effort which might diminish capacity in the moment.

I'll rephrase it. I think you answered but I want to make sure.

Is it your position that the use of marijuana to alter your reality - that is, to get a buzz - is immoral?

If so, is it still immoral if your desire to get that buzz is coupled with an expectation that it will have other benefits, ie. aiding in writer's block, enhancing an artist's creativity, etc?


New member
Hall of Fame
Yes. A beer a day helps keep cardiovascular disease at an extent. Why? Probably because of the folate's impact on homocysteine levels in the blood, which correlate to lower incidences of cardiovascular problems.
Fantastic. It's good to know that all my time at happy hour is doing my heart good. :thumb:

I would. I think the overwhelming argument, both fiscal and moral, is against the product.
Moral? And actually, fiscal?

Didn't think you would. Just responding to the notion that natural is somehow a part of the consideration here.
I still think it is relevant.

Except that possession is indicative of intent to use. People don't typically buy a six pack as a paper weight, by way of parallel.
Wouldn't, and didn't, try to argue otherwise.

We have criminal laws against conduct, but we also have criminal laws against states of intoxication to bar attempts at using a permissible state as a mitigation or defense relating to an act.
Are you referring to laws against public intoxication?

I've set out one or two prior. Any drug whose singular purpose is to intoxicate promotes that feature and invites a wider influence in relation to other drugs, even if that window is relatively small. Legalize that pure intoxicant and you encourage the growth of any number of ills and do so serving no particular good purpose.
You get intoxicated but it has been noted several times that people use it with other aims, even if intoxication is present. So it isn't true that the sole purpose is to get high. And you've noted several times that you are supportive of medicinal use of marijuana. You must put medicinal use in a box of being prescribed and obtained from doctors. Why should someone have to obtain a natural product from a doctor?

Doctors and drug companies would not like to see the legalization of marijuana. :greedy: I wonder how much that is behind the laws. :think:

And you should stick to arguments that are unique to marijuana. So, stop talking about how it is a "gateway" drug or impairs judgment. :chuckle:

I still fail to see why we can't have the same laws in use for alcohol in use for marijuana. :idunno:


New member
Hall of Fame
On doing something that impairs judgment being necessarily immoral...

Too broad. In relation to the ingesting of chemicals for no other purpose? Yes. That is, I distinguish between being put under before surgery with simply getting high, or drunk. And between that and a runner's high, or an exhaustive physical effort which might diminish capacity in the moment.


some other dude

New member
And you should stick to arguments that are unique to marijuana. So, stop talking about how it is a "gateway" drug or impairs judgment. :chuckle:

Did you know that virtually all heroin addicts drank milk when they were children?

Did you know that virtually all mass murderers drank milk when they were children?

Did you know that Hitler drank milk when he was a child?

We must criminalize milk! :mad:

Besides, if you want to talk gateway drugs you should be talking alcohol.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
...Is it your position that the use of marijuana to alter your reality - that is, to get a buzz - is immoral?
Yes. The Bible is clear about drunkards and Galatians 5:19-21 would seem to take exception to mind altering drugs, since sorcery is, in the Greek pharmakeia. And there are any number of warnings pertaining to the impaired mind in relation to the Holy. 1 Timothy 3:2-3 speaks to addiction to wine, but the point is the addiction and what that notes. Similarly, Romans 13:13 puts drunkenness on par with sexual immorality.

If so, is it still immoral if your desire to get that buzz is coupled with an expectation that it will have other benefits, ie. aiding in writer's block, enhancing an artist's creativity, etc?
Yes. You might as well ask if it's immoral to steal if the after effect is an enormous surge of creative activity.
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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Fantastic. It's good to know that all my time at happy hour is doing my heart good. :thumb:
Only if you're a sipper, since you undo any benefits once you exceed that one drink maximum. :dead:

Re: ban tobacco?
Moral? And actually, fiscal?
Yes. Moral because it works a demonstrated harm and is designed to addict and fiscal because of the death and destruction and the costs associated/impact on health care.

Re: but, it's natural.
I still think it is relevant.
Can't wait for you to demonstrate how then. :thumb:

Wouldn't, and didn't, try to argue otherwise.
My response was in relation to your saying that you didn't see why it should be illegal to possess it. If the only reason to possess it would be to use it at some point you rather have your answer.

Are you referring to laws against public intoxication?

You get intoxicated but it has been noted several times that people use it with other aims, even if intoxication is present. So it isn't true that the sole purpose is to get high.
Since whatever gain comes comes (and this is known to the user) with that high it's an exceedingly thin and practically meaningless distinction.

And you've noted several times that you are supportive of medicinal use of marijuana. You must put medicinal use in a box of being prescribed and obtained from doctors. Why should someone have to obtain a natural product from a doctor?
Because a doctor would distinguish between a legitimate medical use and the recreational. Natural, again, doesn't determine anything. Why can't I serve naturally growing poison mushrooms in my restaurant, officer? :plain:

Doctors and drug companies would not like to see the legalization of marijuana. :greedy: I wonder how much that is behind the laws. :think:
I don't see where doctors would pay any real penalty. Drug companies? :idunno: I doubt they'ed lose much business since we both know the vast majority of users aren't doing it to write the next great American novel, or because of a less psychological and more clinical medical need.

And you should stick to arguments that are unique to marijuana. So, stop talking about how it is a "gateway" drug or impairs judgment. :chuckle:
Why would I? The law of diminishing returns plays in...and it's scientific fact that if you are a regular user you'll have to increase potency or amount to reach the same high. Over time that's an invitation to other drugs. That said, I only mentioned the gateway aspect once and without particular emphasis, though it remains a legitimate criticism of engaging in the activity.

I still fail to see why we can't have the same laws in use for alcohol in use for marijuana. :idunno:
I've given you a number of distinctions between them. Alcohol can be used beneficially and objectively to promote physical, measurable health. Alcohol is not necessarily intoxicating. Alcohol has, as NM has pointed out, other legitimate uses that are also not involved in the impairment of judgment. None of that can be said of pot. Even the medicinal uses are, at best, controversial. No widely respected, peer reviewed, medical periodical has come out with a study that demonstrates pot has medicinal benefits that can't be met by legal means. And I don't believe the AMA has come out in favor of legalization.

I wrote:

I distinguish between being put under before surgery with simply getting high, or drunk. And between that and a runner's high, or an exhaustive physical effort which might diminish capacity in the moment.​
Because they are unavoidable elements of actual, beneficial and health enhancing activity.

Thunder's Muse

Well-known member
Hello :)

Just for the record, the meds for depression/anxiety aren't designed to completely fix the problem, they simply reduce the amount of bad days you have. However, there are some days, even on the meds, where they have little to no effect and you find yourself at the mercy of your illness.

Just sayin'.....
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