toldailytopic: Is hate always a bad thing?


TOL Subscriber

toldailytopic: Is hate always a bad thing?

Not always. I'll let the bible do the talking. There are two kinds of hate that the bible talks about.

There is Righteous hatred...Psalms 139:22 I hate them with perfect hatred; I count them my enemies

This "perfect" hatred expressed by King David in Psalm 139:22 is defined as not aiding and abetting the ungodly in their enmity against God and His spiritual children.

"You shall not seek their peace nor their prosperity all your days forever." Deuteronomy 23:6

". . Should you help the wicked and love those who hate the Lord? . ." II Chronicles 19:2

"Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship wit the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God." James 4:4

So this "perfect" hatred is defined as moral and Godly opposition. It certainly is not license to emotionally despise or harm others with vitriol.

For those who appear to be at enmity against God and act as His enemies today, may receive the grace of God tomorrow, and end up our brethren:

"You shall not abhor an Edomite, for he is your brother. You shall not abhor an Egyptian, because you were an alien in his land. The children of the third generation born to them may enter the assembly of the Lord." Deuteronomy 23:7-8

IOW's even while opposing wickedness, we are to respect our fellow man, for even the ungodly serve God's good purposes. This alone is what defines "perfect" hatred.

It is my opinion that emotional displays of hatred are not healthy, and harms us in the spirit, as much as it harms others. That is why I do not think advocating "Smackdown" is wise or good or a beneficial approach to proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ.



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I'd say it's short-sighted, pointless, counterproductive, and a waste of time in most if not all cases.


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I see very little actual hatred around me. Disagreement is not hatred. Even abuse is not necessarily an expression of hatred. Real hate is a sickness that harms everyone it involves.

I don't like haters, but I don't hate them, either. I just think they're sick in the head and poisoned emotionally. They act with malice and seek only to hurt and destroy other people. Their justifications are all lies and meaningless sophistry. And when I see one of them I wonder at what must have been done to them to cause them to become such a pathetic human being. But I feel little sympathy for them, as they have chosen to punish others just to alleviate their own inner discomfort. Pathetic though they may be, they're still just as poisonous.


New member
I see very little actual hatred around me. Disagreement is not hatred. Even abuse is not necessarily an expression of hatred. Real hate is a sickness that harms everyone it involves.

I don't like haters, but I don't hate them, either. I just think they're sick in the head and poisoned emotionally. They act with malice and seek only to hurt and destroy other people. Their justifications are all lies and meaningless sophistry. And when I see one of them I wonder at what must have been done to them to cause them to become such a pathetic human being. But I feel little sympathy for them, as they have chosen to punish others just to alleviate their own inner discomfort. Pathetic though they may be, they're still just as poisonous.

I see it a little differently. The sociopath is without love or hate. He is simply self-serving.
The ability to hate is so that we shall hate that which is evil and stand up to it and fight against it.


Well-known member
I see it a little differently. The sociopath is without love or hate. He is simply self-serving.
The ability to hate is so that we shall hate that which is evil and stand up to it and fight against it.
I don't think sociopaths enter into it. They do evil things, but I don't think they 'hate' anyone.

'Hate' is what happens when people are mistreated, become angry, frustrated, hurt, and confused, and instead of learning to deal with these misfortunes properly, they deal with them by inflicting their own bad feelings on others. Every human interaction becomes an opportunity for them to escape their own internal suffering and discord by causing other people to feel what they feel.

I had a friend when I was a kid who's father beat him. And I remember him telling me that he couldn't wait to grow up and have kids of his own so he could beat them. I pointed out to him that he hated being beaten, so why would he want to beat his own kids? But he had no answer, and he didn't care. All he knew was what he felt. I met him many years later when he was a man, and a father, and he looked and behaved exactly like his own father did - rigid, humorless, and ready to explode all the time. I have little doubt that he beat his kids just as he said he would.

This is hate. It's a poison inside people that becomes a weapon that they direct outward.

To say that we "hate sin" is a bunch of obtuse nonsense. Of course we dislike violence and abuse. Of course we believe it's wrong. Of course we want to stop it from happening. That's not 'hate'. That's just common sense.


Hall of Fame
IMO, the person that hate harms the most is the person doing the hating.


New member
Hating a concept, an action, or a status quo can sometimes be useful as a motivating force. I can think of no circumstance in which hating a person isn't simplistic and dehumanising.


Well-known member
I don't like haters, but I don't hate them, either. I just think they're sick in the head and poisoned emotionally. They act with malice and seek only to hurt and destroy other people. Their justifications are all lies and meaningless sophistry. And when I see one of them I wonder at what must have been done to them to cause them to become such a pathetic human being.

Usually it's hate. Hate fosters hate.


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Hall of Fame
Hating a concept, an action, or a status quo can sometimes be useful as a motivating force. I can think of no circumstance in which hating a person isn't simplistic and dehumanising.

I think this is about my view. :up: As much as I hate agreeing with a radish. :mmph:

john w

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The word of God says hate comes from the flesh, not from the Holy Spirit, so those who practice hatred will not inherit the kingdom of God.

Does my paraphrase help you get the point? :)

That is quite a stern and serious warning from the Lord, don't you think?


"will not inherit the kingdom of God....That is quite a stern and serious warning from the Lord, don't you think?"-Nag

That "stern and serious warning from the Lord" is not talking about salvation/justification.


TOL Subscriber
I see it a little differently. The sociopath is without love or hate. He is simply self-serving.
The ability to hate is so that we shall hate that which is evil and stand up to it and fight against it.

Are you claiming it is healthy to hate?

Are you equating serving righteousness with hate?

Are you saying it is necessary to express hate in order to oppose wrong or prove oneself not sociopathic? :shocked:

Is a hateful heart motivation a genuine and moral excuse to take a religious or political stand, or is there a higher standard (hint,hint) existent somewhere?



TOL Subscriber
I hate anchovies. I don't think that's a sin.

This is more profound than you probably intended . . .

But there is a wide difference between disliking or disapproving and hating.

The former opinions are benign; the latter is malicious and malevolent.



TOL Subscriber
Usually it's hate. Hate fosters hate.

This is the most grievous truth!

Persons can get caught up in the ~coolness~ of being a "Smackdown" artist, just by being exposed to smart-aleck posts, intended only to put down others and their views.

It is easy friends, to lose compassion for others . . . just to be an "insider."

It is a moral trap, set up by the prince of this world.

Don't fall for it people.

Be nice.

Be loving.

Emulate the Lord from heaven and His loving and Holy Spirit . . . do not emulate His enemy!



TOL Subscriber
"will not inherit the kingdom of God....That is quite a stern and serious warning from the Lord, don't you think?"-Nag

That "stern and serious warning from the Lord" is not talking about salvation/justification.

You only deceive yourself. Not others.


New member
Are you claiming it is healthy to hate?

Are you equating serving righteousness with hate?

Are you saying it is necessary to express hate in order to oppose wrong or prove oneself not sociopathic? :shocked:

Is a hateful heart motivation a genuine and moral excuse to take a religious or political stand, or is there a higher standard (hint,hint) existent somewhere?


I am not claiming it is healthy to hate. It is a tragedy to have to hate. Yet, we must hate that which is evil. We must fight against evil.
Generally, as we go about our daily lives we interact with love as our basis for our words and our deeds.
It is not loving to allow evil to flourish. We are in this world which has the Destroyer on the loose.
Hate is reserved for the Destroyer of life.
We cannot afford to be naive.

Son of Jack

New member


Sorry...couldn't help myself.:p